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Chiang Kai-shek (1971) | 60 Minutes Archive

(2025-01-27 14:16:10) 下一個
西元1907年,一個在日本留學的20歲中國青年,在與表哥書信往來中提到一段話: 「騰騰殺氣滿全球,力不如人萬事休,光我神州盡我責,東來誌豈在封侯」。





Taiwan’s Chiang Kai-shek (1971) | 60 Minutes Archive

60 Minutes 3.42M subscribers
866,514 views Oct 6, 2022 #60Minutes #Taiwan #News
In 1971, Morley Safer reported from Taiwan and interviewed the island’s ruler. #60Minutes #News #Taiwan "60 Minutes" is the most successful television broadcast in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen's Top 10. Subscribe to the “60 Minutes” YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/1S7CLRu Watch full episodes: http://cbsn.ws/1Qkjo1F Get more “60 Minutes” from “60 Minutes: Overtime”: http://cbsn.ws/1KG3sdr Follow “60 Minutes” on Instagram: http://bit.ly/23Xv8Ry Like “60 Minutes” on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1Xb1Dao Follow “60 Minutes” on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1KxUsqX Subscribe to our newsletter: http://cbsn.ws/1RqHw7T Download the CBS News app: http://cbsn.ws/1Xb1WC8 Try Paramount+ free: https://bit.ly/2OiW1kZ For video licensing inquiries, contact: licensing@veritone.com

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 @heuihgiuehuighu4303  你才不要竄改歷史 鐵錚錚的受難者家屬就在那邊 你還敢這樣說真的是不怕被天打雷劈
? @FlyingMan-n6p  Yes they the KMT and CKS did. Look up the 228 incident of 1947.
one china that is ROC,not PRC
FDR dropped the ball during WW2: He propped up the USSR which led to Stalin getting his friend Mao in power in China. We often don't think of the consequences of US involvement in WW2.
6 replies
Hitler invaded USSR in June 1941. We didn't enter until Dec 1941. Only because of Japan. Germany declared war on us three days later. Then we declared war. It wasn't really a choice.
 @anthonyfuqua6988  Do some more research. You are starting the story in the middle and what was taught in schools. FDR dragged the US into war against the interest of the country.
 @waverunner7063  He supported England with Lend-Lease Program but the U.S. was attacked by Japan and war on the U.S. was declared by Germany, not the other way around.
 @waverunner7063  Had Germany not invaded the Soviet Union, it may have remained neutral in the war still occupying Eastern Poland. F.D.R. took what came to him. Communist China was created in 1949, 4 years after Roosevelt's death. At the time of his death, Chiang was the ruler of China.
 @waverunner7063  I get it. F.D.R.'s. corpse was responsible for Mao.
 @anthonyfuqua6988  His legacy, yes.
Sigh, one of the greatest and most frequently misunderstood heroes of the past century, I know he made mistakes, lots of them, but given China's horrible situation, there could have been much worse leaders. Even the most anti-Chiang people would admit that he killed far fewer than Mao; even Western sources note that his killings of 20-30,000 Taiwanese civilians in his efforts to contain Communist espionage, is far less than Mao's 40-80 million deaths in mainland China during that same period. At least he helped America and the Allies win the Second World War against the Germans and Japanese, and at least he helped safeguard and modernize Taiwan, which allowed Chiang's son to transform it into the great democratic superpower that it is today. His legacy lives on in two highly successful states, one non-democratic and one democratic - both China and Taiwan - and that is what makes him one of the most unique and most controversial and complicated leaders in modern history. I personally choose to believe he was a better person than most imagine. Rest in peace, Generalissimo Chiang, knowing that your noble sacrifices will be remembered. :) 【 USA India Japan, South Korea , Philippines Singapore , France , Australia Ukraine and China】
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8 replies
The moral values he wrote and insisted on his citizens are what made Taiwan successful today. Additionally, during the 1949 and early 50s migration to China, every educator, scientist, engineer, wealthy businessman, royal descendant sided with him instead of Mao. This also contributes the wealth and technology development of Taiwan today. I am not surprised the descendants of Tang, Song and Ming dynasty are in Taiwan instead of China today
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@lati long Spain ruled the Netherlands from 1556 AD to 1714 AD, that's 158 years.
@lati long you literally wrote a short essay. I simply replied to you stating the specific year the Spanish first started and finished their rule over Netherland. I did not state anything else. I never said I agreed or disagreed with anyone. Just simply the fact that 158 years is how long Spain had rule over Netherland. Other than that I have absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the conversation.
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@lati long in all honesty I only came by this by accidentally clicking on the post (I never even read it). I just glanced at the shorter ones below it and decided to reply to yours because I was bored.
@lati long Oh gosh, well thanks for such great advice... that I (and probably most other grown adults) already know. As I stated: "I just glanced at the shorter ones below" I didn't read everything and wasn't going to. If a group of people are talking about something and another person simply comes by and listens in and says something about a particular specific thing, usually they will get a response for that specific thing they said. Not an entire short lecture over the topic (whether it be an agreementor disagreement). For this, it is simply common sense and that should be able to tell you everything.
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If there is a leader who really has the interests of his people in mind, it’s him. The diaries he had written daily incessantly for decades show how real and truthful he is. While the evil communist China was destroying Chinese values and legacy in mainland China, he did the opposite to preserve and promote them. He is the greatest man I’ve ever looked up to, never a moment of doubt. President Chiang, thank you for shouldering the heavy burden to look after us, and I know you still are !!
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 @jobs3089  Are you Taiwanese, bro?? I've heard Taiwanese people have lots of different views on Chiang. I personally respect and admire him a lot though, I don't think he was an "evil" person like some ignorant people call him.
 @ArnoldTeras  You’re absolutely correct. Chiang is a visionary. He was the first to realize the communists are evil and destructive to China while most Chinese were still being deceived including politicians and scholars. He is highly self-disciplined by the traditional Chinese philosophy and principles, later in life by Christianity compared against Marxists’ atheism. He killed out of necessity to protect the nation, not out of evil selfish intent like Mao and communists have been doing. The hatred many Taiwanese have toward him is unjustified and has always been manipulated by rogue politicians for political gains. The so called 228 incident was nothing but a riot but is now falsely portrayed as a democracy movement. Taiwanese owe it to him for their decades of freedom and prosperity if only they could see past their self-absorption.
At the time of this interview, Taiwan was emerging as one of the Four Asia Dragons and steadily making progresses as a society while at the same time, mainland China was in the middle of its cultural revolutions and policy mistakes that killed tens of millions of its own people.
Since then, 50 years later, Taiwan has became a full fledged democracy and adapted western values while mainland continues to hold on to its communism ideology and remains as an authoritarian state. The respectable journalists at 60 Minutes failed to see the differences between the two and often compared the two regimes without pointing out the crucial differences. While no one in 1971 can predict what is going to happen 50 years later but there is no excuse for ignoring what was happening then.

