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Neither is wrong or right, but the standard English is defined by the majority of native tongues used that is in the definition of grammar. Don't ever try to correct native tongues, as they are the standard. You have learned some old and out-of-date English as a non-native tongue. Dump it. Adopt what's currently in use.
In short, language belongs to its speakers. Learning to speak in a way that aligns with how it’s currently used—especially by native speakers—is not only practical; it’s essential for effective communication.
In Long, language evolves, and its "standard" is determined by how it is actually used by native speakers, not by static, outdated rules learned from textbooks. Here's why this matters:
(1) Language is a living system
English, like all languages, constantly evolves through the way people use it in daily life. Grammar, vocabulary, and usage norms shift over time, and these changes are reflected in how native speakers naturally speak and write. Trying to impose rigid, outdated rules on modern usage ignores this natural evolution.
(2) Native usage defines the standard
In practice, what’s considered “standard English” is simply the most widely accepted form of the language used by the majority of native speakers, especially in formal settings like media, education, and publishing. Therefore, native speakers’ collective usage becomes the benchmark—not the rules memorized from decades-old ESL materials.
(3) Correcting native speakers is misguided
Telling a native speaker they’re “wrong” because they don’t follow a textbook rule often reveals a misunderstanding of how language functions. Native speakers shape the language through everyday use, and their patterns become normative—even if they differ from what’s been formally taught to non-native learners.
(4) Language learning must adapt
Many non-native English speakers were taught prescriptive rules that may now sound overly formal, awkward, or obsolete in real-life communication. Clinging to outdated forms can hinder clarity and make communication feel unnatural. Embracing current, in-use English—as it is spoken by native speakers today—helps learners sound more fluent, relatable, and effective.
(5) Descriptive, not prescriptive
Modern linguistics favors a descriptive approach: documenting how language is actually used, rather than enforcing how it should be used. This approach respects the organic nature of language and helps both learners and educators stay relevant and connected to contemporary communication norms.
我問同學們一個英文問題-Maxim88-♂(2025 bytes) (1208 reads) 03/21/2025 00:07:15
前麵的句子應該是句號。後麵的加了May I句子語法有點問題。一般說,May I ask應該是問號結束,你這裏的不夠通順。-暖冬cool夏-♀(0 bytes) (4 reads) 03/21/2025 02:16:27
您去問您公司的老美, 他們肯定加問號而不是句號.-Maxim88-♂(0 bytes) (1 reads) 03/21/2025 07:52:45
我的May I ask是以問號結束,請您仔細閱讀.-Maxim88-♂(0 bytes) (1 reads) 03/21/2025 07:54:34
你的問題不在問號, 是句子有問題, 不通, 請仔細讀我的回複。-暖冬cool夏-♀(0 bytes) (1 reads) 03/21/2025 09:39:34
同意暖冬,非問句應是句號。另外覺得,1 tenants前不需要the。2handles應為handled-最西邊的島上-♀(0 bytes) (2 reads) 03/21/2025 05:06:08
原因:1 假設以前沒有特指過這些租客。2 時態一致。English is Weird. 我跟感覺走,7G是語法專家;-)-最西邊的島上-♀(0 bytes) (2 reads) 03/21/2025 05:16:36
這些租客有後置定語的修飾, 肯定加定冠詞the.-Maxim88-♂(0 bytes) (0 reads) 03/21/2025 07:56:22
您去問一下您公司的老美, 他們肯定是這樣寫的, 即主句是過去進行時而從句是一般現在時, 他們說可以這樣寫-Maxim88-♂(0 bytes) (4 reads) 03/21/2025 08:00:10
哈哈哈,您既然這麽明白,是來考我們的嗎? 7G,移花,兄弟們快來救命呀! :-)))-最西邊的島上-♀(0 bytes) (1 reads) 03/21/2025 08:04:17
這些都是我公司老美在他們的正式email裏寫的, 我認為他們寫錯了, 和我的大陸英文老師教的不一樣-Maxim88-♂(0 bytes) (2 reads) 03/21/2025 08:07:53
可是他們仗著自己是純老美, 就是不肯改, 同學們, 這可怎麽辦啊?-Maxim88-♂(0 bytes) (2 reads) 03/21/2025 08:09:15
第一句話是我公司純老美寫的,她還是UC Irvine 畢業的,我說她寫錯,第一她加了問號,第二她的從句的時態錯了-Maxim88-♂(0 bytes) (4 reads) 03/21/2025 08:05:14
UC Irvine? 什麽專業?是不是酒後說滴話?;-)-最西邊的島上-♀(0 bytes) (2 reads) 03/21/2025 08:06:04
College of Communications, 這是她在她的正二八經的email裏寫的英文-Maxim88-♂(0 bytes) (3 reads) 03/21/2025 08:12:28
可是她就是硬頂, 她拒絕修改她的語法錯誤, 即使我這個老中明確告訴她的錯誤所在-Maxim88-♂(0 bytes) (1 reads) 03/21/2025 08:15:44
笑S了 ;-)然後突然想起來去看看日曆,哦,還有11天才是愚人節哈 。。。-最西邊的島上-♀(0 bytes) (1 reads) 03/21/2025 08:25:40
第一個句子不應該加問號,改句號是對的。時態倒是沒有那麽嚴格,可以是現在時,也可以是過去時。-暖冬cool夏-♀(0 bytes) (0 reads) 03/21/2025 10:00:05
Neither is wrong or right, but the standard, which is define-TJKCB-♀(326 bytes) (0 reads) 03/21/2025 10:15:57
我問同學們一個英文問題-Maxim88-♂(379 bytes) (14 reads) 03/21/2025 08:27:16
1st, 這句話的句尾為什麽是加問號而不是句號?-Maxim88-♂(0 bytes) (2 reads) 03/21/2025 08:29:13
Its colloquial and meant a question as in a phone chat.-7grizzly-♂(0 bytes) (3 reads) 03/21/2025 08:36:13
hmm, not sure ...-最西邊的島上-♀(0 bytes) (2 reads) 03/21/2025 08:45:04
Maybe its better put in double quotation marks?-7grizzly-♂(0 bytes) (0 reads) 03/21/2025 08:54:28
2nd,為什麽主句是過去進行時而從句可以是一般現在時?-Maxim88-♂(0 bytes) (2 reads) 03/21/2025 08:30:33
One was doing sth about a general practice. Why not?-7grizzly-♂(0 bytes) (3 reads) 03/21/2025 08:39:28
Agreed. Thx.-最西邊的島上-♀(0 bytes) (0 reads) 03/21/2025 08:44:19
您在美國是英文大咖, 不過您如果鬧著玩冒名去參加中國大陸的某一省的初中英文小測驗, 肯定被英文老師扣5分-Maxim88-♂(0 bytes) (3 reads) 03/21/2025 10:00:31
who cares 初中測驗 ?! 哈-最西邊的島上-♀(0 bytes) (1 reads) 03/21/2025 10:05:38