語言要準確、生動。準確靠閱讀記憶; 生動來源於生活中敏銳觀察。Specific is essential for clarity of English in oral and written communications — Living in America, you got concrete English daily, unlike vague guessing games in Chinese.
Use specific vivid words "After someone excels, don't say "Great work." Be specific about what made their work great, so they can learn to repeat it. When you identify what your strengths are and where they're relevant, you can use them wisely."(Adam Grant)//
Particularly helpful are the examples provided throughout my blog posts from previously well-written essays. Each example highlights an important section, such as Introduction, transition, ending, Sketches, and Justifications of the content.//
How to be specific in translation?
The tools here serve those with interest in plain English. We encourage Chinese-English combination (hybrid) as such switch can precisely catch up the spirit of both languages in narratives to avoid "lost in translation." How to get specific English? cut the barriers to finding the right word specific to situations! 我堅持原則: "中國來源用中文,西方來源用英語 (中源用中,西源用英)" - 尊重原創, 準確到位!
How? Judgment is more important than experience. Why?
"智者有判斷力,會把握度,e.g., 鄧(黑貓白貓抓到老鼠就是好貓)(語言因實物而記憶) set a complex with a simple vivid word. “熟讀唐詩三百首,不會吟詩也會吟”,說明熟讀背誦是學習詩歌行之有效的方法之一。熟讀是學習的基礎,隻有反複誦讀,才能對詩的韻味、聲律、意境、語音節奏訓練的重要等有較好的理解。語言語文素養猶如一棵大樹,大量的積累是這棵大樹的根,根深則葉茂,本固 則枝榮。
英語亦是如此: 先借鑒咯,看看人家是怎麽寫的,看的多了自然在心裏就有個譜了。要想水到渠成,提升能力,從廣義上來說,肯定要擴大我們的閱讀量,在閱讀中習得詞匯和語法的運用,熟讀反複誦讀會吟的英語讀音讀得滾瓜爛熟例句用法和詳細解釋。通過閱讀的體裁、風格、流派,能潛移默化地提高對語言文字的理解和駕馭能力。對生活的感悟越來越深,有了創作的衝動 - 生動來源於生活中敏銳觀察。
//URL: http://www.wenxuecity.com/groups/bbs.php?act=bbsview&gid=2508&basecode=941886
