
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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(2019-03-12 21:18:12) 下一個

Ang Lee warned himself through this movie: "人一生很短,來不及“總有一天”。製度之惡顯而易見,人性之惡則是永恆的話題。" 製度一定要把人性之惡控製在牢籠之中, 不讓其由權力而害更多人。

Elena Chang
最後結尾有點說得不太對 玉嬌龍最後不是因為自由而跳下去 而是李幕白的死跟碧眼狐狸最後的話 讓她頓時醒悟 這些日子來為了尋找自由 闖蕩江湖 靠著本能性的自私任性 不但帶給在意他的人許多傷害 最終也傷害了自己 在沒有任何辦法彌補的結局下 剛烈個性的他 才選擇了結束自己的生命
結尾有不同看法: 江湖是自由與夢想的表象,但為一探江湖,卻傷害身邊所有人,包括秀蓮、小龍、師父、丈夫、父母與江湖各門派......尤其最後是彼此曖昧的李慕白致死,如同貫穿全劇的利劍傷人亦可救人,但寶劍在她手卻隻傷人! 所以完成李慕白對她的心願而上武當:但1.一夜纏綿償完羅小龍千裏尋愛的癡情債;2.縱身一跳a.一死酬知己李慕白;b.真希望那傳說是真,跳下山穀獲得一願,以自己死讓李慕白起死回生;c.江湖滋味已嚐過,不是自由不羈,卻多苦澀愧疚,餘生已然無味無法嚐江湖味的必要! 人生所有恩怨一筆勾消 ?


The same theme as shown in "《花樣年華》是由王家衛執導,梁朝偉、張曼玉主演的愛情片,於2000年9月29日在中國香港上映。該片以20世紀60年代的香港為背景,講述了蘇麗珍和周慕雲在發現各自的配偶有婚外情後,兩人開始互相接觸並隨之產生感情的故事。" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy9-7F-oWjY

*********  American narrative:  The salvation of life itself is the redemption of the self (Self Redemption). "American Beauty" is directed by Sam Mandes, starring Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening, Sola Birch, and American film made by DreamWorks. It uses a typical American middle-class family as an example to showcase the "cancers" hidden in the skin of American society. The film was released in 1999

For Schopenhauer and for Wagner, ‘redemption’ (Erlösung) was a form of release from suffering and the need to exist; a liberation from life itself. It meant an annihilation of the Will, a release from individuated existence from the prison of being oneself and dissolution into the all‐embracing bliss of nothingness.


 生命的救贖本身就是自我的救贖 《美國麗人》是由山姆·曼德斯執導,凱文·史派西,安妮特·貝寧,索拉·伯奇等主演,夢工廠製作的美國電影。它以一個典型的美國中產階級家庭為例,展示了隱藏在美國社會肌膚內的種種“癌症”。電影於1999年上映。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MItj705ywQ

這片子我20歲出頭看過第一次 32歲看了第二次 覺得完全是兩部完全不同的電影 人生真的需要經曆了些事情才能有體會 致敬我男神 Kevin Spacey!

American Beauty (1999 film)

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American Beauty
Poster of a woman's abdomen with her hand holding a red rose against it.
Theatrical release poster, which hints at two iconic images for the film: young female beauty and red roses
Directed by Sam Mendes
Produced by
Written by Alan Ball
Music by Thomas Newman
Cinematography Conrad L. Hall
Edited by
Jinks/Cohen Company
Distributed by DreamWorks Pictures
Release date
  • September 8, 1999 (1999-09-08) (Grauman's Egyptian Theatre)
  • September 11, 1999 (1999-09-11) (TIFF)
  • September 15, 1999 (1999-09-15) (United States)
Running time
122 minutes[1]
Country United States
Language English
Budget $15 million[2]
Box office $356.3 million[2]

American Beauty is a 1999 American drama film written by Alan Ball and directed by Sam Mendes. Kevin Spacey stars as Lester Burnham, a 42-year-old advertising executive who has a midlife crisis when he becomes infatuated with his teenage daughter's best friend, played by Mena Suvari. Annette Bening stars as Lester's materialistic wife, Carolyn, and Thora Birch plays their insecure daughter, Jane. Wes Bentley, Chris Cooper, and Allison Janney also feature. Academics have described the film as a satire of American middle-class notions of beauty and personal satisfaction; further analysis has focused on the film's explorations of romantic and paternal love, sexuality, materialism, self-liberation, and redemption.

