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"Love's Unending Legacy" is a novel by Janette Oke and is part of the Love Comes Softly series. The book follows Missie LaHaye, a young woman who has just given birth to her first child. Missie and her husband Willie are struggling to make ends meet on their ranch, and they decide to move to a new town in order to find work.
In their new town, Missie becomes a teacher at the local school and Willie works at a nearby ranch. They both face challenges in their new roles, including Missie's struggles to connect with her students and Willie's difficult boss at the ranch.
Despite their challenges, Missie and Willie continue to strengthen their marriage and raise their child with love and faith. They also form close relationships with their new neighbors and the local community.
As the story unfolds, Missie and Willie face a devastating loss that tests their faith and their love for each other. Through their grief, they find strength and hope in the support of their family and friends.
"Love's Unending Legacy" is a heartwarming story of love, faith, and perseverance in the face of challenges and hardships. It is a testament to the power of family, community, and the enduring nature of love.
4 days ago愛之蔓延時係列是我最喜歡的電影.不同於好萊塢大部分殺戮、奇幻或格調灰暗的西部電影,這些電影裏麵有著陽光、愛、家庭與人生意義的一種傳承,一種精神。在這個電影裏麵,人生中真實的每一項元素都存在著。因為它描述的就是幾代人在西部開拓的早期曆史中,在艱苦的生活中,他們所遭遇到的在人世間的所有的悲歡離合,酸甜苦辣。在一切的逆境中或者是在一切人生的歡樂,他們的身上始終有一種精神叫做堅韌,始終有一種優雅叫做信仰。 如果說要我自己來講我最喜歡其中的哪一部。我覺得應該是最後一部《愛放飛》。這部電影裏麵主人公貝琳達所經曆的一種艱難的環境和,個人生活中事業上的挑戰,她的心路曆程都都展現出了一種堅韌的意誌。一種在堅韌的安靜背後所蘊藏的那種生命力,一種信仰,一種對生命的尊重和深愛。在係列電影無不傳承著,彰顯著美國(清教徒)精神。沒有這種信仰的支撐,沒有這種信、望、愛,沒有這一種希望,那他們在早期的西部開拓的艱難中,我覺得他們生存不下去,創造不了美國奇跡。所以每次看這係列電影,我都非常的感動。因為這個電影裏麵有一種力量出來。你看到這個電影以後,你仿佛經曆了一個更長時間軸裏麵幾代人的人生,以及所展現出來的生命的真實。你也就知道如何去麵對你的人生,也知道人生中最寶貴的就是就是愛。就像主人公瑪蒂曾經講過的那一句話:“這世上有艱難,但是我們可以互相幫助,我們可以互相支持?不是嗎?”
The "Love" series is my favorite movie series. Unlike most Hollywood Western movies that feature killing, fantasy, or a gloomy style, these movies carry on a legacy and a spirit of sunshine, love, family, and the meaning of life. Every element of real life is present in this movie, as it depicts the joys and sorrows, ups and downs of human experiences in the early history of Western exploration, where generations of people endured the hardships of life. In all adversities or joys of life, they possessed a spirit of resilience and a kind of elegance called faith.
If I had to choose my favorite among them, I would say it's the last one, "Love Takes Flight." The main character, Belinda, experiences a difficult environment and professional challenges in her personal life, and her journey shows a kind of resilient willpower - a life force, a faith, a respect, and deep love for life, all hidden behind the quiet resilience. The movie series embodies and reflects the American (Puritan) spirit. Without this faith and the hope, love, and support, I think they wouldn't have survived the hardships of Western exploration in its early stages, and couldn't have created the miracles of America. Every time I watch this series, I am deeply moved by the power of this movie. It's like you have experienced the lives of several generations in a longer timeline, and have witnessed the truth of life. You will also know how to face your own life, and realize that the most precious thing in life is love. As the main character, Marty, once said: "There are difficulties in this world, but can't we help and support each other?"
Anna Huang
3 days ago
我找到這係列的小說了,作者是加拿大的Janette Oke. 她寫過很多係列,閱讀難度屬於容易的。打算借來她的書看看了。
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EP1:《愛在春天來臨》 • 新婚丈夫意外去世,女子為了生存葬禮... EP2:《愛是永恒承諾》 • 關於愛的主題電影很多,唯有這個係列... EP3:《愛是漫長旅程》 • 我心目中詮釋愛最好看的係列電影,沒... EP4:《愛是永恒歡樂》 • 幾乎無差評的係列電影,被大家強烈推... 「光影二三事」歡迎訂閱:https://bit.ly/3uRgiPi 影片所用bgm聲明: #影評 #電影? #電影解說 #電影解說
4 days ago