
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Erich Segal [love story], why famous?

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Erich Segal [love story], why famous?

Erich Segal’s Love Story is famous for several reasons:

  1. Iconic love story: Love Story is widely regarded as one of the greatest love stories of all time. The novel tells the heart-wrenching tale of Oliver Barrett IV and Jennifer Cavilleri, two college students from different backgrounds who fall in love. Their story resonated with readers, capturing the essence of young love and the challenges it can face.

  2. Emotional impact: Love Story is known for its emotional impact. Segal’s writing style evokes strong emotions in readers, making them laugh, cry, and feel deeply connected to the characters. The tragic ending, in particular, left a lasting impression on readers and contributed to the novel’s fame.

  3. Memorable quotes: Love Story is filled with memorable quotes that have become widely recognized and quoted in popular culture. The most famous line, “Love means never having to say you’re sorry,” has become an iconic romantic quote.

  4. Commercial success: Love Story was a commercial success, becoming a bestseller and selling millions of copies worldwide. It was also adapted into a highly successful film in 1970, further increasing its popularity and fame.

  5. Cultural impact: Love Story had a significant cultural impact, particularly in the 1970s. It influenced the way love stories were portrayed in literature and popular culture, paving the way for other romantic novels and films.

  6. Timeless appeal: Despite being published in 1970, Love Story continues to resonate with readers today. Its timeless themes of love, sacrifice, and loss are universal and continue to captivate new generations of readers.

Overall, Erich Segal’s Love Story is famous for its iconic love story, emotional impact, memorable quotes, commercial success, cultural impact, and timeless appeal. It remains a beloved and enduring classic in the genre of romantic literature.


Erich Segal wrote several books throughout his career. While Love Story is his most famous work, he has authored other notable novels as well. Some of his other books include:

  1. Oliver’s Story (1977): A sequel to Love Story, Oliver’s Story continues the narrative of Oliver Barrett IV as he navigates life after the death of his wife, Jennifer Cavilleri.

  2. Man, Woman and Child (1980): This novel explores the emotional journey of a man named Robert Beckwith, who discovers that he has a son from a past affair. It delves into themes of love, family, and forgiveness.

  3. The Class (1985): Set at Harvard University, The Class follows the lives of five Harvard graduates from the class of 1958 and explores their personal and professional challenges over the course of twenty-five years.

  4. Doctors (1988): Doctors tells the story of four Harvard Medical School classmates and their journeys through medical school, their careers, and personal lives. It explores the sacrifices and challenges faced by doctors.

  5. Acts of Faith (1992): This novel revolves around the lives of three individuals and their intertwined destinies. It explores themes of love, friendship, and religious identity.

  6. Prizes (1995): Prizes follows the lives of five individuals who won the Nobel Prize in different fields. It delves into their personal struggles, relationships, and the impact of their achievements.

These are just a few examples of Erich Segal’s other books. Each of his novels offers its own unique storytelling and explores various themes related to love, relationships, and personal growth.

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TJKCB 回複 悄悄話 暗夜不染,清輝常在 - 凊荷 - 給 凊荷 發送悄悄話 凊荷 的博客首頁 (276 bytes) (6667 reads) 09/25/2023 17:42:20 (1)

? 是她自己沒有意識到,而且雙方都沒有給對方機會發展的愛 - bluemoon99 - 給 bluemoon99 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (13 reads) 09/25/2023 18:33:49

? 相柳愛小夭,但他也知道他們沒機會? - 凊荷 - 給 凊荷 發送悄悄話 凊荷 的博客首頁 (80 bytes) (95 reads) 09/25/2023 19:12:29

? 剛剛看封神去了,才回來 - bluemoon99 - 給 bluemoon99 發送悄悄話 (93 bytes) (75 reads) 09/25/2023 23:14:40

? 她對塗山璟是欣賞,是一種對自己不擁有的東西的向往。她對相柳是愛,是情不知所起一往而深。 - 想長肉肉 - 給 想長肉肉 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (12 reads) 09/25/2023 18:40:09

? 從她根相柳的相處真沒看出她愛相柳,在之後小夭失去璟的表現來看 不是愛是什麽 - caixia - 給 caixia 發送悄悄話 (130 bytes) (122 reads) 09/25/2023 18:56:04

