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ep41 耶律留禮壽 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

Web-981年),契丹族,遼朝皇族。 耶律留禮壽是 遼太祖 的曾孫, 耶律李胡 之孫,宋王 耶律喜隱 的兒子。 遼景宗 乾亨 三年(981年)五月,上京(今 內蒙古自治區 赤峰市 巴林左 …

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耶律留禮壽 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
耶律留禮壽(10世紀?-981年),契丹族,遼朝皇族。 耶律留禮壽是遼太祖的曾孫,耶律李胡之孫,宋王耶律喜隱的兒子。 遼景宗 乾亨三年(981年)五月,上京(今內蒙古自治區 赤峰市 巴林左旗)漢軍叛遼,他被擁立為王,不久被戰敗,上京留守除室將他擒獲,七月,被朝廷誅殺。
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耶律留禮壽 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
耶律留禮壽(10世紀?—981年),契丹族,遼朝皇族。 耶律留禮壽是遼太祖的曾孫,耶律李胡之孫,宋王耶律喜隱的兒子。 遼景宗 乾亨三年(981年)五月,上京(今內蒙古自治區 赤峰市 巴林左旗)漢軍叛遼,他被擁立為王,不久被戰敗,上京留守除室將他擒獲,七月,被朝廷誅殺。
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耶律留禮壽 - Wikiwand
耶律留禮壽(10世紀?-981年),契丹族,遼朝皇族。 耶律留禮壽是遼太祖的曾孫,耶律李胡之孫,宋王耶律喜隱的兒子。遼景宗乾亨三年(981年)五月,上京(今內蒙古自治區赤峰市巴林左旗)漢軍叛遼,他被擁立為王,不久被戰敗,上京留守除室將他擒獲,七月,被朝廷誅殺。
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契丹人(英語:Khitan people 或 Khitans),古代遊牧民族,原始蒙古族的分支後裔,居住在今蒙古國及中國東北地區,採取半農半牧生活,語言屬蒙古語族,但受通古斯語族強烈影響。而目前居住中國東北的達斡爾族可認定為契丹人直係後裔,部分吉爾吉斯人也和契丹有基因上的聯繫或為直係後裔 。
先祖源自東胡,曾經隸屬於匈奴,後成為鮮卑的一部份,與鮮卑宇文部、庫莫奚同源,曾臣屬慕 …

中國歷史/遼、宋、西夏與金 - 維基教科書,自由的教學讀本

Web648年唐太宗在契丹人領地設置鬆漠都督府,酋長任都督並賜李姓。契丹在660年唐高宗時反叛自立,並與李唐脫離關係,開元年間再度歸附,安史之亂後大唐國力衰微,契丹時而 …

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WebMar 21, 2023 · 晉王李存勖想與契丹結盟互為支援,以叔母侍奉皇後。 幽州劉守光派遣 韓延徽 來求援,不跪拜,遼太祖怒,扣留了他,讓他牧馬。 皇後説:“他守節不屈,是個有 …

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WebOct 1, 2022 · 契丹族(英語:Khitay)為中國古代遊牧民族,發源於中國東北地區。初期以畜牧業為主,到遼代中葉以後主要為半農半牧。早期分契丹

ENG SUB【燕雲台 The Legend of Xiao Chuo】EP46 Yanyan married Han Derang?

Tencent Video-COSTUME
196K subscribers
4,568 views Premiered Dec 9, 2022 #燕雲台 #竇驍 #唐嫣
?Download "WeTV / Tencent Video (for The US)" APP to watch more episodes https://wetv.vip/ ?Join Facebook group to chat about WeTV dramas https://bit.ly/wetvglobalfans ?Join Tencent Video & WeTV VIP Group : https://bit.ly/wetvvipgroup ?Welcome to subscribe and enjoy more costume content : https://bit.ly/wetvcostume ! 蕭燕燕是宰相蕭思溫與燕國大長公主的第三女。她作為家中最小的孩子,不僅深得父親喜歡,也深受大姐蕭胡輦、二姐烏骨裏的寵愛和照顧,集萬千寵愛於一身的蕭燕燕也從小養成了敢想、敢說、敢做的性格,對於追求的事物充滿執著,不輕言放棄。她與韓德讓兩情相悅,早定終身。但世事難料,蕭家三姐妹分別嫁給了太祖係三支,大姐蕭胡輦嫁給了太平王耶律罨撒葛,二姐烏骨裏嫁給了耶律喜隱,而蕭燕燕因與遼景宗耶律賢的一次邂逅,從此開啟傳奇的一生 主演:唐嫣 竇驍 佘詩曼 經超


Web《曆史上的蕭太後》是景愛創作的曆史學著作,首次出版於2010年1月。蕭太後是中國契丹族曆史上作出過傑出貢獻的人物。該書詳細記述了蕭太後一生的主要事跡,澄清了人們關 …

ep 48: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JmJuV6aIfA 


Web蕭太後(遼朝皇後) 蕭綽,小字燕燕,原姓拔裏氏,拔裏氏被耶律阿保機賜姓蕭氏,契丹族,遼朝著名的政治家、軍事家和改革家,她攝政期間,遼朝進入了曆史上統治中原二百 …


where are 契丹人(英語:Khitan people 或 Khitans)Now?

