花似鹿蔥 據捷克電視台和法蘭西24電視台(France24)12日報道,著名作家米蘭·昆德拉在巴黎去世,享年94歲。 米蘭·昆德拉1929年出生於捷克斯洛伐克,1975年移居法國。在多年的寫作生涯中,他創作了多部... » 2023-07-12 06:48:02 ( 2275 reads)
translate 《生命中不能承受之輕》 to English:
The translation of 《生命中不能承受之輕》 into English is "The Unbearable Lightness of Being."
The Unbearable Lightness Of Being
- Drama • 1988
- Actors: Daniel Day-Lewis, Juliette Binoche, Lena Olin
- Director: Philip Kaufman
The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera (Complete Audiobook)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Milan Kindera part 1 The Unbearable Lightness of Being Milan Kindera part 2
• 沙發,讚啊! -lovecat08-
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 07:11:23
• 很多人都沒回到祖國啊!我的父母,就是老死台灣。 -lovecat08-
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 07:13:02
• 終身遺憾!他們也老想回上海看看。。。。。。 -lovecat08-
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 07:14:07
• 捷克早已自由民主化了,他在生前就可以重回祖國的。當然,不必舍棄法國,回鄉省親沒問題的。 -renqiulan-
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 07:30:19
• 他不一樣啊!他是流亡被開除國籍呢!當然,後來邀請回國恢複國籍,但他不願。。。 -花似鹿蔥-
(0 bytes) (8 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 07:18:04
• 是不一樣。毛政府,還寬容我老爸,如果他要回上海,在剛開始的時候。。。。。 -lovecat08-
(0 bytes) (11 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 07:22:06
• 際遇各有不同。再說,今天捷克人,有多少還是昆德拉的鐵粉呢? -renqiulan-
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 07:48:26
• 花姐說得對。他選擇留居法國。 -renqiulan-
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 07:32:01
• 我老爸選擇留在台灣,因為回上海,就是黑五類,沒好果子吃。 -lovecat08-
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 07:37:15
• 捷克總理近年接見他,給他恢復國籍了,捷克駐法大使親自給他送國籍證件。 -春日遲遲- (0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 11:10:30
• 看過《生命中不能承受之輕》書和電影,覺得挺好看。 -春日遲遲- (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 11:13:51
• 翻出他的書,向他致敬?沒這麽容易,得交一篇心得來 -老鍵-
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 07:17:35
• 讀過英譯本,感覺上寫得雜亂些,尤其是“The Unbearable...” 風格疑似意識流,知識分子喜歡的。我則興趣不大 -renqiulan-
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 07:45:53
• 聽過中文版,同感,有時完全是議論文體 -顫音-
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 11:15:16
• 聽過中文版,同感,有時完全是議論文體 -顫音-
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 11:15:16
• 老鍵好! -renqiulan-
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 07:49:43
• 老鍵敲我腦殼呀!遵命,重新翻來讀讀。。。。 -花似鹿蔥-
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 09:08:03
• The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory -renqiulan-
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 07:35:43
• against forgetting. Kundera: (曆史)是記憶與遺忘之間的鬥爭。 -renqiulan-
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 07:37:52
• 小R說的準確! -花似鹿蔥-
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 09:10:08
• 所以曆史總是重複,人性的弱點使然 -顫音-
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 11:16:39
• 法國自由,捷克專製,和我們大多數人一樣啊,後來習慣了也就以法國為家鄉了,畢竟入籍法國了,入籍的同時也等於放棄捷克。 -丹哥-