? 劇被魔改了,刻意加強了夭璟感情線。不過你看劇的時候真的沒有覺得隻有夭柳之間才有暗流湧動,夭璟卻是工業糖精的感覺嗎? - 想長肉肉 - 給 想長肉肉 發送悄悄話 (158 bytes) (91 reads) 09/25/2023 19:08:52

? 書和劇我看了5遍不止,真沒這體會。相柳是愛小夭,但相柳對小夭的粗暴表現 你覺得曆經這麽多磨難的小夭會愛上這樣的人? - caixia - 給 caixia 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 09/25/2023 19:42:35

? 小夭真心不在乎這些,咱們不能以我們的心去度她的心。她自己也說了不在乎的。你看她在相柳臉上塗鴉這樣作死,就知道這些她都沒當 - 想長肉肉 - 給 想長肉肉 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (16 reads) 09/25/2023 19:48:55

? 失去璟讓她的有人永相依的夢想破滅,所以心如死灰。其實這個人是誰不是那麽重要。 - 想長肉肉 - 給 想長肉肉 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (17 reads) 09/25/2023 19:11:26

? 這個說法 - 凊荷 - 給 凊荷 發送悄悄話 凊荷 的博客首頁 (27 bytes) (145 reads) 09/25/2023 19:13:22

? 看書看劇仔細體會,意在言外。 - 想長肉肉 - 給 想長肉肉 發送悄悄話 (185 bytes) (106 reads) 09/25/2023 19:19:13

? 沒看過書。正在看戲 - 凊荷 - 給 凊荷 發送悄悄話 凊荷 的博客首頁 (27 bytes) (38 reads) 09/25/2023 19:24:30

? 長相思也可以是說黑帝呀 相柳對小夭的呀 為啥非得是小夭對別人的 - caixia - 給 caixia 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 09/25/2023 19:38:59

? 書和劇基本一直都是以小夭視角展開的。相柳都死了,咋長相思?黑帝和小夭都沒死,怎麽會長相思?見一麵總是可以吧? - 想長肉肉 - 給 想長肉肉 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 09/25/2023 19:42:01

? 小夭這一走就不會再和黑帝見麵,愛爾不得就不能長相思嗎,非得死了才能相思 - caixia - 給 caixia 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 09/25/2023 19:46:15

? 既然是黑帝對她長相思,以黑帝的能力,去偷偷看看她難道做不到?而且我怎麽也無法想象黑帝是男主啊! - 想長肉肉 - 給 想長肉肉 發送悄悄話 (75 bytes) (40 reads) 09/25/2023 19:51:19

? +1。觀點就是我覺得小夭愛他 隻是小夭自己不知道 - caixia - 給 caixia 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 09/25/2023 19:37:08

? 小夭知道的,但是必須裝不知道。那次相柳問她最想和誰相伴一生,小夭死也不肯說。 - 想長肉肉 - 給 想長肉肉 發送悄悄話 (131 bytes) (76 reads) 09/25/2023 19:46:24

? 相柳用妖術窺探小夭的內心,小夭抵抗,她不願思考這問題,但這也不能就說明她愛相柳啊。要說相伴一生,小夭可對表哥說過 - caixia - 給 caixia 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (12 reads) 09/25/2023 20:00:05

? 對啊,那她為什麽寧死不說呢?如果是表哥,(我覺得隻要看過書或者劇的人都不可能認可),為啥不敢說? - 想長肉肉 - 給 想長肉肉 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 09/25/2023 21:05:12

? 小夭為什麽送水晶球?這心意還不明顯嗎? - 一月西泠 - 給 一月西泠 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 09/25/2023 20:34:05

? 對相柳有無意識的心動,但雙方都沒有向前走一步,有點小火苗就掐死了。對璟的愛和依戀長成了蒼天大樹。 - 安哲 - 給 安哲 發送悄悄話 安哲 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 09/25/2023 19:51:02

? 有情人蠱,所以相柳是非常清楚小夭的心意的。而且相柳付出幾命給小夭,這樣還能說沒有走出一步? - 想長肉肉 - 給 想長肉肉 發送悄悄話 (554 bytes) (79 reads) 09/25/2023 19:59:22

? 相柳的愛是明確的但並沒有打算結成正果。全書都是從小夭的角度寫得,有大量她的心裏描寫,也沒有表明對相柳有明確的心意。 - 安哲 - 給 安哲 發送悄悄話 安哲 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 09/25/2023 21:11:20

