"What do you want from me?" That's the question you got asking during any relationship - when suddenly someone is nice to you.
I'm feeding my habit of chasing my curiosity for drop-in note: I got a CD from a Taiwanese classmate at college years ago, of 知名歌手蔡琴, of “清音民歌會”, known as "因嗓音低沉溫柔,而有「絲絨歌後」之美稱。" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2ltSJf6aRU
I like her style of singing. I didn't know her life story until now -
Take home message?
What goes around; comes around. → What comes around, goes around. (因果応報;自業自得) - 楊德昌, no humanity ! so brutal. 會有報應的!楊德昌(Edward Yang,1947年11月6日-2007年6月29日)` 60 years old,