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法國抵抗運動的驚人英勇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bez-Jwcv36A Nancy Wake: Gestapo's Most Wanted (French Resistance Documentary) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNXKovYM15A = France 1944. Set a week before D-Day, a British SOE agent is sent into France to help the French Resistance prepare for the Allied liberation of Western Europe. Starring David Bradford, James Turner, Craig Fleetwood, Steven Blore, Jack Ashcroft and Paul Moorcroft. #WorldWar2Movie #ShortFilm #YoutubeWarFilm Music by CO.AG Music. Check out his channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcav... ![]() Add a public comment... Pinned by JMT Productions Hello! I’d just like to point out that the scene depicting the plane and parachute drop at night is best seen on a bigger screen, and not a phone or small device. I understand it’s dark but it is much better on bigger screens. In fact, the whole film works better on a bigger screen! The sound is also better with headphones, or a surround sound system. Cheers! The single most overlooked and underappreciated participants during WW2 whose efforts halted necessary provisioning, communications and generally made life Hell for German troops in Russia and Western Europe...partisans and resistance fighters. The word Resistance just got so much bigger for me. What an amazing film about an incredibly brave group of people. Thank you for this video. C'est un excellent film court. Il y a du rythme, un fil conducteur, des rebondissements, et tout cela fait qu'on a pas envie de décrocher. Bravo ! I have a brother whose father in law fought with the resistance a strong fearless man who is still alive and still proud. Stand free. Have to assume this was relatively low-budget, but the quality, the acting, the story line, etc. was top notch! I started this film by accident but before I could correct my mistake, it caught me. Great story, characters and actors. Very powerful. I'll try it again with headphones. An excellent film . The realization at the end , that these actions were tied to the town of Oradour Sur Glane was a bit of a surprise . I hope more films like these are being made by you and your team . Fantastic!! Well done everyone involved. Well produced, moving and though provoking I've been reading a lot about WW2 lately and enjoyed this film. I was wondering what happened to the French Army during the German Occupation and learned that many of those who managed to avoid capture by the Nazis joined the Resistance. Such brave people. Well done! Thank you!! What a fantastic low-budget war movie! Better than so many other blockbuster movies. The weapons sounds & muzzle flashes are highly convincing compared to some pathetic war movies we've seen. And there was no time wasted with a love interest,as a war movie should be,where the only love is the love of killing the enemy & fighting for the flag. I recommend watching this one! This film stirs patriotism even now. Men died for the sake of freedom and future. BRAVO! Extremely well done, I especially like the focus on this one group of Maquis, of whom we need to know more! My uncle was crew on a B24 that would drop spies into France at 300ft. The crew was not allowed to even talk to them when they were on board. Military can never fight out Resistance Groups as because the speciality of Resistance is that they have no leaders and they constantly keep changing positions & even members within group. Resistance groups helped push their allied military to the core of the enemy area. Very rarely will i ever disagree with viewing on a bigger screen is better....HOWEVER...the content is what is important in this one. I don't care what people watch this on, as long as they watch it. In the United States, we call our WW2 vets the greatest generation...well...the French resistance is France's greatest generation and have to be some of the bravest to walk the earth. U.S/U.K./France-------> hitler <-------Russia Great production James is obviously very talented , the best actor and the most involved. The story line was great and the action scenes gripping , well done to u all! Very good film. A testament to all those who fight to keep their home their own and not allow an overthrow of their freedom. Thank you for this film. Is this upload time compressed? The dialogs and the Voiceover at the start sound way way too fast. One can hardly understand what is being said. Loved watching this. Well done to the Turners for a fantastic effort and keeping me riveting for the entire movie. Salute to the FFI, this movie does them some justice. May we never Forget. Rgrds Alastair Armstrong (South Africa, Oct 2019) JMT Productions: Watched your film last night, and have read all the comments/replies posted thru today (10/30/2019). Just wanna' give you a 'thumbs up!' for your work. I'm a baby-boomer war history buff - especially WWI & II, Korea and 'Nam - and have read several books/watched many movies, documentaries, etc. As noted, I'm a history buff - NOT an historian - and simply try to glean whatever truths and insights I'm able from each work. But 'nuff about me. I really just want to tell you how much I appreciate your and your comrades efforts in this film endeavor. Yeah, I noticed some things that might have been better, but honestly, the big takeaway for me was the amazing bravery of the French Resistance. Talk about a 'David & Goliath' scenario/death-defying risks! Despite any alleged historical & production miscues/lapses others complain about, still, I'm far MORE grateful for my new appreciation of their efforts. Also (unfortunately), lotsa' seemingly armchair wannabees here who let y'all know how you shoulda' - and often by inference, they woulda' - done a much better job of it. I simply want to compliment you and your mates on a job WELL DONE, ESPECIALLY given the production conditions/limitations you had to contend with. I'm an old-school musician trying to figure out how to do simple music vids to put up online, so I have just a TINY bit of insight into your challenges. I personally couldn't have done 1/100, 1/1000, anywhere even close to what you folks have accomplished, and I just want to give y'all HUGE props for what you've created!!! MANY THANKS from a grateful old guy~ :-) Show less Great film, low budget but better than most Hollywood polished crap they put out these days. Excellant short movie. Riveting to watch. Even felt like you were with the resistance. on D.DAY the french did there part though it is not mentioned when the french knew the invasion was truly on all hell broke lose for the germans they did everything they possibly could to help all the way from beautiful nassau, bahamas ???????? An excellent, low budget, short film which is well worth watching. |