? 我很認同你這個說法。 - 左岸右岸 - 給 左岸右岸 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 09/26/2023 14:43:05

? 不爭論了,各人有各人的理解,反正最後有情人終成眷屬 - caixia - 給 caixia 發送悄悄話 (32 bytes) (40 reads) 09/25/2023 20:03:28

? 長相思太好看了,感覺很久沒看到這麽好看的古偶劇了 - Kuku24 - 給 Kuku24 發送悄悄話 (572 bytes) (116 reads) 09/25/2023 20:03:40

? 再看看蓮花樓就覺得長相思也還行。 - 綠蟻采菊 - 給 綠蟻采菊 發送悄悄話 綠蟻采菊 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 09/25/2023 20:24:02

? 蓮花樓好看嗎?之前看過幾集沒看下去,最近劇荒,也許再撿起來看一下。 - Kuku24 - 給 Kuku24 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 09/25/2023 20:42:12

? 好看,我也是看了第二集棄劇了,然後看到好多人推薦就又回頭看,看了之後好上頭,出不來了,又去追成毅的沉香,感覺李蓮花回來了 - 綠蟻采菊 - 給 綠蟻采菊 發送悄悄話 綠蟻采菊 的博客首頁 (132 bytes) (76 reads) 09/25/2023 20:51:28

? 哈哈哈,那我再看一下。 - Kuku24 - 給 Kuku24 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 09/25/2023 21:03:48

? 慶餘年二,雪地悍刀行二,長相思二,都什麽時候開始。 - 烹小閑 - 給 烹小閑 發送悄悄話 烹小閑 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 09/25/2023 22:44:29

? 小夭最愛她自己,她的經曆決定她要在感情裏找個最讓她有安全感的。她最願意付出的是表哥,她的世界裏親情優先於愛情 - skyblue_lake - 給 skyblue_lake 發送悄悄話 skyblue_lake 的博客首頁 (201 bytes) (167 reads) 09/25/2023 23:38:21

? 哈哈哈哈哈啊這!!!怎麽會這樣!!! - 大兔子張三 - 給 大兔子張三 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 09/26/2023 05:11:29

? 幼年的經曆造成這種性格。和她娘一點也不一樣 - 山核桃酥 - 給 山核桃酥 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 09/26/2023 07:54:56

? 我想了想,長相思或許是廣義的思念不了情。 - 凊荷 - 給 凊荷 發送悄悄話 凊荷 的博客首頁 (680 bytes) (108 reads) 09/26/2023 05:28:20 (1)

? 哈哈 你的理解很有深度 - 山核桃酥 - 給 山核桃酥 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 09/26/2023 07:53:25

? 按照桐華明確的解釋 - 安哲 - 給 安哲 發送悄悄話 安哲 的博客首頁 (213 bytes) (106 reads) 09/26/2023 08:50:37

? 那桐華的邏輯不嚴謹 - 凊荷 - 給 凊荷 發送悄悄話 凊荷 的博客首頁 (709 bytes) (74 reads) 09/26/2023 09:07:04

? 倉玹是第一男主,這個故事裏不光有小夭的感情線還有蒼玹少年帝王的事業線,劇單上蒼玹也是第一男主 - skyblue_lake - 給 skyblue_lake 發送悄悄話 skyblue_lake 的博客首頁 (414 bytes) (59 reads) 09/26/2023 09:36:01

? 看了三十集,沒太覺得瑲玹是主角 - 凊荷 - 給 凊荷 發送悄悄話 凊荷 的博客首頁 (102 bytes) (27 reads) 09/26/2023 09:40:47

? 你看完這39集就會覺得這三男中璟是最弱的那個,還有9集,相柳是與她最有默契火花意難平的 - skyblue_lake - 給 skyblue_lake 發送悄悄話 skyblue_lake 的博客首頁 (202 bytes) (68 reads) 09/26/2023 09:52:29

? 這個大概是書要表達的意境 - 凊荷 - 給 凊荷 發送悄悄話 凊荷 的博客首頁 (249 bytes) (50 reads) 09/26/2023 10:13:03

? 網文作者天天被催更,寫著寫著寫飛了,也難免 - 安哲 - 給 安哲 發送悄悄話 安哲 的博客首頁 (305 bytes) (58 reads) 09/26/2023 10:52:08