
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Cindy Crawford's iconic mole on her face is a perfect example of how embracing one's uniqueness can lead to extraordinary success. Despite advice to remove it, she firmly refused, stating, "No! If I remove it, I'll just look like anyone else." This decision to celebrate her distinctive feature not only set her apart but also became a symbol of individuality and confidence in the world of modeling, ultimately contributing to her remarkable career.
One more instance exemplifying this is when Arnold Schwarzenegger was given advice to adopt an English screen name that is easy to pronounce. He adamantly refused, stating, “No. I want people to remember my long and difficult last name!” He firmly expressed his insistence and desire to expand his uniqueness.
Cindy Crawford Throughout the Years in Vogue – VOGUEGRAPHYSee some of Cindy Crawford's Cosmopolitan & Vogue magazine covers of the  1980s - Click Americana
20 years after their split, Cindy Crawford says Richard Gere is 'like a  stranger' | National Post
Another example of taking your own unique approach was: 
** His name: 

Arnold Schwarzenegger's unwavering commitment to his unique and hard-to-pronounce last name is a testament to his self-assuredness and determination. This decision played a significant role in shaping his distinct identity in the world of entertainment and beyond. Here's an expansion on how his choice to retain his full name highlighted his uniqueness:

Resilience and Confidence: Arnold Schwarzenegger's decision to keep his long and challenging last name reflected his resilience and unwavering self-confidence. He didn't conform to the industry's standards or take the easier route of adopting a screen name. Instead, he boldly declared his intent to make his distinctive name memorable.

Differentiation: In a world where many actors adopted stage names for simplicity and marketability, Schwarzenegger's choice set him apart. His unique last name became a signature, instantly recognizable to audiences and industry professionals. It made him stand out in a crowd of actors with more conventional names.

Personal Brand: By retaining his full name, Schwarzenegger was building a personal brand rooted in authenticity. He wanted people to remember him for who he truly was, embracing his Austrian heritage and unique background as an asset rather than a hindrance.

Cultural Diversity: In an industry that often favored individuals with anglicized or easily pronounceable names, Schwarzenegger's decision also celebrated cultural diversity. It conveyed a message that success in Hollywood wasn't limited to those with traditional American names, thus inspiring others from diverse backgrounds to pursue their dreams.

Lasting Legacy: Schwarzenegger's insistence on his full name left a lasting legacy in Hollywood. His name became synonymous with action films and iconic characters. It demonstrated that one's uniqueness and authenticity could be a source of strength and longevity in the entertainment industry.

Influence on Others: His determination to retain his name likely encouraged others to embrace their own unique qualities and backgrounds rather than conforming to industry norms. Schwarzenegger's success served as an inspiration for aspiring actors and individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds to follow their own paths.

In summary, Arnold Schwarzenegger's refusal to adopt an easy-pronounced English screen name exemplifies his unwavering confidence, commitment to authenticity, and celebration of cultural diversity. It not only contributed to his remarkable career but also left a lasting impact on the entertainment industry, inspiring others to embrace their uniqueness.

******** His accent of speaking English: 

The comments are discussing Arnold Schwarzenegger's unique qualities that contributed to his success as a Hollywood star. Here's an elaboration of the key points:

Accent Isn't the Most Important: The first comment suggests that Schwarzenegger's accent wasn't the most crucial factor in his success. Instead, it highlights that vocabulary and language habits played a more significant role in his ability to communicate effectively.

Unconventional Attributes: The second comment recognizes Arnold Schwarzenegger's unconventional attributes as a Hollywood star. He was an Austrian immigrant with a lengthy and challenging-to-pronounce name, a thick accent, and a physical appearance that differed from traditional Hollywood actors. Despite these differences, he managed to become one of the most prominent stars in the industry.

Unique Characteristics: Arnold Schwarzenegger's success can be attributed to several unique characteristics. His distinctiveness, individuality, and accent set him apart. Additionally, his physique was well-suited to the fitness and health industry boom of the 1980s. He became associated with Gold's Gym and benefited from Joe Weider's "Shape" magazine, a publication founded by a fitness entrepreneur and bodybuilder.

Iconic Catchphrases: The comments mention iconic catchphrases like "Get to the choppa!" and "Hasta La Vista, Baby." These catchphrases have become memes and are associated with Schwarzenegger's unique way of speaking. They have contributed to his enduring popularity and have made people want to imitate his speech.

Conscious Use of Accent: In response to a question about his accent and speech style, Schwarzenegger acknowledges that he became aware of the interesting and unique aspect of his delivery. Over time, he deliberately exaggerated his accent and manner of speaking to make it more entertaining. This deliberate embrace of his own uniqueness contributed to his charisma and appeal.

Impact on Pop Culture: The comments highlight how Schwarzenegger's distinctive style and catchphrases have permeated popular culture. People shout "Get to the choppa!" when they see him, even when he's riding a bicycle. This illustrates the lasting impact of his unique persona on public perception and recognition.

In essence, these comments emphasize that Arnold Schwarzenegger's success in Hollywood was not solely reliant on his accent but was also due to his unique qualities, catchphrases, and his conscious embrace of his distinctive manner of speaking, which contributed to his enduring popularity and cultural influence.



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ecolio157h7 發表評論於 
Arnold施瓦辛格:獨特性、個性、口音都有幫助。還有就是身材。因為在 80 年代,健康和健身行業呈爆炸式增長。Gold's Gym 成為一個巨大的特許經營店;還有韋德的《形體》雜誌(喬韋德是一位健美運動員和健身企業家,曾幫助施瓦辛格進入美國,他也是《形體》雜誌的創始人之一)。
他最經典的一句台詞就是get to the choppa! 現已成為一個MEME
Hasta La Vista. Chill out
後來我意識到這很有趣,現在我把它改得更誇張。這樣,人們就會因為你說的方式而願意重複你的台詞。現在我騎著自行車到處轉悠的時候,有人就會大喊 "Get to the chop-ah!!" 。

Andrea Bocelli, Helene Fischer - When I Fall In Love - Live / 2012

The live performance of “When I Fall in Love” by Andrea Bocelli and Helene Fischer in 2012 is considered great for several reasons:

Vocals: Both Andrea Bocelli and Helene Fischer are renowned for their exceptional vocal abilities. Their powerful yet emotive voices blend beautifully in this duet, creating a mesmerizing and captivating performance.

Musicality: The arrangement and orchestration of the song are skillfully done, allowing the musicians to highlight the melody and bring out the emotional depth of the lyrics. The live orchestra adds richness and depth to the performance, enhancing the overall musical experience.

Chemistry: Bocelli and Fischer have a wonderful chemistry on stage, which is evident in their interaction and the way they complement each other vocally. Their genuine connection and shared musicality make the performance even more enjoyable to watch.

Emotional intensity: “When I Fall in Love” is a deeply romantic and heartfelt song, and both Bocelli and Fischer bring out its emotional intensity through their expressive delivery. Their ability to convey the emotions and make the audience feel the sentiment of the song is truly remarkable.

Stage presence: Both Bocelli and Fischer are seasoned performers who know how to captivate an audience. Their stage presence, confidence, and charisma add another layer of greatness to the performance, making it a memorable and engaging experience for the viewers.

Who wrote the lyrics, composed and sang the famous and eternal "Hallilujah" - 


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