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 08:20:54
• 早就聽說過事跡和作品,但還沒有讀過。 -唐宋韻-
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 10:56:43
• 第一次看到他的照片,看來沒少喝酒,小說聽過,電影看過,比諾什的眼睛讓人難忘 -顫音-
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 11:13:09
• 女主有種法式的典雅之美,覺得她在《藍色》中更好看。 -春日遲遲- (0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 11:15:43
• 嗯,那個電影的poster她的確美 -顫音-
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 11:17:24
• 接近20年前讀過他的書,並沒有讀懂,隻是被哪種淡淡的憂傷和壓抑吸引,連讀了好幾本。 -邵豐慧-
(140 bytes) (8 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 11:39:49
• 是有那種感覺。 -春日遲遲- (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/12/2023 postreply 11:44:19
來源: 土豆-禾苗 於 2023-07-13 11:44:42 [檔案] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 2076 次 (8056 bytes)
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然而,2008 年 10 月,一條關於昆德拉的檔案記錄被公開出來:二戰後,一位捷克飛行員流亡至西德,並於1950 年作為情報人員潛入(回到)捷克。昆德拉從一位熟人那裏得知了他的去向並向警方舉報(告密/揭發?),飛行員被捕。
冷戰後,捷克政府成立了一個“捷克極權製度研究所”,專門搜集管理那個時代的各種官方資料,其中包括那期間秘密警察的檔案資料。捷克《尊重》周刊就是在那裏發現了有關昆德拉告密的資料,然後報道了出來,也附上了文件副本。 那位被捕的飛行員,資料顯示其被判處22年監禁、罰款1萬克朗、沒收財產、剝奪公民身份,其中14年為強迫勞動,在鈾礦等地工作。
(相關內容英語維基中寫的更加詳細:Miroslav Dvo?á?ek controversy)
這幾天,對“冷戰後昆德拉不回捷克”這個老話題又出了很多分析文章,都蠻有意思的,文人的發揮。昆德拉為什麽不回捷克,或者說為什麽冷處理和捷克新政府的關係?我不知道,反正把他同那位《我的祖國》中的庫貝利克(Rafael Jeronym Kubelik)做對比,蠻有意思的。我對所有的人物都會用一句:蠻有意思的。
“忠誠不徹底就是徹底不忠誠”。極權環境中,有些人無需自我麻痹更無需命令就能充當打手幹出惡事狠事,有些人則得先玩一通文字遊戲自我麻痹一下才能幹得出。想起那部2006年的電影《竊聽風暴 Das Leben der Anderen》(虛構的好事兒),還有更早的《雷恩的女兒 Ryan's Daughter》。
俄羅斯必勝(五):川普必勝 普京必勝
成也川普 敗也川普,我的“川普觀”
大膽提前預測美國大選:川普必勝 & 普京必勝
您的位置: 文學城 ? 論壇 ? 文化走廊 ? 米蘭·昆德拉的“告密”
? 請不要送城頭,謝謝。 -土豆-禾苗- 給 土豆-禾苗 發送悄悄話 土豆-禾苗 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 11:46:18
? 這個傳說我絕對相信,這就是人性。就好像那些在美國罵美國誇獨裁者偷情報回去的人,是一樣的。但是有危險他們絕對是先跑出國的。 -咲媱- 給 咲媱 發送悄悄話 咲媱 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (8 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 12:43:38
? 傳說可以很精彩,但事實勝於傳說。“為什麽捷克斯洛伐克和蘇聯當局沒有使用這份文件讓昆德拉名譽掃地?” 鏈接在內 -Shubin- 給 Shubin 發送悄悄話 Shubin 的博客首頁 (148 bytes) (26 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 13:05:28
? “傳說可以很精彩,但事實勝於傳說”,哥們的語句還是蠻富有那個年代特點的。你這個鏈接,沒有證明出“事實”啊,隻是屬於 -土豆-禾苗- 給 土豆-禾苗 發送悄悄話 土豆-禾苗 的博客首頁 (103 bytes) (10 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 15:16:53
? 前捷克和蘇聯當局沒有公開這份文件,就是事實啊。 -Shubin- 給 Shubin 發送悄悄話 Shubin 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (8 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 15:51:13
? 那你“傳說可以很精彩,但事實勝於傳說”這句話中的“傳說”是指什麽?我和咲媱 講的是: -土豆-禾苗- 給 土豆-禾苗 發送悄悄話 土豆-禾苗 的博客首頁 (915 bytes) (13 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 16:33:10
? 指的是那份2008年被發現的文件副本,還有昆德拉曾向警方“告密”的傳言。 -Shubin- 給 Shubin 發送悄悄話 Shubin 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 16:45:11
? 那個文件副本本身也是一個事實,但畢竟那份副本所寫的內容未必是事實,所以有了各種猜測…秘密警察的工作方式,我不能說給你聽 -土豆-禾苗- 給 土豆-禾苗 發送悄悄話 土豆-禾苗 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 16:48:48
