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It takes us down to the nuts and bolts of war—people in all their complexity! And it shows the sheer absurdity of war.
This movie was so well played. The two young actors did a fantastic job of going from innocence to doing what had to be done. There was a stress-filled time in the beginning with lots of cursing, understandably. Good movie! Worth the watch!
I read several of the comments. I’m surprised that absolutely no one mentioned the following words spoken in the movie: “A good soldier is not one that can pull the trigger but pulls that trigger when he has to... A good soldier has humanity.” Although I agree that the ‘coward’ at first did not pull the trigger when he had to.
I so enjoyed this film. I liked it because there were strong characters that you had time to get to know. This wasn't a 'busy' sort of film; it just went along at a believable pace that had something powerful to display in every few scenes or so. Great settings, too. My kind of movie. A perfect Sunday afternoon, thanks.
Around 1:38:20 There are so many beautiful scenes throughout the movie, but to me, the most beautiful is the one seen through the binoculars. I was saying, "Faster! Faster!" and "No! Please, no!" at the same time.
To me, it is success in sight and death in waiting. Is there going to be a plot twist in the last minute? When the American flag opened and fluttered in the wind, I was so released, and tears came up in my eyes.
*This film is under license from Vision Films, Inc. All rights reserved. The Last Rescue, World War II:
Shortly after D-Day, three American soldiers and two Army Corps nurses are stranded behind enemy lines. They take a high-ranking German officer as their prisoner and try to orchestrate an escape. 2015
Stars: Brett Cullen, Cody Kasch, Gilles Marini https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmlcbAj-8aI
The Last Rescue (Eric Colley, 2015) is an action, war, and drama film that takes place after the offensive taken by the Allies with D-Day in World War II, in the fall of 1944, three American soldiers and two nurses come under Nazi rule. To reach their support lines, the group will have to devise a way to circumvent the Nazi clashes and the arrest. While a guard takes two of them to the river to get water, their climax seems to be the opportune moment to join forces and at least one to get their release; they just don't count that they will need a lot of flexibility for that while the Nazis are still under control. Hugs.
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