2011 (1)
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How to be specific in English? Put one foot in front of the other. 眼生查字典,耳生問拚寫 - Specific to English learning, a habit that cultivates you fitting in the Western world of living. Here are two examples:
-- Part 1 眼生查字典, reading news lines caught up my eyes on "recidivism" - a word that I've never noticed. Here is my follow-up study notes:
Opinion: Apodaca: UC Irvine law professor sees college degrees as a way to reduce recidivismDaily Pilot - Feb. 1, 2021 (Opinion)Keramet Reiter has always had a passion for social justice …. An associate professor at UC Irvine’s School of Law since 2012, Reiter is now spearheading an important effort to expand educational opportunities for the state’s prison population. … Her efforts culminated in an announcement late last year that UCI would partner with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to design an in-prison Bachelor of Arts program. Dubbed Leveraging Inspiring Futures Through Educational Degrees, or LIFTED |
Jurisdiction | Percentage of prisoners returning to prison | Percentage of prisoners returning to corrective services |
Australian Capital Territory | 42.4% | 71.3% |
Western Australia | 40.1% | 48.2% |
South Australia | 37.5% | 44.9% |
Australia | 46.4% | 54.9% |
QAnon may best be understood as an example of what historian Richard Hofstadter called "The Paranoid Style in American Politics", the title of his 1964 essay on religious millenarianism and apocalypticism.[7] QAnon's vocabulary echoes Christian tropes—the "Storm" (the Genesis flood narrative or Judgement Day) and the "Great Awakening"—evoking the reputed historical religious Great Awakenings of the early 18th century to the late 20th century. According to one QAnon video, the battle between Trump and "the cabal" is of "biblical proportions", a "fight for earth, of good versus evil." Some QAnon supporters say the forthcoming reckoning will be a "reverse rapture": not only the end of the world as we know it, but a new beginning, with salvation and utopia on earth for the survivors.[64]
In less than a year of existence, QAnon became significantly recognized by the general population. According to an August 2018 Qualtrics poll for The Washington Post, 58% of Floridians were familiar enough with QAnon to have an opinion about it. Of those who had an opinion, most were unfavorable. The average score on the feeling thermometer was just above 20, a very negative rating, and about half of what other political figures enjoy.[59][139] Positive feelings toward QAnon were found to be strongly correlated with being susceptible to conspiracy thinking.[139]
According to a March 2020 Pew survey, 76% of Americans said they had never heard of QAnon, 20% had heard "a little about it", and 3% said they had heard "a lot".[140][141] A September 2020 Pew survey of the 47% of respondents who said they had heard of QAnon found that 41% of Republicans and those who lean Republican believed QAnon is good for the country, while 7% of Democrats and those who lean Democratic believed that.[142]
An October 2020 Yahoo-YouGov poll found that even if they had not heard of QAnon, a majority of Republicans and Trump supporters believed top Democrats were engaged in sex-trafficking rings and more than half of Trump supporters believed he was working to dismantle the rings.[143]"
Conclusion: "According to a March 2020 Pew survey, 76% of Americans said they had never heard of QAnon," - So, I don't miss much as I was with 76% of Americans.
眼生查字典,耳生問拚寫, Specific to English 76% of Americans
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How to be specific in English? Put one foot in front of the other. 眼生查字典,耳生問拚寫 - Specific to English learning, a habit that cultivates you fitting in the Western world of living. Here are two examples:
-- Part 1 眼生查字典, reading news lines caught up my eyes on "recidivism" - a word that I've never noticed. Here is my follow-up study notes:
Daily Pilot
Opinion: Apodaca: UC Irvine law professor sees college degrees as a way to reduce recidivism
Daily Pilot - Feb. 1, 2021 (Opinion)
Keramet Reiter has always had a passion for social justice …. An associate professor at UC Irvine’s School of Law since 2012, Reiter is now spearheading an important effort to expand educational opportunities for the state’s prison population. … Her efforts culminated in an announcement late last year that UCI would partner with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to design an in-prison Bachelor of Arts program. Dubbed Leveraging Inspiring Futures Through Educational Degrees, or LIFTED
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the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend.
"the prison has succeeded in reducing recidivism"
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People also ask
How is recidivism defined?
Recidivism is one of the most fundamental concepts in criminal justice. It refers to a person's relapse into criminal behavior, often after the person receives sanctions or undergoes intervention for a previous crime. Learn Why Recidivism Is a Core Criminal Justice Concern.
What's another word for recidivism?
In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for recidivism, like: recidivation, lapse, backslide, backsliding, relapse, better, repetition, reoffending,
Part 2: 耳生問拚寫
I heard this sounding [KJU: - a - Non] from time to time on TV or in conversation, but I didn't know its meaning until I asked: "Could you spell out the word you just said to me?" Surprisingly, it gotta me "caught off guards" as it's huge during these past three years since 2017 - QAnon From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump t
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon Conclusion: "According to a March 2020 Pew survey, 76% of Americans said they had never heard of QAnon," - So, I don't miss much as I was with 76% of Americans.