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There are several authors named Richard Cumberland. Here are a few examples: 1. Richard Cumberland (1631-1718) - An English philosopher and bishop who wrote on moral and political philosophy. 2. Richard Cumberland (1732-1811) - An English dramatist and philosopher known for his plays, including "The West Indian" and "The Fashionable Lover." 3. Richard Cumberland (1848-1926) - An American playwright and novelist who wrote popular works such as "The Money Spinner" and "The American Girl." 4. Richard Cumberland (1880-1966) - An English author and playwright who wrote novels like "The Abyss" and "The Great Affair." 5. Richard Cumberland (born 1948) - A contemporary British author known for his novels and plays, including "The Glass Bathyscaphe" and "Words with Music." Please specify which Richard Cumberland you are referring to for a more accurate answer.
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一本1812年的小書 (轉)
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楊道還 9/24/2023
我的藏書中,有本1812年的小書,Retrospection: A Poem in Familiar Verse,作者Richard Cumberland.
這個問題,以前買書時我是遇到過的。那是個樂嗬嗬的白人中年婦女書商。我不時在她那裏買書,一來二去混得臉熟了。有一次,這樣問,我開玩笑說:「No, for decoration only。」這是個很難回答的問題,原因有二。一,這些老書禁不起太多翻閱,小心翼翼地翻頁,怎麽讀?二,講到讀,我得能看得懂才行。看不懂,怎麽能叫讀?
英國的Richard Cumberland(s),有兩個。一個是功利主義哲學家,一個是他的孫子,以劇作家聞名。這很混亂,但想起法國的路易若幹,也還罷了。我私下以為,因為人名的問題,法國史不比中國史容易讀:能找到的路易還好,名不見經傳的那些路易,怎麽辦?
這兩個人名下Wiki,都沒這本書。用穀歌深度搜索,才解決了這個問題。有人在上個世紀初,研究了這個劇作家,Richard Cumberland: His Life and Dramatic Works (Stanley Thomas Williams, 1917)。這本書在書後的作品列表中。我手上這本書是美國出版的,英國第一版是在1811年。
I found how many men were only great,
When seen at distance, owing all their bulk
And stature to the magnifying mist:
The operation of that subtle gas,
…… they suck'd in,
…… sets the ladder for the Knave to mount.
When seen at distance , owing all their bulk And stature to the magnifying mist : For , on a nearer view , I chiefly saw The operation of that subtle gas , Which flattery introduc'd , and they suck'd in , Till , gorg'd and swollen with ...
此段是節錄,原文可見https://books.google.com/books?id=2V5DAQAAMAAJ 。