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JFK, at 40+ years old, utilized a method called Index Card Social to manage his social interactions. He would place index cards with people's names into different pockets before entering a room filled with those individuals. This allowed him to call upon each person by name without mixing them up in the same room, demonstrating his skillful compartmentalization of social interactions.
In reality, below is 少見多怪: Joe Biden 題詞卡. It's just a habit. Utilizing Index Card Social can be a valuable strategy in a political campaign, enabling outreach to a diverse range of people from various cultural backgrounds.
Neither age nor bad; it's just a tiny habit. So what?
眾議長麥卡錫揭 :拜登已經不再是幾年前的那個人了
文章來源: 天下事 於 2024-02-29 06:20:15 - 新聞取自各大新聞媒體,新聞內容並不代表本網立場!福克斯新聞報道,美國前眾議院議長凱文·麥卡錫周三首次透露,拜登在與一小群人的私人會議中仍會使用小卡片給自己“提詞”。