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don’t be afraid to take up as much room as you need.

(2024-01-04 13:54:29) 下一個
#10. Dominate Your Space 
We like people who aren’t afraid to take up space. This is sometimes known as dominant  
or open body language, and it’s a common sign of confidence and high self-esteem — two qualities we  
find very attractive in potential partners. So, don’t be afraid to take up as much room  
as you need. Uncross your arms and spread out in any way that’s comfortable for you.  
Simply by changing the way you sit or stand, people are more likely to notice you. 
1.) 2:36 - Be the Flame 2.) 3:30 - Misattributions of Arousal 3.) 4:22 - The Chemical Power of Eye Contact 4.) 5:06 - Plant the Seeds of Desire 5.) 5:46 - Give Masterful Compliments 6.) 6:38 - Convey Hidden Vulnerability 7.) 7:11 - Make Yourself Taboo 8.) 7:51 - The Art of Building Anticipation 9.) 8:37 - Push and Pull 10.) 9:20 - Dominate Your Space 11.) 9:53 - Expect the Unexpected 12.) 10:31 - The Only Person in the World.
If you value the other person, that is attractive to them. Many of these tips are variations on showing how you value them. The other key is to be a valuable person. You lead, you treat people well, and you exercise some dominion over your space. In short, be the man and show interest in that special person of your choice.
Man.. the unexpected feels during the long eye contact explanation. When I was with her, I coincidentally discovered that my ex always got really red and giggly whenever I made "unusually long eye contact" (even when I stared directly at the webcam during a videocall), so I often teased her by doing that. Now years later I learn that her reaction was because of actual love hormones. The memory has now become ten times as adorable.
Hey everyone, and welcome to TopThink. Today, we  will learn twelve secret ways to seduce anyone. 
Now, let’s begin. The art of seduction is a topic  
that has fascinated people for years. At its core,  seduction is the art of charming another person,  
though it’s not always romantic. For example,  you might use the art of seduction to charm a  
potential client or persuade someone to see  your point of view. But most of the time,  
if you’re trying to seduce someone, it’s because  you find them attractive and are interested in  
a romantic connection. The question is... how do  you show how charming and attractive you can be? 
All kinds of pick-up artists and smooth talkers  have tried to crack the secrets of seduction,  
inventing tricks and lines to  cultivate romantic chemistry.  
Some people play elaborate games with potential  partners and work overtime to prove why they’re  
more attractive than everyone else.  But you don’t need these complicated  
and sometimes manipulative strategies to  get the attention of someone you like. 
Real seduction is more straightforward and, in  many ways, more subtle than most people realize.  
Whether you want to ignite a passionate new  connection or stoke the flames of an old crush,  
a few slight changes to your behavior  — many of which we’ll cover in this  
video — can yield surprisingly powerful results. Psychologists studying attraction and seduction  
have discovered all kinds of little cues that  drive people crazy. The problem, for most people,  
isn’t whether they can seduce someone but whether  they have enough confidence in their own moves.  
In other words, many people fail to  make strong, attractive impressions  
because they’re unsure whether their actions are  desirable or seductive to the people they like.  
This uncertainty makes them cautious  about making moves, showing interest,  
or taking risks in their dating life. They don’t  want to repulse people with creepy, desperate,  
or unattractive behavior, but trying to seduce  someone doesn’t have to be so nerve-racking. 
In this video, we’re going to explore twelve of  the most effective ways to create genuine romantic  
connections with anyone. It doesn’t matter if  you’ve struggled with seduction in the past or  
failed to get the attention of potential partners.  These simple techniques can help you grab  
someone’s attention, create romantic chemistry,  and leave them wanting to see you again. 
1. Be the Flame Over the years,  
one name has become synonymous with the art  of seduction. In the 1700s, an Italian author  
named Giacomo Casanova became well-known for his  elaborate tactics to attract potential partners.  
On the subject of seduction, Casanova famously  gave away the secret to his romantic success.  
“Be the flame,” he said, “Not the moth.” In other words, we are attracted to people who are  
in control. We’re drawn to leaders, bosses, and  initiators. We like people who assertively take  
what they want instead of waiting for someone to  do it for them. If you want to be more seductive,  
be the flame, not the moth. In every social  situation, stay active and assertive, and other  
people will gravitate toward you. 2. Misattributions of Arousal 
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “There’s a thin  line between love and hate.” Well, there’s also a  
thin line between fear and arousal. In fact, the  line is so thin that your brain sometimes gets  
them confused. In a romantic situation, you can  actually use this confusion to your advantage. 
The next time you want to seduce someone, plan  something that gets their heart racing and their  
blood pumping. You might ride a rollercoaster  or walk across a tall, precarious bridge. These  
experiences stimulate feelings of excitement  and arousal, which their brain may accidentally  
associate with you. By the time you get off the  ride or make it to the other side, the person you  
like may suddenly see you in a whole new way. 3. The Chemical Power of Eye Contact 
Eye contact is one of the most powerful forms of  body language, especially if you linger a moment  
longer than average. Scientists discovered that  people who make eye contact for an unusual amount  
of time release a hormone called oxytocin, also  known as the “love hormone.” Oxytocin creates  
those warm and fuzzy feelings of intimacy, which  many people experience as love or attraction. 
If you want to seduce someone, look into their  eyes and linger a moment too long. That extra  
moment may cause a chemical reaction in their  brain, which makes you seem irresistible. 
4. Plant the Seeds of Desire The most attractive people won’t  
directly express what they want or how they feel,  relying instead on subtle hints to express their  
feelings indirectly. For example, instead of  telling someone they’re head over heels in love  
with them, they might vaguely hint that they’re  interested in someone without specifying who. 
This leaves the other person wondering, and  the more they wonder, the more attractive you  
become. Every hint you drop is like sowing  a seed of desire in their minds. Give these  
seeds a chance to grow, and this person  may find you more attractive than ever. 
5. Give Masterful Compliments It’s no secret that compliments are an easy  
way to get on someone’s good side. For example,  telling someone they’re beautiful may make them  
smile and help you start a casual conversation.  But it’s not going to change their perception  
of you. More masterful compliments, on the other  hand, will not only flatter the other person but  
also make you seem charming and desirable. The trick is to give someone a compliment  
they’ve never heard before and likely will  never forget. One of these thoughtful,  
personalized compliments can outweigh a hundred  recycled cliches. Why? Because it makes the other  
person feel like you truly understand them.  They’ll immediately feel a stronger desire  
for you because, unlike everyone else, you  seem to like them for who they really are. 
6. Convey Hidden Vulnerability 
Vulnerability is an important part of any  connection and can be a highly attractive quality,  
but you shouldn’t be vulnerable with everyone  right away. Show people a strong and confident  
version of yourself at first, then, as you get to  know them, give them a glimpse into your world. 
This little glimpse makes people feel like  you two have a special connection. They’ll  
cherish every little thing they learn about you  and, before long, find themselves drawn to you. 
7. Make Yourself Taboo We’re often attracted to people who are,  
in some way, unavailable. In other words, we  like to overcome small obstacles and defy social  
expectations to be with the person we desire. It  sounds backward, but telling someone you can’t see  
them will make them want you even more. If you want to seduce someone, don’t be  
too available. Instead, create a small but  significant reason why you can’t see them.  
Put a surmountable obstacle in their path, and  people may feel a greater desire to be with you. 
8. The Art of Building Anticipationf: 
When we like someone, we want to express our  physical desire all at once. We want to show them  
how much we care, but if you move too quickly,  the other person may not be fully invested in you. 
Instead of rushing to the finish line, use small  changes in your body language to build their  
anticipation and, therefore, investment in your relationship. You might lean toward them or move a  
few inches closer. You might brush their hand with yours or lightly touch the small of their back.  
Each of these physical gestures builds anticipation and excitement. That way,  
when you make your first move, the other person will fall head over heels for you. 
9. Push and Pull 
Seduction requires a careful balance of pushing and pulling. Sometimes, you want to push or chase  
the other person, showing interest and taking the initiative. But other times,  
you should pull back and give them a chance to pursue you. This back-and-forth dynamic  
creates mutual feelings of excitement and chemistry, but you have to be willing to wait. 
Once you’ve shown interest, resist the urge to keep chasing. If you do all the heavy lifting,  
the other person may take you for granted and fail to recognize your value. So, pull back.

