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  • 博客訪問:

雜家皮草,專家奇點Javier Milei, John Keynes, Milton Friedman

(2023-11-20 11:26:30) 下一個

雜家皮草,專家[John Keynes, Milton Friedman]奇點:




"我對弗裏德曼《美國貨幣史》的第七章產生了濃厚興趣,這一章講述了1929年至1933年的大蕭條時期。" ”Javier Gerardo Milei is an Argentine economist, author, and political figure. He is known for his outspoken views on economic liberalism and free-market principles. Please note that developments may have occurred since then.

Key points about Javier Gerardo Milei:

  1. Economic Philosophy:

    • Milei is a proponent of classical liberal economic policies, advocating for free markets, limited government intervention, and individual freedoms.
  2. Author:

    • He has authored books on economics and political philosophy, where he expresses his views on the importance of economic freedom and limited government.
  3. Public Figure:

    • Milei is known for his public appearances on television, radio, and social media, where he discusses economic and political issues, often in a confrontational and impassioned manner.
  4. Political Involvement:

    • In addition to his work as an economist, Milei has been involved in Argentine politics. In the 2021 legislative elections in Argentina, he ran for a seat in the Chamber of Deputies as part of the "La Libertad Avanza" coalition.
  5. Controversial Statements:

    • Milei is known for making controversial and provocative statements, challenging mainstream economic and political narratives in Argentina. His style is often characterized by strong language and criticism of perceived economic mismanagement.
  6. Social Media Presence:

    • He has a significant presence on social media platforms, using them to communicate his ideas, engage with the public, and promote his political and economic views.
  7. John Maynard Keynes, Milton Friedman, summarize their differences?

    John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman were two influential economists with differing views on economic theory and policy. Here's a summarized overview of their differences:

    John Maynard Keynes 凱恩斯:

    1. Keynesian Economics:

      • Keynes is known for his development of Keynesian economics, which became prominent during the early to mid-20th century.
      • Advocated for active government intervention in the economy, especially during periods of economic downturn.
      • Argued that government fiscal policy (government spending and taxation) could be used to manage aggregate demand and stabilize the economy.
    2. Role of Government:

      • Believed that the government should play a proactive role in managing demand to achieve full employment and economic stability.
      • Supported the idea of counter-cyclical fiscal policies, such as increasing government spending during economic downturns.
    3. Unemployment:

      • Emphasized the problem of unemployment and the need for policies to address it.
      • Argued that insufficient aggregate demand could lead to prolonged periods of high unemployment.
    4. Long-Term:

      • Focused on the short to medium term, with an emphasis on managing demand to address immediate economic challenges.

    Milton Friedman:

    1. Monetarism:

      • Friedman was a proponent of monetarism, which emphasizes the role of the money supply in influencing economic outcomes.
      • Argued that stable and predictable growth in the money supply is essential for economic stability.
    2. Role of Government:

      • Advocated for a limited role of government in the economy, particularly emphasizing the importance of a stable monetary policy.
      • Believed that government intervention, especially in monetary matters, should be rule-based rather than discretionary.
    3. Inflation:

      • Emphasized the importance of controlling inflation and believed that excessive growth in the money supply could lead to inflationary pressures.
    4. Long-Term:

      • Stressed the importance of focusing on long-term stability and believed that monetary policy, if conducted appropriately, could contribute to stable economic growth over the long term.


    In summary, Keynes and Friedman differed in their approaches to economic policy. Keynes leaned towards active government involvement, especially in managing demand, while Friedman advocated for a more limited government role, with a focus on stable monetary policy. Their differing perspectives have contributed to ongoing debates in economic theory and policy.

米萊坐在他位於巴爾米洛的一間沒有窗戶的辦公室裏。數十本經濟學書籍堆放在桌子上,一直堆到覆蓋了超過一半的桌麵。一麵牆上掛著一塊寫滿方程式的白板,紅色的筆跡從一端延伸到另一端。另一麵牆上有一塊軟木板,上麵貼滿了作為自由主義世界思想燈塔之一的米爾頓·弗裏德曼(Milton Friedman)的照片和名言。他右手邊的杯子上也印著這位芝加哥經濟學派領軍人物微笑的照片。軟木板和杯子都是他美洲公司的同事們送給他的禮物,米萊在這家公司旗下的阿科爾達(Acordar)基金會擔任首席經濟學家。

米萊最開始也並非弗裏德曼的堅定擁護者,隨著次貸危機的發生,才對他的看法和評價有所改觀。 米萊表示:“在那之前,我是一個頑固的新古典主義者。甚至可以說,我幾乎把貨幣主義者看作是我的血緣兄弟。”

房地產泡沫的爆發促使他重新閱讀了弗裏德曼等經濟學家的著作,其中包括他所抨擊的約翰·梅納德·凱恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)。“我對弗裏德曼《美國貨幣史》的第七章產生了濃厚興趣,這一章講述了1929年至1933年的大蕭條時期。”他提高音量說道。





米萊當時13歲快要14歲,正是參加比賽的年齡。他參加了各級青訓,最終進入了一線隊的陣容。他 將自己定義為一個飛翔的門將,就像烏巴爾多·馬蒂爾·菲略爾(阿根廷著名的“鐵門”)一樣。盡管他並不是特別高,但憑借強壯的腿部力量脫穎而出。他說為此他每天要訓練6個小時。


為什麽選擇成為門將?“我也不知道……隻是覺得很有趣。”這是他的第一反應。有人曾經說“門將是那個與眾不同的人、是球隊的明星”。 “一般而言,門將擁有不同常人的個性特點,因為他處在命運攸關的位置,一旦出錯,就可能導致失球。他的著裝與眾不同,並且是唯一能用手觸球的球員,這在足球中可是一種稀缺的技能。……此外,門將還需要擁有更強大的心理素質,因為看台就在他身後。”

“有些人一看到看台就感到害怕,而和我一樣的另一些人看到看台則會更加自信。 ” 他有些洋洋得意地說。



12歲時,受到了何塞·阿爾弗雷多·馬丁內斯·德·奧斯 (José Alfredo Martínez de Hoz,前阿根廷經濟部長) 的固定匯率製崩潰事件的影響,米萊決定要成為一名經濟學家。 然而,在1989年,他正在上大一時,發生了一件對他頗具啟發性的事情。當時他的母親讓他陪同去超市。“我靠在購物車上,看著幾個女孩子手裏拿著一種類似於手槍的工具經過。那是標價槍。我覺得很不可思議,盡管價格在上漲,人們還是在搶購商品。價格上漲的同時,需求量也在增加!”

“阿根廷特朗普”上任:不梳頭不結婚 宣稱“逃稅是人權”

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