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Sir Alec Guinness`s performance in :Cromwell (1971)
Whether a film is "good" or "bad" is subjective. However I'm about half way through not knowing if I'll finish. It doesn't have to be historically accurate, could even be porn, but I suggest it should be more accurate. Neither mention of the Catholic v. Protestant schism which was a main motivator. E.g. Charles 1 Catholic wife and her influence, not mentioned at all. Nor European context like 100 Years War. Nor fact that Cromwell as a great soldier. Who really knew how to train and organise, especially Cavalry. Treated his men well. Which was "revolutionary", way ahead of his time. 10,000 cavalry might be very expensive to recreate. Yet if portrayed, and with the real honest schisms might help reveal some of the origins of freedoms enjoyed these days in UK, and to some extent in USA and erstwhile British Empire. (Which illegal boat migrants know all about, appear to clamour for, and are thus rewarded?). Perhaps BBC, M&S, etc., should do a remake and cast Charles 1 and or Oliver as black?
Charles 1st has nothing to do with Elizabeth 1st! Two different royal houses and 30 years apart
Why the "Charles I - Elizabeth I" in the title ? Elizabeth I died 22 years BEFORE Charles 1 became King. Tim Roth does not make a realistic Cromwell. He isn't helped in that role by the weak, shallow dialogue scripted for him.