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SiriusXM Satellite Radio? Information disparity

(2021-04-08 13:30:23) 下一個

Information disparity has been ignored across the board of the society. Does your car be equipped with SiriusXM Satellite Radio? So much updated information distributes over the subscribed channels. 

Broadcasting company



Sirius XM Holdings Inc. is an American broadcasting company headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, New York City that provides satellite radio and online radio services operating in the United States. It was formed by the 2008 merger of Sirius Satellite Radio and XM Satellite Radio, merging them into SiriusXM Radio. Wikipedia
Stock priceSIRI (NASDAQ) $6.31 -0.02 (-0.32%)
Apr 8, 4:00 PM EDT - Disclaimer
FoundedJuly 29, 2008, Washington, D.C.

If you don't subscribe to it, you're subjected to Informaton disparity.  How? Read on: 

"Disparity is the condition of being unequal, and a disparity is a noticeable difference. Disparity usually refers to a difference that is unfair: economic disparities exist among ethnic groups, there is a disparity between what men and women earn in the same job.

"Their life seems an immense disparity between effort and opportunity. In some other respects also a certain disparity is apparent between a minister and his elders. The disparity of force was not so great as to make resistance altogether hopeless.

What is an example of a health disparity?

"Some populations can have higher rates of cancer, for example, while others might be more likely to be obese or use tobacco. These differences in health or medical conditions are called health disparities, and they can have a profound impact on the public health of a community.
What is an example of disparity?


The definition of disparity is a difference. When you make $100,000 and your neighbor makes $20,000, this is an example of a large disparity in income. Inequality or difference, as in rank, amount, quality, etc.
What does cultural disparity mean?
In healthcare, cultural disparities result from overlapping deficiencies in cultural competency, social equality, the structure and function of communities of care, and the social conditions that influence well-being (Napier et al. 2014).
What does social disparity mean?
Social inequality refers to disparities in the distribution of economic assets and income as well as between the overall quality and luxury of each person's existence within a society, while economic inequality is caused by the unequal accumulation of wealth; social inequality exists because the lack of wealth in ...




Concrete steps to diversify the scientific workforce

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Science  09 Apr 2021:
Vol. 372, Issue 6538, pp. 133-135
DOI: 10.1126/science.abf9679

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The recent events that precipitated the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement and the disproportionately devastating impact of COVID-19 on many communities of color are stark reminders of the pernicious effects of systemic racism on all aspects of our society, including science, medicine, and public health. The lack of diversity in the scientific and health professions—a longstanding manifestation of racism—can no longer be ignored, excused, or attributed to uncontrollable factors. We write at this moment of reckoning to explain what is lost by a lack of diversity; to describe some promising efforts to achieve it; and to propose urgent, larger-scale actions that political and institutional leaders, educators, and scientists can take to redress the inequities that pervade our professions.

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