
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客訪問:

the STAGE Academy.feedback speaking to a human being

(2024-10-05 16:57:32) 下一個

I’m glad I learned communication skills before I moved out onto a secluded property. Because when my wife and kids aren’t around, I only have my dogs and alpacas to practise with…

But the dogs don’t say much and I’m pretty sure the alpacas don’t like me because they keep spitting at me lol they are such jerks.

But not having the right people to speak to doesn’t need to hold you back from becoming a stronger communicator. 

I know what you’re thinking: ‘Vinh is going to tell me to record myself.’ 

I stand by that suggestion - you’ll learn a lot by doing so.

At the same time, I understand that speaking to a camera is very different from speaking to a human being (or an alpaca - and did I mention how much their spit smells?? ).

But if you want to practise your communication skills NOW and you don’t have access to people who can give you feedback…

Here’s the advice I’d give myself if I WAS living on an alpaca farm in the middle of nowhere when I started out:

Every time you open your mouth is an opportunity to practise.

Grabbing your morning coffee? Practise when you speak with the barista.

Practise when you’re greeting your colleagues. 

Practise at the grocery store checkout.

Practise when that stranger stops you and asks to pet your dog.

Finally, can you open your mouth and speak while you’re alone? 


I used to dedicate 15 minutes twice a day where I’d talk to myself and practise the many different techniques you’ll learn in the STAGE Academy. 

So if you’re waiting for the ‘right’ people to practise your communication skills with…


Not having people to talk to isn’t a valid excuse anymore. You can start practising today 

And if you need an extra nudge to get started, here’s a big one: 


Right now through the end of September, the STAGE Academy + STAGE Bootcamp + STAGE Insights are on sale for $269 USD for all 3 programs. 


You read that right - together, these programs are a $1595 value - all yours, for only $269. Want to see all the details?

>> Click here to check out the Spring Bundle Sale

Inside the STAGE Academy, I can teach you what to practise and I can teach you how to practise… But you still need to be the one who opens your mouth.


Huo-qing, I truly hope that’s something I can help you overcome, because the world needs your message, and the beauty only you can bring by allowing others to connect with you.


Don’t let the alpacas stop you from becoming the best version of yourself. For all our sakes.




P.S. In the alpacas defence, there’s 1 good thing about them - they poo in 1 spot!! They don’t poo all over your yard lol they pick 1 spot and they always poop in the same area. Unlike my dogs…  

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