? 假如“告密”是如副本所描述的,那麽前捷克當局完全沒必要秘密監視昆德拉10年,隻需請他出來喝杯咖啡,然後把那份文件 -Shubin- 給 Shubin 發送悄悄話 Shubin 的博客首頁 (1190 bytes) (6 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 17:11:10
? “這個傳說我絕對相信”……我是80%不信20%信,如果一定要二選一的話,我會選擇不信。 -土豆-禾苗- 給 土豆-禾苗 發送悄悄話 土豆-禾苗 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 13:52:39
? 在《尋找米蘭·昆德拉》一書中,阿麗亞娜·舍曼首次揭露了捷克國家安全局在1969年到1979年十年之間對昆德拉的全麵監控, -Shubin- 給 Shubin 發送悄悄話 Shubin 的博客首頁 (5975 bytes) (23 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 12:54:58
? 中文裏說“有意思”,根據上下語境,可以是英文裏的 -糯米粥- 給 糯米粥 發送悄悄話 糯米粥 的博客首頁 (244 bytes) (19 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 13:04:41
? 根據我對英語的小學生級別理解,我會說糯米今天特別fascinating,大多數情況屬於Interesting,とても~ -土豆-禾苗- 給 土豆-禾苗 發送悄悄話 土豆-禾苗 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 13:59:40
? 為啥對英語這麽反感, -糯米粥- 給 糯米粥 發送悄悄話 糯米粥 的博客首頁 (235 bytes) (2 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 18:26:07
? 不是反感,是水平不夠 -土豆-禾苗- 給 土豆-禾苗 發送悄悄話 土豆-禾苗 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 18:28:21
? 他出生在1929年,50年才21歲。46年捷克轉向共產的時候,他才17歲,成為熱血青年可以說是很順理成章,沒什麽奇怪。 -freemanli01- 給 freemanli01 發送悄悄話 freemanli01 的博客首頁 (514 bytes) (25 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 13:50:46
? 昆德拉曾兩次被開除出黨。 他第一次被開除出黨是在1950年,隻因為他說了 -Shubin- 給 Shubin 發送悄悄話 Shubin 的博客首頁 (633 bytes) (7 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 17:33:41
? 從你給的資料看,更可以理解他的行為,他年輕時真的相信黨,他的行為也不是朋友間的告密,而是抓“真正的特務"。 -freemanli01- 給 freemanli01 發送悄悄話 freemanli01 的博客首頁 (876 bytes) (4 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 18:11:15
? 其實我覺得 -糯米粥- 給 糯米粥 發送悄悄話 糯米粥 的博客首頁 (110 bytes) (6 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 18:18:47
? 人的思想和行為是有連貫性的。昆德拉的父親是鋼琴家、音樂教授,當過音樂學院院長。昆德拉十三四歲時,正值二戰時期, -Shubin- 給 Shubin 發送悄悄話 Shubin 的博客首頁 (590 bytes) (2 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 18:50:24
? 如我在前麵提到的,如果告密確實發生,那麽前捷克當局不會傻到不使用它。傳言,推測和事實是3個不同的東西。 -Shubin- 給 Shubin 發送悄悄話 Shubin 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 18:30:24
? 或許。我是有意回避了真假,隻是就”假如是真“,覺得也可以理解其心理規律,不覺得很超乎想象到要跳起來的地步。 -freemanli01- 給 freemanli01 發送悄悄話 freemanli01 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 18:51:31
? 有意思 -顫音- 給 顫音 發送悄悄話 顫音 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 15:56:37
? 土豆最後幾段深刻,告密,舉報,揭發為生存自保都是挺悲哀的事,如果良心未泯的,在以後的日子裏會陷入自責。 -核桃小丸子- 給 核桃小丸子 發送悄悄話 核桃小丸子 的博客首頁 (205 bytes) (12 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 16:49:31
? 你說出了我想說的話。在那樣的環境裏為了生存,不知道自己會幹嘛,隻是很慶幸我現在和今後都不需要做那樣的選擇。 -酒綠春濃- 給 酒綠春濃 發送悄悄話 酒綠春濃 的博客首頁 (369 bytes) (6 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 17:25:02
? 小酒,爛泥扶不上錢本來就沒啥可說的,一個放牛班學生的成績也就那樣了,但一個優等生成績的滑落才更讓人痛心,更要關注 -核桃小丸子- 給 核桃小丸子 發送悄悄話 核桃小丸子 的博客首頁 (129 bytes) (11 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 17:36:11
? 我覺得土豆兄的最後幾段,是基於傳言的推測。如果某人在“告密”的同一年被開除出黨,那麽 -Shubin- 給 Shubin 發送悄悄話 Shubin 的博客首頁 (149 bytes) (9 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 17:51:20