Create some space, and let them come to you.

10. Dominate Your Space 

We like people who aren’t afraid to take up  space. This is sometimes known as dominant  
or open body language, and it’s a common sign of  confidence and high self-esteem — two qualities we  
find very attractive in potential partners. So, don’t be afraid to take up as much room  
as you need. Uncross your arms and spread  out in any way that’s comfortable for you.  
Simply by changing the way you sit or  stand, people are more likely to notice you. 
11. Expect the Unexpected The dating world is full of  
cliches and tired routines, which we’ve all  seen before. That’s why really attractive  
people make a habit of breaking the rules.  Instead of doing what everyone else does,  
they show how unique and spontaneous they can be.  They aren’t afraid to do something unexpected. 
So, stop going through the motions. Flip the usual  dating routines on their head. Make people excited  
to see what you’ll do next, and you’ll become  instantly more charming to everyone you meet. 
12. The Only Person in the World 
Listening is a powerful seductive tool  that can make anyone take notice of you.  
The trick is to make them feel like  they are the only person in the world.  
When they’re talking, give them 100% of your  attention and interest. Listen to every word they  
say, ask great questions, and don’t let them think  for a moment that you’re not actively engaged. 
This simple strategy makes people  feel special and valuable. It shows  
them that you’re genuinely interested in them,  making them genuinely more interested in you.  
Just by listening closely, people may experience  an unconscious desire to spend more time with you.  
Make someone feel like they’re the only person in  the world, and they’ll keep coming back for more. 
Thank you for watching TopThink  and be sure to subscribe because  
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