
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客訪問:


(2023-12-26 14:00:33) 下一個
Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, has previously said that you can only connect the dots looking backward and followed his curiosity and passion without necessarily having a clear career goal.
in English, to write some themes based on "• 我覺得"說話講道理"就是講邏輯,難道我理解錯了? - JSL2023 - 給 JSL2023 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/25/2023 20:08:26 • 不好意思,你可能錯了。邏輯本質是不講道理,隻講形式。• 曆史第一是永遠回頭看,第二是不能重來。這樣解救形成一種“必然性”假象。馬克思的曆史必然性是基於生產力決定生產關係的, • 人類文明是公民社會,權力的作用會越來越弱。而且,限製權力是共產黨的從錯誤中得出的教訓。• 蔣,鄧,習,毛 誰不讓人說話?誰的權力大,誰的權力小?
  1. Logical Discourse vs. Rhetoric:

    • Exploring the nuanced understanding of "speaking logically" and whether it aligns more with a logical approach or a rhetorical one.
    • Examining the misconception and potential divergence between the essence of logical reasoning and the art of persuasive discourse.
  2. Historical Determinism and Its Illusions:

    • Unpacking the notion that historical firsts are often shaped by hindsight and the inability to rewrite history.
    • Analyzing the concept of historical inevitability, drawing parallels with Marxist perspectives on the determinative role of productive forces in shaping relations.
  3. Evolution of Human Civilization:

    • Investigating the idea that human civilization evolves into a civic society where the influence of power diminishes over time.
    • Discussing the lessons learned by the Communist Party from errors related to power constraints and the implications for the evolving role of authority in modern societies.
  4. Power Dynamics in Chinese Leadership:

    • Delving into a comparative analysis of leaders, including Jiang, Deng, Xi, and Mao, and their approaches to freedom of speech.
    • Scrutinizing the varying degrees of power held by each leader and their impact on the ability of individuals to express themselves within the Chinese political landscape.
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