? 咲媱 那篇日瓦格醫生/生命之輕中一句“不逃離的下場/離開的時候”,讓我想寫幾句…我也非常理解他一定要普京輸掉的狠勁兒~ -土豆-禾苗- 給 土豆-禾苗 發送悄悄話 土豆-禾苗 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 18:26:49
? 共產黨國家都一個德行,整個社會就跟 -酒綠春濃- 給 酒綠春濃 發送悄悄話 酒綠春濃 的博客首頁 (209 bytes) (11 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 17:29:28
? 凡講到共產黨國家的事兒,就常碰到幾個家夥組隊要我:擺事實講道理,不信謠不傳謠,不要自己嚇自己,不學張愛玲潛逃~ :)) -土豆-禾苗- 給 土豆-禾苗 發送悄悄話 土豆-禾苗 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 07/13/2023 postreply 18:46:47
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In "The Unbearable Lightness of Being," Tereza's exploration of having sex with another man reflects her personal struggles, desires, and search for meaning within her relationship with Tomas.
Tereza feels a profound sense of insecurity and vulnerability due to Tomas's numerous affairs and his refusal to commit to her fully. She longs for stability, commitment, and a sense of belonging, which she believes can be found through a monogamous relationship. However, Tomas embodies the concept of lightness and resists traditional notions of commitment and exclusivity.
Tereza's decision to have sex with another man can be seen as an attempt to regain a sense of control over her own desires and her own body. It is a way for her to explore her own sexuality outside the confines of her relationship with Tomas. By engaging in this act, Tereza seeks to assert her independence, to feel desired and valued, and to find a sense of autonomy that she may feel is lacking in her relationship with Tomas.
Additionally, Tereza's exploration may be viewed as an act of defiance against the societal expectations placed upon women. She challenges the traditional roles and norms that dictate women should be faithful and subservient to their partners. In this way, her decision to engage in sexual encounters with another man can be seen as a form of personal liberation and a reclaiming of her own agency.
It's important to note that Tereza's exploration of having sex with another man is complex and deeply intertwined with her emotional journey throughout the story. It reflects her inner conflicts, desires for intimacy, and her attempts to navigate a relationship that constantly oscillates between lightness and heaviness.
her act damaged her relationship with Thomas. right?
Yes, Tereza's decision to have sex with another man does indeed have a significant impact on her relationship with Tomas and causes damage to their bond. While her intention might have been to assert her independence and explore her own desires, the consequences of her actions create a rift between them.
Tomas, who had previously engaged in numerous extramarital affairs himself, is deeply hurt and feels betrayed by Tereza's actions. He struggles with feelings of jealousy, insecurity, and a sense of loss of control. The trust between them is shaken, and their relationship becomes strained as a result.
