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一位文理大師Gùyùxiù 顧毓琇(美國麻省理工學院博士)交通大學的學生江澤民
Yu Hsiu Ku
Chinese-American engineer
Ku published twenty volumes of literary works and poems.[1] He founded the National Conservancy, the predecessor of the Central Conservatory of Music,[17] and the Shanghai Municipal Experimental Theatre School, the predecessor of the Shanghai Theatre Academy.[18] He also served as acting president of the Shanghai National Institute of Music, temporarily removed from Shanghai to Chongqing, in 1941.[19]
A 2001 concert featuring his works was attended by Chinese Communist Party general secretary Jiang Zemin.[20] In 2012, another concert at the Central Conservatory of Music featured his works and honored the 110th anniversary of his birth.[17]
Ku became a fellow of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, one of the predecessor institutes of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), in 1945; in 1961 the other IEEE predecessor institution, the Institute of Radio Engineers, also named him as a fellow.[21] He was elected to the Academia Sinica in 1959.[12]
The IEEE gave Ku the IEEE Lamme Medal in 1972, "in recognition of his outstanding contributions to analysis of the transient behavior of a-c machines and systems".[22] In 1999 the IEEE gave him their Third Millennium Medal, citing his "major technical contributions in the areas of electrical machinery, nonlinear systems and the theory of nonlinear control".[21]
The University of Pennsylvania gave him an honorary doctorate in literature and humanities in 1972, on the occasion of his retirement.[1] National Tsing Hua University gave him another honorary doctorate in 2001,[23] and in the same year Peking University gave him an honorary professorship.[24]
The IEEE Power & Energy Society and Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering created the Yu-Hsiu Ku Electrical Engineering Award in his honor. The award recognizes professional performance in electricity, electrical machinery, power system engineering, or related fields that has had a lasting beneficial impact on the Chinese society. Ku was one of the founders of the CSEE, in 1934.[25]
The Gu Yuxiu Memorial, a museum and cultural center dedicated to Ku, opened in 2006 at the site of Ku's ancestral home in Wuxi, and became a protected cultural site of Jiangsu Province in 2011.[26]
Gùyùxiù 顧毓琇(美國麻省理工學院博士)顧毓琇(1902年12月24日—2002年9月9日),字一樵,男,江蘇無錫人,中華民國博學家,中央研究院院士,精通教育、科學、詩詞、戲劇、音樂、禪學等領域,曾任中華民國教育部政務次長、國立中央大學校長、國立政治大學校長。
追思會(Celebration of Life)
顧毓琇的父親顧賡明畢業於保定法政學堂,曾在山東省財政廳任職,後全家遷回原籍無錫虹橋灣。父親將其子女全部送入新式學堂求學,但於35歲時,因感染了猩紅熱而去世。母親王鏡蘇(字誦芬)的五個兒子都獲得了博士學位: 顧毓琦(德國漢堡大學博士)、顧毓琇(美國麻省理工學院博士)、顧毓瑔(美國康乃爾大學博士)、顧毓珍(美國麻省理工學院化學工程博士)、顧毓瑞(台灣文化大學博士)五兄弟。其中,顧毓琇成就最大,因此,在無錫素有「一門五博士、毓琇稱翹楚」之佳話。
此外,他還獲選中華民國第二屆中研院數理院士(1954.7.1)【紀錄應標示為第三屆(數理科學組)院士,1954年選舉的是第三屆院士,第二屆院士選舉年為1958年】[2]。,國際無線電工程學會會士(1961.1),獲頒美國電氣電子工程師學會蘭姆獎章(1972.3.22),中國電機工程師學會金質獎章(1972 秋),中國電機工程學會終身榮譽會員(1994),美國電機及電子工程師學會電路及係統協會金禧獎章(1999.12.10)及千禧獎章(200.1.24)等殊榮。
顧氏著作甚多。除有關控製(51篇)、電機(34篇)、電氣網路(9篇)及相關議題(6篇)等的科學論文外,尚有1922年-2000年出版之戲劇、小說、詩詞等(留學期間6篇;教學期間25篇;退休後28篇) 。還包括2000年遼寧教育出版社出版之《顧毓琇全集》16卷。
** List of contacts of his life, interesting!