I am a life long democrat who could never support Senator McCain's political agenda. However, John McCain the man was an honorable man of high moral character who loved and proudly served the American people. I would bet that the Senator is having a good laugh in knowing that Donald Trump himself put the final nail in his own political coffin as well as all of those of the brown nose GOP yes men in the house and senate.I wonder what the Vegas odds are against a GOP candidate getting re elected. I pray that the events from the 2016 elections to present can serve to reunite our great nation and stop the insanity and corruption that is rapidly destroying our once great nation.
Joe: President Donald Trump's Actions Elevated John Mccain's Standing | Morning Joe | MSNBC
America’s causes – liberty, equal justice, respect for the dignity of all people 美國的事業 - 自由,平等正義,尊重所有人的尊嚴
R.I.P. Honorable Senator John McCain:
地立人,淚漣漣,山暗河泣夜矇 矇/
曾記否?誌同和君謙攜手,胸懷五洲 一
" to you with the heartfelt faith in Americans that I felt so powerfully "
"“I owe that satisfaction to the love of my family. No man ever had a more loving wife or children he was prouder of than I am of mine. And I owe it to America. To be connected to America’s causes – liberty, equal justice, respect for the dignity of all people – brings happiness more sublime than life’s fleeting pleasures. Our identities and sense of worth are not circumscribed but enlarged by serving good causes bigger than ourselves."
Reading all farewell headline news drove tears rolling down my cheek upon reading his final words that pierce my heart - heartfelt hope for this great country on earth. A national hero, a model for all - R.I.P. - well done! Mr. McCain.
Joe: President Donald Trump's Actions Elevated John Mccain's Standing | Morning Joe | MSNBC
America’s causes – liberty, equal justice, respect for the dignity of all people 美國的事業 - 自由,平等正義,尊重所有人的尊嚴
R.I.P. Honorable Senator John McCain:
地立人,淚漣漣,山暗河泣夜矇 矇/
曾記否?誌同和君謙攜手,胸懷五洲 一
" to you with the heartfelt faith in Americans that I felt so powerfully "
"“I owe that satisfaction to the love of my family. No man ever had a more loving wife or children he was prouder of than I am of mine. And I owe it to America. To be connected to America’s causes – liberty, equal justice, respect for the dignity of all people – brings happiness more sublime than life’s fleeting pleasures. Our identities and sense of worth are not circumscribed but enlarged by serving good causes bigger than ourselves."
Reading all farewell headline news drove tears rolling down my cheek upon reading his final words that pierce my heart - heartfelt hope for this great country on earth. A national hero, a model for all - R.I.P. - well done! Mr. McCain.