In the Tony Award-winning musical Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda plays the founding father of the title who takes the spotlight, but let’s face it, Phillipa Soo’s Eliza Schuyler should take just as much of that spotlight because as Alexander Hamilton’s wife, she was the only one that could put him in his place. She stole his heart, supported him through his political journey and even after he cheated on her, she taught him a harsh lesson of love on being a real husband, father and man.

Soo played the original Eliza Schuyler when it hit Broadway alongside Miranda as well as Leslie Odom Jr., Daveed Diggs, Anthony Ramos, Renée Elise Goldsberry, Christopher Jackson, Okieriete Onaodowan and Jasmine Cephas Jones. As we all know, it garnered an uproarious ovation as tickets were selling for thousands of dollars. More than that, it became a cultural movement and a watershed moment for inclusive casting and storytelling.
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? 這個連接看不到 -aques- ♀ 給 aques 發送悄悄話 aques 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 17:06:20
? 謝謝提醒,又改了一個新的,您再試試呢? -慕慕- ♀ 給 慕慕 發送悄悄話 慕慕 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 17:11:25
? 還看不到 -aques- ♀ 給 aques 發送悄悄話 aques 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 17:19:47
? 原始鏈接被屏蔽了發不出來。我私信您了,您再試試? -慕慕- ♀ 給 慕慕 發送悄悄話 慕慕 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 17:24:39
? 等這個呢。是不是明天就刪了? -天上流雲- ♀ 給 天上流雲 發送悄悄話 天上流雲 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 17:19:37
? 這帖子估計夠嗆能撐到明天... 看管理員啥時候看見吧。不過那網站上不會刪的,您隨時都能看 -慕慕- ♀ 給 慕慕 發送悄悄話 慕慕 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 17:26:21
? 謝謝 -天上流雲- ♀ 給 天上流雲 發送悄悄話 天上流雲 的個人群組 (183 bytes) (4 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 17:34:43
? 迪士尼官方stream上有,應該是可以看30天 -Lionkingmom- ♀ 給 Lionkingmom 發送悄悄話 Lionkingmom 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 17:35:52
? 謝謝!真應景,美國人民節日快樂!翻譯真給力! -40- ♀ 給 40 發送悄悄話 40 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 18:12:58
? 翻譯是真好呀 -aques- ♀ 給 aques 發送悄悄話 aques 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 20:03:35
? +1 -遙遙- ♀ 給 遙遙 發送悄悄話 遙遙 的博客首頁 遙遙 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/05/2020 postreply 07:17:05
? 就覺得政治好正確啊!原來美國的founding father都是一群黑人,可以看到好萊塢未來了 -aques- ♀ 給 aques 發送悄悄話 aques 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 18:19:09
? 那有啥啊,哈哈。俺還看過哈姆雷特是女黑人演的的話劇。lol -天上流雲- ♀ 給 天上流雲 發送悄悄話 天上流雲 的個人群組 (478 bytes) (7 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 19:20:37
? 不奇怪,我還聽中國人唱phantom of the opera, 茶花女呢 -遙遙- ♀ 給 遙遙 發送悄悄話 遙遙 的博客首頁 遙遙 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 20:06:40
? 一方麵為少數族裔的機會高興,另一方麵有一點點的小失望,明白這高分裏不可避免會含有政治正確的成分了。 -aques- ♀ 給 aques 發送悄悄話 aques 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 22:48:17
? 首演的時候確實很多爭議,可是我看看覺著沒啥,就是不同膚色的演員而已,演唱的好就行。 -40- ♀ 給 40 發送悄悄話 40 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/05/2020 postreply 07:33:54
? 這是原創及主演Lin-Manuel Miranda的兩個有意而為之一:美方主演基本是非裔,Latin裔,亞裔(漢夫人),以體現美 -yingjia- ♀ 給 yingjia 發送悄悄話 yingjia 的個人群組 (186 bytes) (0 reads) 07/05/2020 postreply 10:04:43
? 不錯。今天專門為此加了Disney+, 發現還有很多別的可看。 -遙遙- ♀ 給 遙遙 發送悄悄話 遙遙 的博客首頁 遙遙 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/04/2020 postreply 20:08:41
? 多瑙影院上有。 -雨絲絲- ♀ 給 雨絲絲 發送悄悄話 雨絲絲 的博客首頁 雨絲絲 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/05/2020 postreply 04:13:04
? 確實好看。這是在紐約初演時的原班人馬,不過和在倫敦看現場的演員氣質很相似。原班人馬中演Hamilton夫人的演員是中白混血,倫敦 -yingjia- ♀ 給 yingjia 發送悄悄話 yingjia 的個人群組 (121 bytes) (3 reads) 07/05/2020 postreply 09:50:19
? 確實好看。這是在紐約初演時的原班人馬,不過和在倫敦看現場的演員氣質很相似。原班人馬中演Hamilton夫人的演員是中白混血,倫敦 -yingjia- ♀ 給 yingjia 發送悄悄話 yingjia 的個人群組 (121 bytes) (0 reads) 07/05/2020 postreply 09:50:20
? 確實好看。這是在紐約初演時的原班人馬,不過和在倫敦看現場的演員氣質很相似。原班人馬中演Hamilton夫人的演員是中白混血,倫敦 -yingjia- ♀ 給 yingjia 發送悄悄話 yingjia 的個人群組 (121 bytes) (0 reads) 07/05/2020 postreply 09:50:20
PUBLISHED: 02:00 EDT, 4 July 2020 | UPDATED: 03:56 EDT, 4 July 2020
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Lin-Manuel Miranda's wife does not like to share her husband when it comes to on-stage affection with his Hamilton love interests.
Vanessa Nadal opened up and shared about how she reacts when Miranda's titular character kisses someone during the hit Broadway musical.
'I always boo when Lin kisses someone else on stage, and people sitting around me look at me like I'm a crazy person,' she confessed while tweeting during the debut of the cinematic version of Hamilton on Disney+ on Friday.
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Performance jealousy: Vanessa Nadal admitted she 'always boos' when her husband Lin-Manuel Miranda kisses his Hamilton co-stars during performance +5
Performance jealousy: Vanessa Nadal admitted she 'always boos' when her husband Lin-Manuel Miranda kisses his Hamilton co-stars during performance
In a funny twist about her performance jealousy, Nadal shared about how one time their oldest child Sebastian reminded her that she had forgotten to boo at one of the other performers who had kissed his father.
'you missed the fourth kiss,' Sebastian said. 'He's counting. Thanks kid,' she wrote.
“eliza hamilton makes it clear that without women, even some of history’s smartest, most powerful, most talented men would be resting in obscurity. without her, this amazing piece of art, this life-changing phenomenon couldn’t exist, & for that, she is the true hero of hamilton.”