1 month ago
I don’t need anyone’s validation or attention to make me happy. I know my value, so I choose me. That’s how I found peace in life.
3 weeks ago
A secure woman doesn't worry about having friends. She is one.
4 weeks ago
That's me. I moved away and left those narcissists and toxic people. Now I am free and enjoying my peace. ?
3 weeks ago
She's not afraid to stand alone because she knows her strength
1 month ago
I am a man and time has thought me that I am better alone.
Been married and had two relationships and my friends I can count on one hand with many fingers to spare.
At work I concentrate on my job and many people value my work and like me because they trust my work.
In my own company at home or out in public places I am happy and never feel alone. I am very happy with my own company and know that I am loved and appreciated.
I am now 64 have been used and abused but I never let that put me down.
I know my strength and abilities. I am nice, kind and complete even when someone tries to put me down, I know who they are by the way they treat me and by their circle of so called friends.
I value myself and never put anyone above me except God almighty.

11 days ago
People who don’t understand this will tell you to go back to the ppl or environment you ran from for the sake of company. Never go back to the prison you ran from. Freedom is ahead, not behind. Fly high ladies
4 weeks ago
More than twenty years alone with no friends but not lonely. Quite happily doing my creative thing with no judgements from others. I love my life. I just didn't expect Sir Anthony Hopkins to be the 'voice of Reason'