Ball began writing American Beauty as a play in the early 1990s, partly inspired by the media circus around the Amy Fisher trial in 1992. He shelved the play after realizing the story would not work on stage. After several years as a television screenwriter, Ball revived the idea in 1997 when attempting to break into the film industry. The rewritten script had a cynical outlook influenced by Ball's frustrating tenures writing for several sitcoms. Producers Dan Jinks and Bruce Cohen took the script for American Beauty to the fledgling DreamWorks studio, which bought it for $250,000, outbidding several other production bodies. DreamWorks financed the $15 million production and served as its North American distributor. American Beauty marked acclaimed theater director Mendes' film debut; courted after his successful productions of the musicals Oliver! and Cabaret, Mendes was nevertheless only given the job after twenty others were considered and several A-list directors reportedly turned down the opportunity.

Spacey was Mendes' first choice for the role of Lester, though DreamWorks urged him to consider better-known actors. Similarly, the studio suggested several actresses for the role of Carolyn until Mendes offered the part to Bening without the studio's knowledge. Principal photography took place between December 1998 and February 1999 on sound stages at the Warner Bros. backlot in Burbank, California and on location in Los Angeles. Mendes' dominant directorial style was deliberate and composed; he made extensive use of static shots and slow pans and zooms generate tension. Cinematographer Conrad Hall complemented Mendes' style with peaceful shot compositions to contrast with the turbulent on-screen events. During editing, Mendes made several changes that softened the cynical tone of Ball's script.

Released in North America on September 17, 1999, American Beauty was positively received by critics and audiences; it was the best-reviewed American film of the year and grossed over $350 million worldwide. Reviewers praised most aspects of the production, with particular emphasis on Mendes, Spacey and Ball; criticism tended to focus on the familiarity of the characters and setting. DreamWorks launched a major campaign to increase American Beauty's chances of Academy Award success; at the 2000 ceremony the film won Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor (for Spacey), Best Original Screenplay, and Best Cinematography. The film was nominated for and won many other awards and honors, mainly for directing, writing and acting.



越老師 ,同是批判表裏不一的美國文化  李安的《冰風暴》(Ice Storm)在行家 眼中是高過《美國麗人》.


有什麽新仇舊恨,隻不過是新情舊愛,。情不知所始,誰又能控製得了?麵對情字,再大的人英雄也無奈何!  我阻止不了我的情欲,的!道德與情欲, 世俗禮儀,還是聽從內心, 到底如何抉擇? 東方文化艱難的命題!

秀蓮留給玉蛟龍一句話,無論怎樣都要真情的對待自己 - 這是慕白與秀蓮一直想做而做不到的。

玉蛟龍八歲就懂江湖是在心裏要自由自在、而小虎說: "你是我的!" 玉蛟龍八歲就懂江湖自己就是自己! "生命與愛情,為自由二者皆可拋! " 東西方文化終止於為自由.


Published on Nov 6, 2018


「情」?「愛」?別道貌岸然自欺欺人了。引用Game of Thrones的一句台詞——

'Your king says he betrayed me for love. I say he betrayed me for firm tits and a tight fit.' (Walder Frey) “你的國王說他背叛了我的愛情。 我說他背叛了我是為了追求堅實的乳房和緊窄的陰道。 (Walder Frey)


Noun. tit (plural tits) A mammary gland, teat. (slang, vulgar, chiefly in the plural) A woman's breast.


