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  • 博客訪問:

James McAvoy Scottish actor /Priest (UK)Linus Roache

(2024-08-29 23:38:53) 下一個

James McAvoy: Narnia, Bands & Brothers, 

Scottish actor (born 1979)


2:11 I’m glad that he gave Greg some encouragement: “Love who you want, when you want! Get out.”

Father Greg is the metaphor of the Catholic Church. When I was going to a Catholic sectarian school we were always taught about the Church infallibility and immutability. But if you do a little research on its history you know that the Roman Catholic Church has its fair share of mistake. That because basically it is ruled by men, it is susceptible to mistakes. Those who run it are also not perfect human beings and are capable of committing unspeakable sins. Here we see our main hero who is a conflicted man. He is devoted to his vow as a servant of the church and its tradition but at some point its those very same traditions that make him unable to help evil that is happening. He hears a confession of a young girl who is being sexually abused by her father. To add insult to the injury the father also validates through a confession that he has been engaging indeed engaging in a incestous sexual relationship with his daughter and is not one bit remorseful about it. He want's the damn thing to stop, but at the same time he must respect the secrecy of the sacrament of confession. Father Greg himself, while a genuinely good person struggles with his own homosexual tendencies. He tries to deal with his urges the most discreet way he knows how, but eventually that becomes his undoing. Nonetheless, you sympathize with him knowing that he is not really an evil person. Its not like he raped anyone, or hired a prostitute to deal with his urge. I am not saying that what he did was moral, but the point is when his secret comes out, everybody judges and codemns him for that one flaw that he has and never really asked for. Nobody really asks to be born gay, or to grow up gay. Its just the way he is. In the same way, I do not want to say that despite of the catholic church being imperfect from my perspective, it deserves to be demonized. Niether am I saying that such acts should be tolerated. To tell you the truth, I honestly believe that IF (Yes all caps IF) homosexuality is indeed a sin in the eyes of God, then then let him be the one to pass the best judgement on them. Point is, like the hero the Church IMO is a flawed institution but it would also be unfair to call it bad or evil. I loved the ending of this movie (Spoiler ahead). Father Greg and the abused young girl embrace each other during a communion. No church goer took a communion from Father Greg besides that girl. And they end up sobbing together. I they were two broken people who found redemption in each other.
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神父演員Linus Roache 在1997年主演The Wings of the Dove



就是因為知道 神父不會告訴別人 才會和神父說呀 如果破壞了這種規矩 誰還會去說呀 暗示都沒得暗示了好吧
是對是錯 是好是壞 每個人的心中都應有一盞明燈 這個世界上隻有上帝是完美的 其餘的都是罪人 都犯過各式各樣的錯 居然如此 他們又怎麽能因為性取向 而定下一個人的罪

佛說罵意經: ●犯婬妷有五罪:一者、亡錢財;二者、墮驚怖;三者、畏縣官;四者、得怨禍;五者、己命盡墮惡地獄中。───《後漢安息國三藏安世高譯》


British press react to Father Greg. In this scene: Linus Roache (Father Greg Pilkington), Tom Wilkinson (Father Matthew Thomas), ...


After, after we fell, after we collided, happy ever after


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