
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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No WeChat信息斷舍離不要隨波逐流信息碎片化的影響

(2024-01-21 16:50:26) 下一個

the concepts of "鈍感力" (dull sensitivity), "斷捨離" (discard and detach), and "小確幸" (small joys). It mentions the idea that those who become strong have learned to endure and discovered the problem of internal emotional consumption. The Japanese are portrayed as skilled in addressing the pressures, fatigue, confusion, and difficulties of modern life, inventing terms like "治癒係" (healing system), "小確幸" (small joys), "鈍感力" (dull sensitivity), and "不持有生活" (non-possession of life).

The text suggests that as people reach middle age, learning to discard unnecessary things and making wise choices, such as cleaning up one's social circle and considering personal feelings, can lead to a more relaxed and comfortable life. The importance of paying attention to small joys in life and engaging in self-love practices like enjoying coffee breaks and walking alone in nature is emphasized.

Additionally, it introduces the concept of "鈍感力" (dull sensitivity), which involves focusing more on oneself rather than external factors, prioritizing personal feelings over the opinions of others, letting go of ego, and seeking one's true self. This is described as a form of wisdom that helps quickly change one's mood and overcome challenges by maintaining a positive and optimistic outlook on everything.

Overall, the text seems to promote the idea of finding contentment in small joys, practicing self-love, and cultivating a dull sensitivity that allows individuals to navigate life's challenges with a positive mindset.  

"鈍感力+斷捨離+小確幸 (2024-01-21 15:41:28)下一個 強者都是熬出來, 發現自己情緒嚴重內耗的毛病, 日本人似乎總是擅長針對現代人的壓力、疲憊、迷惘和困頓,發明一些新詞彙,比如:治癒係、小確幸、鈍感力、不持有生活等。 乾淨的心不起念想X自由書寫.內在情緒斷捨離|極簡生活|minimalist - YouTube 我的高效方法】來一場《斷舍離》 - 知乎

1. 人到中年,學會 [斷舍離],該拒絕就拒絕是一種明智的選擇。通過清理自己的朋友圈、考慮自己的感受、對自己好一點等方式,我們可以讓自己更加輕鬆自如. No WeChat: .信息斷舍離,不要隨波逐流信息碎片化的影響, 不要沉迷於手機裏高密度信息流 - daily, momentary interactions of WeChat.

2.留意生活中的小確幸,去做些愛自己的小事,是真的去執行,比如我就喜歡Coffee break, walk alone in Nature

3. 一個人最高級的智慧:「鈍感力」什麼是「鈍感力」?簡單來說就是:一個人更多關注自己,而不是外界;更在意自己的感受,而不是執著他人的評價;放下「我執」,尋找「真我」的狀態。無論遇到什麼事、什麼環境,能幫助你迅速改換心情,頑強闖過難關的,不是. 專業知識、語言能力,也不是國際觀、人脈網,而是正麵樂觀看待一切的鈍感力。"

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