
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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天才 da Vinci 達芬奇歷經千辛萬苦PK 米開朗基羅

(2024-10-07 18:35:17) 下一個

影集:李奧納多(英語:Leonardo)2021 (who invented the pocket watch, the telescope for sailing overseas)

The 2021 series Leonardo delves into the enigma of genius by portraying the inner complexities of Leonardo da Vinci’s mind. Through Aidan Turner’s performance, the show explores Leonardo’s intense curiosity, groundbreaking creativity, and emotional struggles. His genius is presented as deeply intertwined with personal turmoil, secrecy, and societal challenges. The film emphasizes not only his accomplishments but also his flaws, leaving viewers to contemplate the nature of brilliance. The genius of Leonardo da Vinci remains elusive, a mystery even to those closest to him.

Script and Director: I pick my favorite character, Caterina da Cremona; she is blunt, honest, pure heart, say things she is not supposed to say, from the working class. She is all about love. 



The 2021 series Leonardo is a biographical drama that portrays the life of Leonardo da Vinci.

The cast includes Aidan Turner as Leonardo da Vinci, Matilda De Angelis as Caterina da Cremona, Freddie Highmore as Stefano Giraldi, and Giancarlo Giannini as Andrea del Verrocchio. The series explores Leonardo's creative genius and the mysteries surrounding his life, with a particular focus on his relationship with Caterina and his artistic journey. The show premiered in multiple countries and was developed by Frank Spotnitz and Steve Thompson?(







2 years ago (edited)
Thanks very much to all actors and the director of this TV-show, for me this is the best tv-show I’ve seen now days. It was so unique to get to know a little more about Leonardo Da Vinci. I knew just that he made Mona Lisa, so this TV-show opened for me that Leonardo was a Great man in human history. It was a real pleasure to watch. “If you have any interest in art or creation, this series will speak to you”. Yes, it was a huge inspiration for me, I also felt in my heart something which I was thinking I lost. Thank you very much also for this documentary interview film about TV-show, it discovers many things.


我才知道畫家也可以是工程師,建築師,物理學家 ,軍事家,幾乎文武全才。

Da Vinci 是個多才多藝&科學的人, Michelangelo 是個畫家和雕刻家
說厲害,da vinci 比較厲害, 說名氣也是 da vinci.

達芬奇流傳後世的作品不如米開朗基羅  也許畫內在這一塊米開朗基羅可能略輸 但是比靈感達芬奇慘輸
每個畫家都是獨一無二 其實不用比

Leonardo da Vinci did not have any children. He was never married and there is no evidence of him fathering any offspring. His personal life was largely focused on his work, studies, and various artistic and scientific pursuits. 這個故事編的好像還不錯。但事實是,達文西本人是gey。小娜的故事並不存在。

Leonardo da Vinci died on May 2, 1519, at the age of 67. He passed away in Amboise, France, while living under the patronage of King Francis I. His death is believed to have been from natural causes, possibly related to a stroke or other age-related health issues.

這部影片的錯誤:達芬奇是雷昂那多住的地方;麗莎是女士的暱稱. verify in English
ChatGPT said:

The statement in the video contains two factual inaccuracies:

  1. "Da Vinci is the place where Leonardo lived": This is incorrect. "Da Vinci" is not the name of a place but a reference to Leonardo's birthplace. Leonardo was born in Vinci, a small town in Italy. The name "Leonardo da Vinci" literally means "Leonardo from Vinci," indicating his place of origin, not where he lived. [他不可能說他叫達芬奇,他應該說他是芬奇的利奧納多]

  2. "Lisa is the nickname for a lady": This is misleading. The famous painting "Mona Lisa" is a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, a woman from Florence. "Mona" is a polite form of address, short for "Madonna," meaning "My Lady" in Italian, not a nickname. It is used similarly to "Madam" in English. Hence, "Mona Lisa" translates to "Lady Lisa," referring to Lisa Gherardini rather than "Lisa" being a nickname.

These errors misrepresent historical facts regarding Leonardo da Vinci and the subject of his famous painting.

3 days ago
1908年也有位畫家 (Adolf Hitler)被維也納美術學院拒絕後震撼整個世界 (Poland)
希特勒 一開始也想進藝術學校,可惜 德國又少了一個達芬奇/
藝術天分我認為米開朗基羅和達文西都一樣強 因為這兩人的畫工、創造力都很強 不過達文西的作品比較寫實,而且他也是工程師、建築師,現代很多醫學、工程學的基礎都是根據他的草稿創作出來的 米開朗基羅的話,很多作品都是人們想像中的美好 他比較是純粹的藝術家
還是習慣稱呼為「達文西」 兩人各有所長!「米開朗基羅」傳世之作有大衛像,「達文西」傳世之作有蒙娜麗莎!各有千秋,都是大師級人物,但我個人覺得達文西略勝一籌,他設計的武器與城防地圖很厲害
誰比較有名我不知道,但要說誰比較厲害我選達文西 論藝術才能,可能平分秋色,但自己稍微偏像達文西,他比較有"純粹卻獨特"的風格,ex: 蒙娜麗莎/維特魯威人 而且論才能的廣度,達文西太妖怪了 繪畫、音樂、建築、數學、幾何學、解剖學、生理學、動物學、植物學、天文學、氣象學、地質學、地理學、物理學、光學、力學、發明、土木工程 就算有部分領域有些重複,藝術家/建築師/數學家/醫學/動植物學/天文/地理/物理/科學家/工業設計,每一樣都是當代頂尖水準 達文西很可能是人類史上智商最高的人,恐怕隻有愛因斯坦/特斯拉/凱因斯能跟他比 PS 中國歷史有一個人也是全才,天工開物的作者,宋應星,雖然比不上達文西,但他在科學/生物/物理/化學/哲學/發明都有很高的成就

9 days ago (edited)
達芬奇畫的是 世界的細節與真實
米開朗基羅畫的是 理想的美好與展現
而達芬奇則是太耀眼了卻也是刺眼 一方麵是他的才能到達那些政要無法忽視的地步 能利用就利用不能用就毀... 而他的風格也太過細緻與真實對於這些政要而言 太諷刺 
直至今日科學家依然在研究達芬奇眼中 世界的細節與真實...(可惜的是他的手稿 毀的毀 消失的消失



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