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America is not easy. We have come a long way. Ronald Reagan

(2024-06-17 20:35:33) 下一個

"America is not easy. We have come a long way." Ronald Reagan. I became engrossed in "Yellowstone," an American neo-Western drama television series that Taylor Sheridan and John Linson created and which debuted on Paramount Network on June 20, 2018.

"Your grandfather used to say that you,

you can't fix a broken wagon wheel,

but you can use the parts to make a new one."


"I cannot get enough of this show, this work of art. I understand how some will find that statement offensive, perhaps as offensive as much of the storyline and violence portrayed. My reality remains... Yellowstone, the trilogy, is the closest thing to depicting the realities of my childhood. Yes, the amount of violence is unsettling; however, for those raised under similar conditions in parts of the World such as Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and others, it's relatable. "Like or accept" it or not, much of the Pioneer Family Histories are much more similar to the Duttons' than today's "Soy-Boys" and the liberal beta males sculpted by a Nation that turned "Masculinity" into a slur, and replacing it with the label of "Toxic Masculinity." Taylor Sheridan and John Linson really created a masterpiece with this series, and I, for one, hope they will continue bringing us raw perspectives on how the West was Won. In a word, BRAVO!!!"


I always felt bad for Jamie because he was a kid himself when he had to make that dreadful decision for Beth. SHE is the one who came to him asking for help. SHE didn't want to tell her parents. SHE didn't want him to go to town because they would recognize her. So her only other option was to go to the reservation for an abortion, but order for her to get one, she had to be sterilized. He didn't ask for it; it was protocol. . If she hadn't put herself in that situation, Jamie would never have been in the position to have to make such a drastic decision. Again, he was just a kid himself! People seem to forget that, especially Beth. What Jamie did was wrong; he should've just told their father at that point. But he didn't, and Beth blames him entirely for ruining her life when, in reality, she was just as responsible but conveniently forgets that.




Your grandfather used to say: 


A look at the complicated relationship between John and Jamie Dutton on Yellowstone.