The Khitan people were a nomadic people who founded the Liao dynasty in the 10th century in what is now northern China. The Liao dynasty lasted until the early 12th century when it was conquered by the Jurchen people who established the Jin dynasty.

Today, the Khitan people as an ethnic group no longer exist as a distinct entity. Over time, the Khitans assimilated into other neighboring ethnic groups and their culture and language were lost. However, their legacy lives on in the history and culture of China and its neighboring regions. There are also some people of partial Khitan descent who still live in China today, but they are not recognized as a separate ethnic group.



HermioneYiyo S

1 year ago
大姐和二姐都是那種不知足的人,明明自己的丈夫情人理虧還怨恨燕燕,看不到燕燕屢次警告和退讓 [] [] 姐妹才是最親的,為了男人和自己的親妹妹反目成仇,就算蕭思溫沒死也要被她們氣死了……



Xiaohui Ji

2 years ago
其實看到最後,我覺得韓德讓是最佳繼父 [] ,哪怕燕燕在氣頭上,他也選擇和主上站統一戰線,解釋給燕燕聽為什麽要大姐交還兵權。怪不得死後,隆緒有善待他,讓他葬在燕燕旁邊

i'm glad they were buried together. now they have the whole universe to travel together for all time,
Kathy Lee
I like this show and they try their bests to restore the history. In chinese opera though, both empress xiao and han derang are villains since they kept on invading song dynasty. The famous yang ( young) worriors are major Song generals who fought against them. They created a female general---mu guiying ( not real) as well. The han derang's name in chinese opera is han chang.
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Khitan, this term refers exclusively to China in the Russian population The Khitan in the TV series refers to a country formed in northern China 1,000 years ago. Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania all call China: Khitan. This name is not wrong, but it has certain limitations: Khitan is only a northern country in Chinese history. It does not represent the complete China. To explain the source of the gift of the Khitan, I have to tell a history. The first ancestor in Chinese culture, the ancestor in the culture is called: Xuanyuan Huangdi, he is a wise monarch, he gave birth to a total of nine sons. Eight of these sons joined together to form the main body of Chinese culture, the Han culture, and thus formed the main nationality: the Han nationality. And Xuanyuan Huangdi's ninth son, who ran a long way, went to the north of China and established a nation called: Khitan. More than 1300 years ago, this nation began to grow and formed a country called the Liao Empire. The Liao Empire ruled the north of China and confronted the Han people in the south. They were all descendants of Xuanyuan Huangdi, and they all called their own country: China. This is also the reason why many western countries call China: Khitan. Because Khitan destroyed the country more than 900 years ago, and more than 800 years ago in northern China and Central Asia, that is, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and other regions re-established the Western Liao Kingdom, the second Khitan Empire. That is, the country of the Khitan people. So now the Central Asians look like the Chinese, because they are the blood of the Khitan. And those Khitans who stayed in China because of the war are Chinese: the Oroqen people. There are also some people who intermarry with the Han nationality and gradually integrate into the Han nationality. The Khitan Dynasty in the TV series was the first dynasty more than 1,000 years ago, and the heroine was the very famous queen of the Khitan Dynasty. So: when the Chinese hear others call themselves Khitan, it will be very uncomfortable, because we do not only have the blood of Khitan, if the Khitan is a part of China, then the Chinese will naturally accept it
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Charis Gombakomba
I loved all 48 episodes, that ending was bittersweet
dennis mckown
wonder if Talon hadn't tried to kill Xiao's son and just left for the north with Lil Hunian, if both would have survived to old age?


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Elaine Campbell
I'm so glad I tuned into this series. It's very interesting and not like any that I've seen before. What's also neat is I recognize a few faces from some other series. It's always so neat to see actors that I've seen before. You get attached to them and hate that you'll never see them again, so it's such a pleasure to get to see them and to also know they are getting work.
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Nadia Addad
Shawn Douxiao fan .watched all his drama:Love in flames of War..Tears in Heaven..Princess agents.He’s just ????
Shawn Dou makes me so happy! But if he doesn’t have a happy ending of a C – drama in this one, I’ll never watch another. I want to see him have a beautiful ending. Wonderful Acting by all, beautiful cinematography, beautiful editing and a wonderful storyline. Thank you so much TenCent. ?
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