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Crippled Lillian Rogers Parks witnessed:
白宮家庭的白人和黑人,家族生意。你怎麽知道的?繼續閱讀:“基於 1961 年 Lillian Rogers Parks 的《白宮三十年幕後》一書。”她對參與白宮個人和專業生活的人們的見解。
1/家庭用品,因為白人和黑人在任何其他人之前都在一起生活。“白宮後台”是 1979 年 NBC 電視迷你劇,根據 1961 年 Lillian Rogers Parks 的《白宮三十年幕後》一書。該係列講述了白宮幕後工作和工作人員與第一家庭之間的關係的故事。[摘錄強調了黑人個體在白宮內部工作中的曆史融合,強調了他們與執政權的密切聯係。]
2/ 這是一部了不起的係列劇。在現實生活中,Lillian Rogers Parks 寫了她的書後,第一夫人 Jacqueline Kennedy 要求所有傭人簽署保密協議,這一習慣至今仍在實行。[它還提到了 Jacqueline Kennedy 第一夫人在 Parks 出版書籍後實施的保密協議的重要性。]
3/ 1961 年,第二個女仆 Maggie Rogers 每月 20 美元。“我以為會更高。” “你有權獲得政府製服,免費洗衣,住房,餐飲等,由美國財政部提供。”[它提供了有關當時向員工提供的補償和福利的一些見解,包括政府製服,免費洗衣,住房和餐飲。]
4/ 在 46:28 處,“甜蜜的耶穌,你得到 5 美元!”
5/ “記住我的話,總有一天,會有一位女總統”(由 Grace Coolidge 飾演的 Lee Grant)。
https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/57970/all.html [the White House household Whites & Blacks, family bus
the White House household, Whites & Blacks, family business. How do you know? Read on: "Based on the 1961 book My Thirty Years Backstairs at the White House by Lillian Rogers Parks." Her insights into the personal and professional lives of the individuals involved in the White House
1/ Household stuff, as both Whites and Blacks live together long before anybody else did. "Backstairs at the White House is a 1979 NBC television miniseries based on the 1961 book My Thirty Years Backstairs at the White House by Lillian Rogers Parks . The series tells the story of the behind-the-scenes workings of the White House and the relationship between the staff and the First Families." [The excerpt emphasizes the historical integration of Black individuals into the inner workings of the White House, underscoring their close involvement with the governing power. ]
Thus, the blacks were in the center of governing power! So sweet! So gracious! So kind! so humble. How gentle a soul!
The series portrays the behind-the-scenes workings of the White House and the relationships between the staff and the First Families.
2/. This was a terrific series. After the real life Lillian Rogers Parks wrote her book, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy had all servants sign non disclosure agreements which is a custom still in force today. [It also mentions the significance of non-disclosure agreements that were implemented by First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy following the publication of Parks' book. ]
3/ 1961, $20/month for the second maid, Maggie Rogers. "I thought it is higher than that." "You're entitled to government uniforms, free laundry, housing, meals, etc., loaded by the US dept. of Treasure." [it provides some insights into the compensation and benefits provided to the staff members at the time, including government uniforms, free laundry, housing, and meals.]
4/ @46:28, Sweet Jesus, $5 you got!
5/ "Mark my words, one day, there will be a woman president" (Lee Grant as Grace Coolidge)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6MnJr8bkJE (pt. 3)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZJ-gJvxg44 [Pt 4]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZJ-gJvxg44 Pt 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvLG97nUe_E&t=7137s Pt 1