Where you been? I needed you!
- I was campaigning.
- You've been gone two fuckin' days, Jamie.
You can't make one phone call?
God knows I've been calling you.
- I'm sorry. - Sorry?
Hell, you don't even know what you're sorry for!
- I'm sorry. Christina has my phone.
- Christina has your phone. God dammit, Jamie.
When Rip takes Fish and Wildlife out tomorrow,
I need you with him.
- Hey, why is Fish and Wildlife coming tomorrow?
- [John] Oh shit. (laughs)
- I have campaign stops in Helena, in Great Falls-
- No you don't because the first thing you're doing tomorrow
is withdrawing from the race.
- What?
I'm doing this for you.
- No, you're doing it for you,
and now you're not doing it anymore.
- Hey, I won't quit.
My entire career is based around this.
I've earned it.
- It's not your place to decide what you've earned.
- Don't take this away from me.
I've earned this, after everything I've done for you,
after everything I've-
- What have you done for me, Jamie?
What have you done for me?
Besides help me build the empire you stand to inherit.
Sorry, son, I just don't see the sacrifice in that.
- You take this away from me. - You took it from yourself.
- After everything I've done for you, I have earned it!
(Jamie grunts) Oh.
- All you earned today is that.
- [Jamie] No! (grunts)
(pair scuffling) (Jamie grunting)
- [Rip] Mr. Dutton!
- I swear to God,
I never met a man more in need of a beating.
Jamie, you touch me again and I'll give you one.
By this time tomorrow, Attorney General Stewart's
gonna announce that he's not stepping down.
So if you wanna run against the candidate I'm supporting,
you be my guest.
And until you're ready to put this family first,
you don't step foot on this ranch, you understand?
You're not welcome here. - Hey, hey, listen to me.
Whoa, easy now.
- This is between family.
- [Rip] You're gonna fight yourself right out of it.
Now go get a hotel room, okay?
And let him calm down. (door rattles)
(dramatic music)
(buttons click)
- Whenever you're ready. (gentle dramatic music)
- I realized something last night.
The only way to protect my father's legacy
is to destroy the man. (gentle dramatic music)
I didn't think it was gonna be this hard.
(dramatic music)
(gentle dramatic music)
- I suppose I'm to blame for you being so angry.
You'd want to hurt me.
But it's not me you hurt.
It's your brother and sister, sit down.
You understand, it's as much their future you've risked
as it is your own.
- Yeah and,
if I, if I could just- - If you could just what?
What do you wanna explain, Jamie?
- Well I,
I didn't tell her everything.
- You don't get it.
You gave her a thread
and she can weave it into whatever she wants.
And you'd better get with her and find out
exactly what it is she wants, you understand?
And if what she wants is ruining this ranch
with some story about me,
then you act like my fuckin' lawyer.
And sue her and her fuckin' magazine right back to New York.
You understand? (dramatic music)
(gentle dramatic music)
(saddle rattles) (gentle dramatic music)
You know the thing about suicide, you,
you don't just kill yourself.
You kill every memory of you.
This'll be all everyone remembers, Jamie.
Every second you spend on this Earth
will be reduced to how you chose to leave it.
No one will mourn your loss, son,
because this isn't loosing your life.
This is quitting it. - Yes, it's quitting. I quit.
Dad- - I won't let you.
- Why not? What do you care? - Because it's selfish.
It's the single most selfish thing a person can do.
- This cannot be fixed. (crying)
I cannot be fixed.
I am married to it.
- Your grandfather used to say that you,
you can't fix a broken wagon wheel,
but you can use the parts to make a new one.
I should have never sent you off to school.
You needed more time here.
I can still give you that.
But you need to gimme that rifle, son.
The old you is dead the moment you let it go.
(somber music)
Now we start working on the new one.
(somber music)
(dramatic music) (footsteps pattering)
- [Woman] Boy, you made me work for this one.
- Oh yeah. How'd I do that?
- You didn't tell me you were adopted.
- 'Cause I'm not.
(paper rustling)
This isn't me. (dramatic music)
I just know lies. (fire crackling)
I know the lie you told me every day of my life.
And worse, if that's possible,
the lie you had me tell you every day of my life.
- And what lie is that, son?
- That, that's the lie.
You called me son and you made me call you father.
- Sit down.
- [Jamie] You don't get to tell me what to do anymore.
- Then get the fuck outta my house.
You can sit in my living room or you can leave it.
Those are your options. (fire crackling)
(footsteps thumping) (fire crackling)
Your mother never got a chance to love you.
(liquor burbles)
You were three months old
when he beat her to death with a shower head.
The woman who loved you and fed you and protected you
was my wife, and me.
I protected you.
I taught you, I guided you, I gave you love and kindness,
and everything your future was guaranteed to be without.
So you can call me whatever you want, Jamie,
but I will call you son,
because I've earned the right,
(chuckles) and earning it has been the hardest thing
I've ever done. (slurps)
But you're in a unique position, Jamie.
Pretty much everyone at one point or another,
whether they're just mad or curious,
wonders what life would be like with different parents.
You actually have the opportunity to choose.
You're a resourceful man, son,
so if he's still alive, I'm sure you can find him. (slurps)
And you can look into his black fuckin' heart,
his rotten...