Tomas's response to Tereza's infidelity varies throughout the story, but at times, he retaliates by having his own affairs. This further compounds the damage to their relationship and creates a cycle of hurt and betrayal. The once stable and loving foundation of their relationship becomes fractured and destabilized.
While Tereza's exploration may have been driven by her desire for independence and self-discovery, it inadvertently leads to the erosion of the trust and intimacy between her and Tomas. Their relationship becomes characterized by a constant struggle to reconcile their differing desires and needs, ultimately adding weight to the "unbearable lightness" they both experience.
It is worth noting that the complexities of their relationship extend beyond this particular incident, and their dynamic is influenced by various factors throughout the story. However, Tereza's act of infidelity does play a significant role in damaging the trust and stability of their relationship.
"The Unbearable Lightness of Being," both a novel by Milan Kundera and a film adaptation directed by Philip Kaufman in 1988, explores several interconnected themes. At its core, the work delves into the philosophical concept of the "lightness" of human existence and the implications it has on personal relationships, freedom, and the search for meaning in life.
One of the central ideas in the novel is the contrast between lightness and heaviness. Kundera suggests that human existence is inherently light because it lacks a predetermined purpose or meaning. He argues that unlike traditional religious or metaphysical beliefs, which assign a definite weight and significance to actions and events, life is essentially free-floating, without any ultimate significance. This lightness creates a sense of uncertainty, impermanence, and the potential for existential angst.
The characters in the novel, primarily Tomas, Tereza, and Sabina, grapple with this existential condition. Tomas, a womanizer and a surgeon, epitomizes the lightness of being by refusing to commit to any one woman or ideology. He seeks constant erotic adventures, believing that love and sex can provide fleeting moments of weightlessness and escape from the burden of existence.
On the other hand, Tereza represents the desire for heaviness, seeking stability, commitment, and a meaningful connection in her relationship with Tomas. She longs for the weightiness of love and a sense of rootedness, but struggles to find it in a world where lightness prevails.
Sabina, a painter and Tomas's mistress, embodies the lightness of being in her rejection of conventional morality and her pursuit of personal freedom and artistic expression. She embraces a hedonistic lifestyle, resisting any kind of attachment that might tie her down.
The novel also explores the political backdrop of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and its impact on the characters' lives. It examines the tension between personal freedom and political oppression, highlighting the struggles faced by individuals under an authoritarian regime.
In summary, "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" contemplates the meaning of life, the ephemeral nature of existence, and the tension between lightness and heaviness. It invites readers to reflect on the choices individuals make in the pursuit of love, freedom, and personal fulfillment in a world where everything is transient and devoid of inherent significance.
the ending?
The ending of "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" is open to interpretation and has sparked various discussions among readers and viewers of the film adaptation. Without revealing specific plot details, I can provide a general overview of the ending's significance.
In the novel, the ending explores the concept of eternal return, a philosophical idea attributed to Friedrich Nietzsche. Eternal return suggests that everything in the universe recurs infinitely, and one must live each moment as if it were to repeat eternally. Kundera uses this concept to further explore the themes of lightness and heaviness and their impact on personal choices and relationships.
The ending of the novel suggests a possible reconciliation between lightness and heaviness, as the characters come to accept the transient nature of life and find solace in their connections with others. It emphasizes the importance of embracing love, personal connections, and meaningful relationships in the face of life's inherent uncertainty and lack of ultimate meaning.
However, it is important to note that the ending is deliberately ambiguous, leaving room for individual interpretation. Some readers perceive a sense of hope and affirmation in the characters' choices, while others may find a more somber or even tragic undertone. The ending invites readers to reflect on their own understanding of the themes presented throughout the novel and draw their own conclusions about the characters' fates and the overall message of the story.
It's worth mentioning that film adaptations sometimes make changes to the original text, so if you're specifically referring to the ending of the 1988 film adaptation, it may differ slightly from the novel's conclusion.