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Ibrahim/Abraham, father to Muslims, Jews, and Christians

(2024-06-23 23:13:40) 下一個
It is ironic that last week’s Hajj and Eid al-Adha celebrated the faith and love of Ibrahim/Abraham, father to Muslims, Jews, and Christians. “Those with the faith of Abraham are the sons and daughters of Abraham.”

Muslims, Jews, and Christians are FAMILY, at the most basic level, by their own words and convictions. They are sons and daughters of Adam, and sons and daughters of Abraham, and “the faith of Abraham/Ibrahim.”

Peace, shalom, ?????? salaam, paix, ??? solh, Frieden, paz, 和平 hépíng, ????? shanti, pokój, мир.

‎Forgiveness, ?????** (ghufran), ???** (afw), ‎??????? (istighfar), ????? (āmorzesh), ???? (bakhshesh), ???? (gozasht).

Any progressive or conservative in the know should maybe be embarrassed by hatred, violence, neglect, and name-calling — when Jews, Muslims, and Christians have more in common than THEY usually even know.

According to Islam, as well as Jews and Christians, God intervened after testing Ibrahim/Abraham’s devotion, obedience, and trust — and provided an animal caught in the thicket to be sacrificed instead. This moment of testing the trust and devotion of Ibrahim to his Creator is celebrated by Jews, Christians, and Muslims worldwide, not just Muslims performing the Hajj.

The Hajj pilgrimage takes place during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah. Eid al-Adha, also known as the "Festival of Sacrifice," begins on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah.

The final days of the Hajj coincide with Eid al-Adha. While pilgrims are completing their Hajj rituals, Muslims around the world who are not on pilgrimage are celebrating Eid al-Adha.

Eid al-Adha celebrates that “Ibrahim/Abraham reasoned God was able to raise his son from the dead.” Trusting the Creator was a painful but safe decision, because of His character. While the Quran doesn’t specifically mention which son, Isaac or Ishmael — the Torah mentions Isaac as the intended sacrificial gift from Abraham to God.

The story here is very simple: willingness to do anything for Allah God because he is a God of both power and love — is a safe bet for all of the sons and daughters of Abraham, then and now.

And that character of the God/Allah of all three groups, Muslims, Jews, and Christians…

…includes love and forgiveness.

The sons and daughters of Abraham owe that to each other.

Shengwen Calvin Li, PhD,EIC,FRSB,FRSM


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View Lee Campe’s profile • 3rd+

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt x4, Dad, Army Ranger, Lecturer, Professor
Your entire post falls flat when you say that it doesn’t matter whether it was Ishmael or Isaac.
10 Replies on Lee Campe’s comment

View Michael H Peters’ profileAuthor

Founder Trusted Inc // Expert in Residence, Harvard Graduate School of Design (ret) // InspireMeCollaboration.com // RenascentInc.com Demolition // PanjshirValleyEmeralds, Trusted Blockchain // 20,000+ Followers
Ian L. The Quran does not say it was Isaac or Ishmael. That’s what was said. That’s a fact.

View Muhammad Nazir, RHIA, MBA’s profile • 2nd

Healthcare Portfolio Director, National |Strategic Healthcare Executive | Transforming Healthcare Operations with Strategic Vision
1 Comment on Muhammad Nazir, RHIA, MBA’s comment

View Michael H Peters’ profileAuthor

Founder Trusted Inc // Expert in Residence, Harvard Graduate School of Design (ret) // InspireMeCollaboration.com // RenascentInc.com Demolition // PanjshirValleyEmeralds, Trusted Blockchain // 20,000+ Followers


View Abdelwahab Sharfi’s profile • 2nd

The world is not managed by Religion ; Values or Common Sense . The American Administration; the US Congress and all kinds of influential Lobbies is the Address where All these unprecedented Crimes are infected with Palestinians planned and excited ...

To make this planet safe the US should be free from all those wicked corrupt politicians who care less about the American people let alone about Palestinians' or the rest of the world ...
I loved your post, Indeed overtures for peace and unity among the Children of Abraham so to speak, are so unfortunately rare in these dark days. Faith, and spirituality, and religion which was meant to bring people closer, has for thousands of years been abused to sow discord and hatred. Ironically, we still find people - even below this post - arguing whether it was Ismaeil or Is'haq who was to be sacrificed.
Interesting link at end the post, and to clarify we did this to ourselves by our recklessness and irresponsibility not abiding by the rules: "Pilgrimage to the House is a duty to Allah for all who can MAKE THE JOURNEY."
????????? ????? ???????? ????? ????????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ????????

View Zain Ahmed Siddiqee’s profile • 3rd+

Site HSE Manager| xSGS | xPepsiCo. | xRoshan Packages | ExelonTechIOSH, BRCGS Packaging, BRC consumer products| LSSGB, 5S, Kaizen, IMS| GMP| Sustainable Sourcing| Customer COC
We all the son of Adam... But islam is not for son of Abraham only. It welcome all the humans including Jews, Christian, atheist, Buddhist and polytheists to one direction. The direction thatAdam to Noah to Abraham, Moses to Jesus to Muhammad (??? ???? ???? ???? ) preached to follow the truth, live with peace, do the right deeds, do justice, obey your God.
Unfortunately Jewish people decided to make a group of different race and blood and started claiming they are superior even if they do wrong things.and that is against the laws of humanity, justice and God's command.
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