You can look into his eyes, Jamie, and you get to choose.
You can choose who you call father.
(dramatic music)
- The land most suitable to the airport build is this tract.
- If you are discussing purchasing land
from the Yellowstone, you'll need to discuss it with me.
- Actually, you'll have to discuss it with me.
I have power of attorney over the estate.
- If the estate were in Utah.
That's where you filed the documents.
The state of Montana does not recognize
power of attorney issued by other states.
- The land is in Montana. - Mmhmm,
but her authority is in Utah.
I mean, if she was an attorney, she would know that.
As it stands, I am the legal authority
representing the Yellowstone,
and I approve the sell of that tract.
- The hell you will. - Yes I will,
because if I don't, the Land Commission will condemn it
and you will get paid 1/10th of what it's worth,
and you will lose millions on attorneys
because I cannot represent the ranch
and condemn it at the same time.
- Then don't condemn it.
- It's not my choice. It's her choice.
- It's your choice.
What do you choose, Lynelle?
- There is no choice anymore, John.
There are only options.
- That land is mine, and no one can sell it but me.
- I'd say that as much as you can.
That land is mine.
Get it all outta your system.
- Lose your pets, Roarke? - Hm?
- Hm?
You think you're winning this game?
You don't even know the goddamn rules.
But don't worry, I'm gonna teach 'em to you.
(footsteps thumping)
(door rattles)
You don't say hello.
You don't say goodbye.
You got nothing to say to me, son?
- [Beth] He never has anything to say, Dad.
- Oh, I have plenty to say, Beth.
- Oh yeah?
Well, I'm all fuckin' ears. (quiet dramatic music)
That's what I thought.
- [Roarke] (clears throat) Oh,
I'd say we pulled the bandaid.
- [Lynelle] Yeah, the lawsuits are a concern though.
- We put a pipeline through their reservation,
and we did it with the Army Corps of Engineers.
They talk about being too big to fail.
They're talking about us.
Governor, Jamie. (clears throat)
(footsteps patter) (gentle dramatic music)
- Well. (sighs) (gentle dramatic music)
That must have been difficult.
- Not really.
- Stewart running for governor then?
- Oh Stewart, Stewart's sleeping until noon
and then playing nine holes.
No Stewart's done.
I think the Governor's office
is ready for a new generation of leader.
I think Jamie can take the responsibility.
- Absolutely not, absolutely not!
- He's got the name, which we know is most important,
and he navigated that Market Equities development
with a skill that not even our-
- Skill is not his weakness.
This is his weakness, it's too much power,
and it isn't his name, it's mine.
There's other options. Choose one of 'em.
- The other options don't want the Montana
that you and I do.
- Lynelle, there are things,
there are things about my son that you do not know,
things that make him unfit for your office.
- He's the devil we know, John.
I'll take the risk.
I mean, unless you wanna run for governor,
then I'll gladly endorse you.
- No. - Listen,
I just wanted to tell you all this
so that you weren't finding out
in the newspapers, all right?
- Lynelle,
I'll take it.
- Take it. Take what?
- Your endorsement. I'll take it.
- You are gonna run for office
just so that your son doesn't get it?
- That's how bad he'll be for everything
you and I worked so hard to protect.
He'll destroy it all. (dramatic music)
- Well, as many of you may have suspected,
I believe that I can best represent Montana from the Senate.
The next governor of Montana
must hold steadfast to the progress that we've made,
and yet, never allow that progress to redefine
what it means to be a Montanan.
It is my great honor to introduce you to my choice
as the next governor of Montana.
John Dutton.
(audience applauds)
John. - Thank you, Governor.
- [Lynelle] (chuckles) I'll just grab this.
(melancholy music)
(dramatic music)
- You want a whiskey, Daddy?
- Why not? - Can I get one of those?
- Go fuck yourself. (liquor burbles)
- Make your brother a whiskey.
- I will not.
- Here, here.
Make me another one.
(liquor burbles)
(ice clinks)
- Hey, dad? - Yeah.
- You should think twice
about canceling the airport funding.
- (laughs) I've thought plenty about it.
- Well, it's five million a year to the ranch
for a ranch that loses three.
Do the math. - You know,
there's other revenue streams for the ranch, Jamie.
- Oh, name one.
- Well, I'm getting a mil five for the party.
- Oh, you're charging the state a million dollars
for his inauguration party.
- Actually, I'm charging his campaign.
- Oh, is that it? Well, that's worse, Beth.
You can't benefit from campaign funding.
That's how he gets impeached on his first day in office.
- He's not benefiting from it, Jamie,
a Utah LLC is benefiting from it.
- [Jamie] We're all going to prison.
- You know it is the eighth wonder of the world.
You aren't already there.
- Will you two just shut the fuck up
and let me enjoy the last hour of quiet
I'm gonna experience in the next four years?
This is all your fault.
- That's right.
- This was never supposed to be me,
it was supposed to be you.
- Could have been me. It should have been me.
- No. - I could have won.
- Oh of that, I have no doubt, but then what?
You know, must break my wife's heart
to look down and see what a mess I have made of his family.
What an embarrassment we are to
the sacrifice it took to give us a home.
I tell you what, sacrifice is exactly what we're gonna do.
It's what you're gonna do, Jamie.
You are gonna sacrifice your ambition.
You are gonna sacrifice your fear,
your weak self-loathing heart.
