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(精武門陳真) 陳真 by 陳小春
finally, got its 片名:精武門陳真 (actress for 方誌欣, round face with big eyes)
精武魂 鄭伊健 陳小春 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo6eWwwOGe8
Huo Yuan Jia 2007 - Russian Challenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lReSOKSYqw8
From the TV show Huo Yuan Jia, the 2007 remake. This is from episode 22, where Huo Yuan Jia reluctantly takes up the challenge from a Japanese Samurai who has been bullying a chinese town having already defeated two of the best kung fu masters in the region. Huo Yuan Jia is the Robin Hood of China - a national hero. Huo Yuan Jia 2007 - Samurai Challenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGq9MvSfii4
The role of Huo Yuan Jia totally does not suit Ekin Cheng. He just does not have the skill and the screen presence to play such a character, and he doesn't look imposing enough in 'gu zhuang xi' costumes. If he wants to play a fighting character, he should stick to acting in modern-day roles as he's done in the past.
Huo Yuan Jia looks on helplessly as his 2nd Uncle is killed in a ring fight against a Russian Strongman. Huo Yuan Jia takes up the challenge to fight the Russian the next day, not for revenge, but for the honour of all Chinese people, who the foreigners call 'sick men of east asia'. Huo Yuan Jia is a national hero of China, known for fighting against the opium trade, imperialism, and standing up for the rights of chinese people.
It is difficult to believe that "the lever principle" was unknown in China before that time. Huo Yuan Jia may not have been looking for revenge, but there was a woman there who was. It was shameful, but it also showed she had did not believe Huo Yuan Jia could defeat the Russian by himself.
The real story of this event can be found at:
【陳小春-HD】霍元甲 42 大結局 高清 HD 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bv7obhAgJ04 (fall in love with a Japs girl, double agent (主演:陳小春/鄭伊健/周牧茵導演:鞠覺亮地區:大陸類型:劇情/武俠/曆史/古裝
簡介:清末,英、法、俄等八國強硬侵壓中國,日本亦對中國侵略不斷…… 霍元甲有兩摯友,文的是發小農勁蓀,他留學日本,廣識博學,國勢、外侮的事知無不言,對霍元甲影響深遠。武的是北京順源鏢局鏢頭大刀王五,王五常與他切磋武藝,霍元甲得益不少!三人麵對錦繡河山,各有抱負...
方家、東覺 (霍元甲兒子)、陳真=程知恩 (拳師回到城裡,坦白自己的身份,老闆喜出望外,這人是中國武術界的希望 )
、方誌欣, 皇甫一震/驃 (brothers)
日本的武術發展遠勝過中國 柔道 空手道 合氣道 劍道 居合道 中國隻有套路花架子啦...
日本武士來中國武館拆牌,眾人不敵,沒想到武館裏還有了個隱士高手,輕鬆碾壓日本武士 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SrAnnY26xY
(程知恩=Chen Zhen)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLeRfTqg0GA (拳師回到城裡,坦白自己的身份,老闆喜出望外,這人是中國武術界的希望 )
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69KyCKQIRsU (柳生靜元與方誌雄館主) 武館高手挑戰日本第一武士,竟不敵自盡,想以死來喚醒中國人的心
Tinh Võ Tr?n Chân https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMhnE06T6t0 柳生靜元 -- 陳真=程知恩 pure boxers fight for dignity and for love of martial art.(A boxer of Fist of Fury VS Japanese samurai This chinese versus japanese is ridiculous. Both very intense, very effective martial arts, both influenced by each other. There is bajiquan, and a japanese equivalent. Just like krav maga is inspired by bajiquan and muay thai, etc...(at 3:58"- that man approaching the ring should have been prohibited, as he distracted the fighting - ridiculous !)https://youtu.be/ZMhnE06T6t0?t=240 豔茹
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAn2ox6PQGA ( 豔茹love 柳生靜元 bamboo sword)