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"People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." - Carl Jung
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” Carl Jung
[like] [love] [insightful] 97 Turning Jung's assertion as suggestion ...
The awakening is in the trusting of "others trusting" ...
True enlightenment arises not from evading one's soul, but from embracing and illuminating the depths within. Lex Fridman
“I write this message from behind the high, cold walls of a prison. I am a Middle Eastern woman, and come from a region which, despite its rich civilization, is now trapped amid war, the fire of terrorism, and extremism. I am an Iranian woman, a proud and honorable contributor to civilization, who is currently under the oppression of a despotic religious government. I am a woman prisoner who, in enduring deep and soul-crushing suffering resulting from the lack of freedom, equality, and democracy, has recognised the necessity of her existence and has found faith.”Activate to view larger image,
Dervis KerovicView Dervis Kerovic’s profile • 3rd+Lead Oracle Financials Techno Functional / Sprint Lead
Let’s not trivialize the fact that Bezos destroyed millions of small businesses by controlling supply chain channels and coordinating with the most oppressive regimes in the world. Even if you leave that aside, standardization and centralization totally destroyed the diversity and limited innovation we enjoyed at the turn of the century.
These companies hold power over our government; their lobbying groups are actually writing legislation that empowers them and limits competition. I am not sure what this obsession with the obscenely rich is or why we are giving them so much space when millions linger at the margins of society. Bezos and his comrades have a singular goal: relentless drive for proft, at any price.
你的理解大致是正確的。《美夢成真》這一說法通常指的是在現實中實現的夢想,而"A Dream Within A Dream"則可以理解為在夢中的夢,這種雙層的概念。愛倫·坡的引用表達了對生活的虛幻和不確定性的思考,暗示人們可能無法準確區分夢境和現實。這些思想在文學和哲學中都有所體現,強調了存在於夢和現實之間模糊邊界的主題。
elaborate in the light of "People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." - Carl Jung
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” Carl Jung by using In English of the below "題記: 夢 ---- 幻, 思, 玄, 魘; 睡 ---- 眠, 臥, 寢, 寐. 做夢睡眠兩不誤.
常聽說, 你就別做夢了! 可是, 為啥不呢, 夢是健康的, 除了噩夢. 人在做夢時, 腦血流量和葡萄糖代謝水平均比不做夢時高,亦即腦的能源得以補充; 精神心理學研究, 提示夢的功能涵括補償, 整合, 平衡心理狀態, 一些現實中的欲望, 在夢中得以滿足. 所以, 做夢吧, 有些人的有些夢還具備創造力.
夢是神秘的. 夢境大多詭異迷離, 卻是與潛意識最直接的溝通方式, 被壓抑的顯意識, 在夢中藉由濃縮的, 精煉的內容, 曲折隱晦地表達, 各種古怪的場景, 情緒, 感受, 似是故人來, 許是一位蘊含大智慧的故人呢. 遂, 夢盡管做; 然, 拎得清的, 都不是夢.
夢是虛妄的. 白天看冰上一姐金妍兒花樣滑冰的視頻, 夜間, 我的夢裏, 時而紫燕穿柳, 時而金雞獨立, 緩疾自如滑翔的那個冰仙子, 是鈴蘭. 可是現實中的自己, 既不懂滑雪, 也不懂溜冰. 這個, 一定程度上反映我對花冰太投入, 啟動了潛意識, 入睡後意識休息, 冰川之下的潛意識開始運轉.
朱自清的《說夢》, 這一段, 甚喜歡 ---- 最難堪的是每早將醒未醒之際, 殘夢依人, 膩膩不去; 忽然雙眼一睜, 如墜深穀, 萬象寂然, 隻有一角日光在牆上癡癡地等著! 我此時決不起來, 必凝神細想, 欲追回夢中滋味於萬一; 但照例是想不出, 隻惘惘然茫茫然似乎懷念著些什麽而已. 雖然如此, 有一點是知道的: 夢中的天地是自由的, 任你徜徉, 任你翱翔; 一睜眼卻就給密密的麻繩綁上了, 就大大地不同了!
我不尋夢, 任憑夢醒, 夢散; 我也不尋愛, 因為它在, 從未離開過.
前些日子, 與瀑布 Steelhead 零距離麵對麵, 當時, 除了它的名字讓我想起一種魚 (Trout) 彩虹鱒, 除了它奔騰低吼濺起的水花在臉頰涼涼逗留, 發梢被水蒸汽噴濕之外, 我的腦子彌漫一片奶白色的霓霧. 回家後, 看著一張張的照片兒, 指尖在玫瑰金色 MacBook Air 上蹁躂, 踢嗒踢嗒, 一段關於夢的文字就這樣流淌出來, 其時正值日落, 聽了一首詩, 美國詩人愛倫·坡 Allan Poe的《A Dream Within A Dream》.以前我缺乏睡眠,幾乎不做夢。現在睡眠多了,夢又回來了。至於A Dream Within A Dream,我的理解一個人有一個夢想,如果他/她在現實中實現了,那是美夢成真,但如果在夢中實現,那是夢中夢? 哈哈哈哈哈哈趕快閃~ 愛倫·坡說, 你所見似見的這一切 / 都不過是一場夢中之夢.《美夢成真》是我十分喜歡的許如芸的一首歌. 你聽聽, 看會不會被歌的旋律以及芸式唱腔迷住. 當分不清現實或夢幻時, 旁邊的人掐你的大腿, 就醒了, 如果還不醒, 扇耳光, 如果還不醒, 就得岀奇招了 …"
blend the above in elaborate in the light of "People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." - Carl Jung
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” Carl Jung . all in English.
The exploration of dreams and their significance, as discussed in the provided text, aligns with Carl Jung's profound insights on the human psyche. Carl Jung, a renowned Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, emphasized the importance of delving into the depths of the unconscious mind for personal growth and enlightenment. Let's blend the provided text with Jung's quotes:
Facing the Unconscious:
Text: The author discusses the mysterious and sometimes absurd nature of dreams, highlighting their connection to the subconscious.
Jung's Insight: "People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls." Jung recognizes that individuals may engage in various behaviors to evade confronting the deeper aspects of their own psyche.
Dreams as Expressions of the Unconscious:
Text: Dreams are portrayed as enigmatic, conveying condensed and refined content from the repressed conscious mind.
Jung's Insight: "One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." Jung suggests that true enlightenment comes not from avoiding the shadows but by acknowledging and understanding the darker aspects of oneself.
Individuality of Dream Experience:
Text: The text emphasizes the individual and subjective nature of dreams, touching upon personal experiences and reflections.
Jung's Insight: "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." Jung underscores that without bringing the unconscious into awareness, it will shape one's life in ways that may seem predetermined or fateful.
Freedom in Dreams vs. Reality's Constraints:
Text: Dreams are described as a realm of freedom where one can soar and roam, in contrast to the constraints of reality.
Jung's Insight: Jung's philosophy aligns with this, suggesting that the unconscious, when left unexplored, can act as a binding force, limiting an individual's true potential and freedom.
Personal Reflection and Nature's Influence:
Text: The author reflects on personal experiences, including encounters with nature, which evoke dream-like sensations.
Jung's Insight: Jung believed that symbols from nature often emerge in dreams, serving as manifestations of the collective unconscious. The encounter with the waterfall in the text could be seen as a symbol reflecting a deeper, universal aspect of the human psyche.
In essence, the text aligns with Jungian psychology by acknowledging the significance of dreams, the need to face the unconscious, and the transformative power of bringing the hidden aspects of the psyche into consciousness.