You're gonna kill all that. You're gonna get strong.
And no matter how it scares you or how much you disagree,
you're gonna do exactly what the fuck I tell you
for the next four years.
Exactly. (dramatic music)
- I never wanted to be a fuckin' lawyer.
That's what he wanted me to be.
What he thought he needed.
The future of warfare is fought with a pen.
Learn to fight with a pen.
All right, so I did.
And I did.
And then I get this acceptance letter from Harvard?
Hell, I never even applied. (pair chuckles)
He applied for me.
(laughs) No telling who wrote the fuckin' essay.
- Your sister, I would think.
- Never thought of that.
God, why didn't I think of that?
- Because you're too close to it.
- My father hates me.
Hates me.
He hates me for becoming the very thing
he asked me to become, no forced me to be.
- Do you care that he hates you?
His love something you feel like you really need?
- Evidently not, I've lived without it my whole life.
But I would like his approval.
I want his appreciation for that fuckin' sacrifice.
- He can't give you that.
He resents the tool that he relies on the most
because he can't be that tool.
He's jealous of you, Jamie, and he's scared of you.
He's scared because the future of that ranch
depends on its evolution.
If it doesn't evolve with society,
it will be devoured by society.
- (laughs) I know. I know.
I've said that for years. It's been decades.
I have called this emergency meeting of the assembly
to address an egregious act of dereliction.
In canceling funding
for the Paradise Valley International Airport
and surrounding residential, commercial,
and mixed communities,
Governor Dutton has violated state law
and his sworn oath of office
to act in the best interest of the state.
He has exposed the state to litigation,
which I have been informed is forthcoming.
He has robbed the state of billions in tax revenue
and thousands of jobs.
By doubling taxes on non-residents
and initiating a sales tax on non-residents,
he threatens to extinguish
our state's single biggest generator of revenue, tourism.
These are callous, calculated actions
that are only in the best interest of the governor himself,
and will have devastating consequences for our constituents,
the people who elected us,
the reason we are here.
- Progress, it's seems that's all I ever talk about.
But I never talk about what the word actually means,
it means to proceed, to move forward.
That's all.
Typically we interpret moving forward as better,
better for us as a people, better for the planet,
which is usually better for us as a people.
And if we use it in that manner, I agree.
But when something benefits one group over another group,
you can't use that word anymore.
You must use another word, you must use bias,
you must use favoritism.
Running a pipeline beneath the drinking water
of an already strained and impoverished community
may be progress for the owners of the pipeline,
or owners of whatever runs through the pipeline,
or for those receiving it,
but it could lead to disastrous effects to the land
and the people this pipeline runs beneath,
which is not progress at all.
- And it is for those people, and for the future of Montana-
- And for that reason, as governor of Montana,
I cannot support that endeavor,
and will use the full weight of my office
to prevent it from happening.
- That the Attorney General's office,
under Article five and section 13 of the state Constitution
is requesting a Senate tribunal, seeking impeachment.
(dramatic music)
- I didn't expect that. (audience applauds)
- Me neither.
- Thank you, governor.
You took my whole speech.
That's what I was gonna say.
The President visited us last week.
He spoke about improving the quality of life here,
spoke of the schools, our health clinics, our sovereignty.
(people chattering)
- Oh my God. (people chattering)
- What are they saying? - Read this, John.
(reporters chattering)
- This is why I said he is not fit for this office.
- Don't answer any questions. Just leave.
(reporters chattering) (dramatic music)
- Well, maybe you should take him to the train station.
- The what?
- Can I have a minute with my daughter?
(footsteps thumping)
What do you want to know?
- What is it, exactly?
- (sighs) It's the trash can for everyone who's attacked us.
It lays in a jurisdictional dead zone
in a county with a population of exactly zero, hence
no jury of your peers, and no court for a change in venue.
Why are you so surprised?
Where do you think the men who attacked you in your office
and attacked our ranch went?
You're shocked we found a way to circumvent the consequences
of defending ourselves?
I'm shocked we need a way, but we do.
We always have.
Unless we're willing to walk away from 120 years
of our family bleeding into this ground, we always will.
- Jamie knows about it.
- Yes.
- Okay, I'm gonna repeat that, Dad.
Jamie knows about it. (gentle dramatic music)
- I'm aware Beth.
- He will use everything that he knows to destroy you.
He has made it clear.
- Yes, I believe he has. (gentle dramatic music)
- If there is a place our enemies go
and nobody ever knows they went,
then they will never come back.
Then I think that's the place for Jamie.
What do you think, Daddy?
(gentle dramatic music)
Jamie was easily influenced by the idea of self-preservation. As soon as he found out he was adopted, after everything he had done to reconnect with himself, he went back down the wrong path. He convinced himself that he was no longer John's son, and that was just not true. Watch John's interaction with Jamie's birth father, and tell me he didn't love Jamie.