Web results

Noun. tit (plural tits) A mammary gland, teat. (slang, vulgar, chiefly in the plural) A woman's breast.
But the modern slang tits (plural), attested from 1928, seems to be a recent reinvention from teat, used without awareness that it is a throwback to the original ...
Mar 7, 2009 - Same meaning as ah shit its just a younger slang way to say it.
May 30, 2016 - 1.a slang used by a unknown British assassin to explain how awful someone looks in a ... Get a Right Tits mug for your Facebook friend Larisa.
Aug 20, 2015 - Diane Sawyers. 52. Danny Devitos. 53. Don Delillos*. 54. Phil and Lil. 55. Lucy and Ethel. 56. Tia and Tamera. 57. Bey and Jay. 58. Fred and ...))
Elena Chang
一直對秀蓮有一種淡淡的哀,覺得她一生很不值。楊紫瓊巔峰的演繹,把人物內心的苦澀、對感情的壓抑,演得十分到位。聽了你的解說,才對一切恍然大悟(我的感情一片空白,所以對情事一事並不理解)。謝謝你的解說,也從新認識李安導演的不凡。 當年這部劇上映,身旁不少人都嗤之以鼻,但是我卻對其情有獨鍾。當時看得懵懵懂懂,隻是能感覺秀蓮壓抑下的洶湧情感。希望中國都能一直出這麽扣人巔峰影視。?
李安的情欲世界 讓我震驚。可憐了張藝謀陳凱歌他們經曆過文革,最該學習的年代確在下鄉,薑文不過卻是個奇跡啊?
「情」?「愛」?別道貌岸然自欺欺人了。引用Game of Thrones的一句台詞——'Your king says he betrayed me for love. I say he betrayed me for firm tits and a tight fit.' (Walder Frey)?
tik tok 抖音熱門
李慕白的師傅始亂終棄,禍害了碧眼狐狸, 這種修道的人和女人好隻是為了更好的修道, 李慕白想要和玉嬌龍一起雙修,被無情拒絕, 世道變了,李慕白師傅那個年代一顆棒棒糖就能騙到小蘿莉的時代已經一去不複返 小蘿莉玉嬌龍雖然動了情,但是看到碧眼狐狸的悲劇,隻能選擇舍棄?
以前高中時看過這部,當時並不覺得李慕白對玉嬌龍有什麼特殊感情, 長大才知道很多片段都給刪減了(例如露點的片段), 這些鏡頭在道德風俗的立場上被刪剪掉了,但卻導致影片要表達的寓意差了一大截.... 我還記得我爹說: [李慕白肯定對玉嬌龍有別的意思!] 當時我還不相信~然後我爹就告訴我 [女兒啊~如果當一個男人用這種眼神在打量一個女人的時候,他絕對就是那個意思~你要相信爸!] 後來大了,和男生交往時我就懂了 = =?
最後結尾有點說得不太對 玉嬌龍最後不是因為自由而跳下去 而是李幕白的死跟碧眼狐狸最後的話 讓她頓時醒悟 這些日子來為了尋找自由 闖蕩江湖 靠著本能性的自私任性 不但帶給在意他的人許多傷害 最終也傷害了自己 在沒有任何辦法彌補的結局下 剛烈個性的他 才選擇了結束自己的生命?
結尾有不同看法: 江湖是自由與夢想的表象,但為一探江湖,卻傷害身邊所有人,包括秀蓮、小龍、師父、丈夫、父母與江湖各門派......尤其最後是彼此曖昧的李慕白致死,如同貫穿全劇的利劍傷人亦可救人,但寶劍在她手卻隻傷人! 所以完成李慕白對她的心願而上武當:但1.一夜纏綿償完羅小龍千裏尋愛的癡情債;2.縱身一跳a.一死酬知己李慕白;b.真希望那傳說是真,跳下山穀獲得一願,以自己死讓李慕白起死回生;c.江湖滋味已嚐過,不是自由不羈,卻多苦澀愧疚,餘生已然無味無法嚐江湖味的必要! 人生所有恩怨一筆勾消?
我將讀完李安的十年一覺電影夢了 李安敘述這部電影的拍攝過程的每一點一滴 也是煞費苦心的 喜歡你的解說 祝福你。?
講得太好了 我發現我以前都沒看懂這部片子?
Liang Jiang
yuxiao chen


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