
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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importance of slowing down,being too quick-witted got drawbacks

(2024-02-05 15:03:54) 下一個

The distinction between being "street smart" and "book smart" lies in their innate responses and rational understanding when encountering a situation. Here's a breakdown of the differences:

  1. Street smart individuals tend to be sensitive to emotional responses in dealing with people. They are quick to grasp the nuances of social interactions. For instance, economists and entrepreneurs differ in their approaches; the former are often book smart, while the latter are considered street smart. While economic theories may take time to apply practically, street smart individuals excel in the immediacy of real-world business operations.

  2. Book smart individuals are more attuned to the principles behind various matters, often in a generalized manner. However, they may lack sensitivity to specific, current issues.

  3. The approach to communication can vary; whether to start with emotions or rationality, emphasizing either the heart or the mind.

  4. The downside of being book smart may become apparent immediately as it can delay action due to overthinking.

  5. On the other hand, the drawbacks of being street smart may not surface until years later, as seen in the example of individuals who prioritize immediate gains without considering long-term consequences. For instance, a couple composed of a financially savvy, yet uneducated wife and an educated, but financially struggling husband, may face challenges due to their differing perspectives and skill sets. Despite the potential for complementarity, their differences may lead to conflict.

Despite the prevalence of the term "street smart" in contemporary discourse, true street smarts encompass more than just manual dexterity and practical skills. It involves adeptly managing interpersonal relationships, including those within a marriage. Hence, according to the definition found through a Google search, the wife in the example may not fully embody street smarts.

Before the widespread use of the term "street smart," I equated it with thinking fast, while viewing book smart as thinking slow. This aligns with the theory proposed in "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman, which distinguishes between intuitive, emotional judgments (system 1) and logical, rational thinking (system 2). Both systems have their strengths and weaknesses.

Reflecting on past experiences, I once admired a female superior for her quick reactions, considering it a valuable trait. However, she humbly acknowledged that her rapid responses were not always beneficial, as they sometimes alienated others. She emphasized the importance of slowing down, suggesting that being too quick-witted can have its drawbacks. Her words left a lasting impression, highlighting the value of balancing quick thinking with thoughtful consideration.

As I delve deeper into this topic, I realize its complexity and the multitude of perspectives and examples it encompasses. Each combination of street smarts and book smarts presents its own set of cases, both positive and negative. Therefore, it's essential to engage in discussions and explore the nuances of these concepts further.

** definition of street smart vs book smart and provide me with examples, by extrapolate below notes: "


來源: freemanli01 於 2024-02-05 14:04:55 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 10 次 (952 bytes)



1. street smart, 對人的感性反應比較敏感。說的大點,經濟學家和企業家不同,前者是book smart,後者是street smart. 具體經營需要時間,而理論問題對時間不敏感,可以慢慢想

2. Book smart 對“事情的”道理比較敏感,比較普遍化,但對特殊的、具體當下的事情不太敏感。

3. 上來,先談感情,還是閑談道理。先說腦袋,還是先說屁股。

4. book smart 的缺點當下就能顯現,因為太慢耽誤事兒。

5. street smart 的缺點不太明顯,要到多年後拐了一個大彎後惡果才顯現。當年打天下分田分地真忙,能立即解決問題,絕對的street smart。這個惡果要到幾十年後才顯現出來---中國人的道德都被徹底破壞了。


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• 從不同的角度,“聰明”就不是“聰明”,而是“蠢”了:) -cw-  給 cw 發送悄悄話 cw 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 02/05/2024 postreply 14:46:55【龍年卜卦】市井聰明&書本聰明的夫妻組合

來源: 邵豐慧 於 2024-02-05 12:46:08 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 72 次 (2308 bytes)
本文內容已被 [ 邵豐慧 ] 在 2024-02-05 13:00:05 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

今天,我媽又跟我八卦那誰誰誰,一對典型的市井聰明&書本聰明的夫妻組合,日子過的雞飛狗跳。女方從廚房,到菜園,和日常的精打細算,樣樣都做的出色,但沒有學曆和英語,隻能做家庭主婦,生活在對之前在國內的風光事業的懷念中。男方是位博士,憨厚老實,在實驗室,拿著接近貧困線的收入,總是被女方各種訓斥,抱怨和嫌棄。這樣的組合,在美國不是少數。 按理說,他們可以互補。但事實是,水火不容。

Google “street smart vs book smart”, 似乎挺street smart 的要多得多, 儼然把street smart 美化成了生活智慧。但單手腳麻利會幹活兒會精打細算,還算不上真正意義上的street smart, 除了這些基本的生存技能,還要能處理好人際關係,夫妻關係也是其中之一吧。 所以,從Google出來的定義來講,那位女方還不夠street smart. 

在沒有google street smart 的意義之前,我總是把 street smart = thinking fast, book smart = thinking slow. 那本thinking, fast and slow, 把人的思維體係分為兩套係統: 第一套是快的,本能的,無意識的,直觀的,情緒的判斷; 第二套是慢的,有意識的,邏輯的,理性的思考的結果。兩套各有所長,各有所短。

記得,很多年前,我真心的崇拜和讚美一位女上級: 你的反應真快呀!一招致命,完美還擊。沒想到,她說:我知道自己的這個特長,其實,真不是什麽優點,贏得爭論,卻輸掉了人心。我總是提醒自己慢一點,卻總是嘴比腦子快。 她這句話,我記住了幾十年。現在想來,她應該是非常幸運的那種兩者兼顧的人。卻也孤獨了一生(至少到目前為止還是單身)。

寫到這兒, 我發現我已經有點hold不住這個話題了。寫著寫著,和我剛開始想說的已經不一樣了。而且,任何一種組合都有各色案例,正的反的,好的壞的,不能簡單以蔽之。而且,我僅憑身邊幾個例子,實在說明不了什麽。


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