2023Jan 23
Yellowstone is an American neo-Western  drama television series created by Taylor Sheridan and John Linson that premiered on June 20, 2018, on Paramount Network. The series stars Kevin Costner, Luke Grimes,  Kelly Reilly, Wes Bentley, Cole Hauser, Kelsey Asbille, and Gil Birmingham. The series follows the conflicts along the shared borders of the Yellowstone Ranch, a large cattle ranch, the Broken Rock Indian reservation,  Yellowstone National Park and land developers. The first part of the fifth season premiered on November 13, 2022, with the second part premiering in 2023. Distributor : Paramount Global, Distribution Group Original network : Paramount Network
On https://youtube.com/shorts/3OX9HWLv__U?si=jYcXBqt05qOdM4ld  

elaborate on "America is not easy. We have come a long way. Ronald Reagan" by reflecting on Yellowstone is an American neo-Western drama television series created by Taylor Sheridan and John Linson that premiered on June 20, 2018, on Paramount Network.

Certainly! Here's an elaboration that reflects on the quote "America is not easy. We have come a long way. - Ronald Reagan" by connecting it to the themes and setting of the television series "Yellowstone":

"America is not easy. We have come a long way." Ronald Reagan

This quote from Ronald Reagan encapsulates the enduring spirit and resilience that define the American experience. It speaks to the struggles, perseverance, and triumphs that have shaped the nation over time. This sentiment is vividly brought to life in the American neo-Western drama television series "Yellowstone," created by Taylor Sheridan and John Linson.

"Yellowstone," which premiered on June 20, 2018, on Paramount Network, captures the essence of America's rugged frontier spirit and the complex journey of its people. The series follows the Dutton family, who control the largest contiguous ranch in the United States, as they navigate conflicts with land developers, Native American reservations, and national parks. These conflicts highlight the ongoing struggle for land, power, and identity in America.

The show's setting in the vast, untamed landscapes of Montana serves as a powerful metaphor for the American journey. Just as the Dutton family faces relentless challenges to protect their legacy, America has had to overcome numerous obstacles to forge its path. The rugged terrain of Yellowstone National Park, with its majestic beauty and inherent dangers, symbolizes the nation's trials and tribulations.

The characters in "Yellowstone" embody the resilience and determination that Reagan's quote alludes to. John Dutton, the patriarch of the Dutton family, exemplifies the fierce commitment to preserving one's heritage and values in the face of adversity. His battles against external threats and internal family struggles mirror the broader American experience of fighting to uphold one's ideals and way of life.

Moreover, "Yellowstone" delves into the themes of justice, loyalty, and the clash between tradition and progress. These themes resonate deeply with the American spirit, reflecting the nation's ongoing journey toward balancing its historical roots with modern challenges. The series portrays the harsh realities and moral complexities of life on the frontier, reminding viewers that America's progress has not been easy but has been achieved through perseverance and grit.

In conclusion, Reagan's quote, "America is not easy. We have come a long way," finds a poignant reflection in "Yellowstone." The series, with its portrayal of the Dutton family's struggles and the majestic yet unforgiving landscape they inhabit, encapsulates the essence of America's enduring spirit and the long, arduous journey it has undertaken to become the nation it is today. Through the lens of "Yellowstone," we are reminded of the resilience and determination that continue to drive America's story forward.



Weird Practices That Were Normal in Colonial America

415,651 views May 14, 2024 #WeirdHistory #americanhistory #colonialamerica

#WeirdHistory #americanhistory #colonialamerica During the middle of the 18th century, before the American Revolution, about one in three young women who went down the aisle to marry did so while pregnant. This information comes from court and parish records that have been kept. This rate doesn't change much from one colony to the next, whether it's Puritan New England, Quaker Philadelphia, or fancy Charleston. England, which is appropriately called "mother country," had almost half of its brides pregnant when they got married. In colonial times, marriage was often seen as a business deal, and matches were often made based on the future husband's wealth, social status, and ability to make money. The arrangers thought that love would come after everything else, if it ever did. Being married meant that both you and your spouse had responsibilities to each other and to the community as a whole. People in colonial America often had the wrong idea about intimacy because it was covered in myths and people believed in a false morality. In colonial America, people did and said ten different kinds of sexual things. Our Latest Videos ?? ???? The Horrible Things That Germans Did in Southwest Africa:    • The Horrible Things That Germans Did ...   ???? The Horrors of Gangrene During the American Civil War:    • The Horrors of Gangrene During the Am...   ???? What Life Was Really Like Under Nazi Occupation:    • What Life Was Really Like Under Nazi ...   Watch more History

This sounds like revisionist history. Life was hard, and the world was not seen through sex. Children worked and learned at home. Death rates from giving birth were a lot higher. Often, widows marry for survival. Men marry often for a wife to take care of kids. Necessity was often the reason, and love followed the obligation of marriage. The decided lack of reference to religion is conspicuous. Women ran businesses out of their houses. Living to 30 was a blessing.

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