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1840年,鴉片戰爭,簽訂南京條約,割讓香港。 1860年,英法聯軍,火燒圓明園,簽訂北京條約。 1894年,甲午戰爭,簽訂馬關條約,割讓台灣。 1900年,八國聯軍,簽訂辛醜條約,中國賠款四萬萬銀元。 1943年,開羅會議,蔣中正廢除不平等條約。 1945年,抗日勝利,蔣中正帶領中國進聯合國安理會。 蔣中正,一個讓中國人站起來的民族英雄。中共隻是收割而已。
No matter why the International Olympic Committee called the delegation "Chinese Taipei". Very few Olympians come from ROC/TPE. SUMMER: First medalist from ROC/TPE: Yang Chuan-kwang (as Formosa/RCF) (Rome 1960, Athletics, Men's Decathlon, Silver); First female medalist, Chi Cheng (as TWN) (Mexico City 1968, Athletics, Women's 80-Meter Hurdles, Bronze); First Gold Medal: Chen Shih-hsin (Athens 2004, Taekwondo, Women's Flyweight) and Chu Mu-yen (Athens 2004, Taekwondo, Men's Flyweight). Of the 72 total athletes in the WINTER Olympic Games from ROC/TPE, none have earned a medal. They were first delegated at the 1972 Winter Olympics in Sapporo, Japan. Multiple Gold Medalist: Hsu Shu-ching (London 2012 and Rio 2016, both Women's 53 kg Weightlifting)
Chiang's Taiwan and Mao's mainland China were competing forms of dictatorships. The same was true in the 70s for North and South Korea. Fortunately, both Taiwan and South Korea later evolved into thriving democracies. They are now two of the most open nations in the region. Mainland China and North Korea remain stuck in time.
感念蔣公對國家民族的偉大貢獻 懷念沒有民x黨的日子,要求恢復ㄊㄞˊ灣光ㄈㄨˋ節 國民黨堅守台澎金馬超過一甲子,致力追求台灣2300萬人免於戰爭威脅,當年建設台灣創造經濟奇蹟成為亞洲四小龍之首,台灣錢淹腳目 國民黨與對岸達成擱置爭議的共識,外交休兵互惠拚經濟,既不被統、不急統,也沒自我矮化,更從沒犧牲一丁點國家權益 蔣公實施國民義務教育全麵普及、三七五減租耕者有其田,讓窮人能受教育及脫離貧窮
蔣故總統經國先生勤政愛民,生活簡樸,深受人民愛戴 兩ㄢˋ是ㄋㄟˋ戰兄ㄉㄧˋ打架造成ㄈㄣ治局麵,仍是一個中ㄍㄨㄛˊ我們都是中ㄍㄨㄛˊ人:我是中ㄍㄨㄛˊ人,未來一ㄓㄨㄥ是唯一選項 支持推動兩ㄢˋ和ㄆㄧㄥˊ結束敵ㄉㄨㄟˋ狀態 ㄌㄧㄤˇ岸ㄈㄣ治不ㄈㄣ裂 和合共榮 復ㄒㄧㄥˉ中ㄏㄨㄚˊ拚經濟
Taiwan never started as a democracy no matter what anyone says. Of course, things are different now but how different? We have "democracy' here, too, but you know.....
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