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covenant commitment

(2018-06-09 14:01:29) 下一個

Covenant [N] [E] [S]

The word "covenant, " infrequently heard in conversation, is quite commonly used in legal, social (marriage), and religious and theological contexts.

The Idea of Covenant. The term "covenant" is of Latin origin (con venire), meaning a coming together. It presupposes two or more parties who come together to make a contract, agreeing on promises, stipulations, privileges, and responsibilities. In religious and theological circles there has not been agreement on precisely what is to be understood by the biblical term. It is used variously in biblical contexts. In political situations, it can be translated treaty; in a social setting, it means a lifelong friendship agreement; or it can refer to a marriage.

The biblical words most often translated "covenant" are berit [tyir.B] in the Old Testament (appearing about 280 times) and diatheke [diaqhvkh] in the New Testament (at least 33 times). The origin of the Old Testament word has been debated; some have said it comes from a custom of eating together ( Gen 26:30 ; 31:54 ); others have emphasized the idea of cutting an animal (an animal was cut in half [ 15:18 ]); still others have seen the ideas of perceiving or determining as root concepts. The preferred meaning of this Old Testament word is bond; a covenant refers to two or more parties bound together. This idea of bond will be explicated more fully.

The New Testament word for covenant has usually been translated as covenant, but testimony and testament have also been used. This Greek word basically means to order or dispose for oneself or another. The though of the inequality of the parties is latent.

The generally accepted idea of binding or establishing a bond between two parties is supported by the use of the term berit [tyir.B]. When Abimelech and Isaac decided to settle their land dispute, they made a binding agreement, league, or covenant to live in peace. An oath confirmed it ( Gen 26:26-31 ). Joshua and the Gibeonites bound themselves, by oath, to live in peace together ( Joshua 9:15 ), although Yahweh commanded that Israel was not to bind themselves to the people living in the land of Canaan ( Deut 7:2 ; Judges 2:2 ). Solomon and Hiram made a binding agreement to live and work in peace together ( 1 Kings 5:12 ). A friendship bond was sealed by oath between David and Jonathan ( 1 Samuel 20:3 1 Samuel 20:16-17 ). Marriage is a bond (covenant) for life.

The covenants referred to above were between two equal parties; this means that the covenant relationship was bilateral. The bond was sealed by both parties vowing, often by oath, that each, having equal privileges and responsibilities, would carry out their assigned roles. Because a covenant confirmed between two human parties was bilateral, some scholars have concluded that the covenant Yahweh established with human beings is also bilateral. This is not the case. God initiated, determined the elements, and confirmed his covenant with humanity. It is unilateral. Persons are recipients, not contributors; they are not expected to offer elements to the bond; they are called to accept it as offered, to keep it as demanded, and to receive the results that God, by oath, assures will not be withheld.

Scholars have learned by studying tablets found by archaeologists that legal treaties between kings (suzerains) and subjects (vassals) existed during the time of the biblical patriarchs, Moses, Joshua, the judges, and the first kings of Israel. These treaties were written on tablets for the purpose of establishing a continuing relationship as determined and authorized by the suzerain. Once written, the covenants were not to be altered or annulled although parts could be explicated or elaborated. Did biblical writers borrow the idea of the covenant and its integral elements from pagan sources when the Old Testament was writtenelements such as a self-presentation of the suzerain and his activities, including those done on behalf of the vassals, statements of intent, stipulations, and assurances of well-being if obedient and of curses if disobedient? The legal covenants included provisions for continuity, with emphasis on the suzerain's claim to vassals' children, and were confirmed by an oath or a special ratification ceremony, like the cutting in half of an ox or cow or the sharing of a meal as the conclusion of the act of covenanting.

These nonbiblical covenants were intended to serve a number of purposes, two of which are especially important to understand. The suzerain stated that as victor and lord over the vassals he had spared them in battle, delivered them from extenuating circumstances, and placed them in situations of life and well-being. This was an undeserved favor. The suzerain's covenant was also intended to serve an administrative function. It informed the vassals how the king would govern them and what they were to do in obedient response to him. These two purposes, the reminder of deliverance and the information on administration of affairs in daily life, appear in Yahweh God's covenanting with his people but in radically different ways.

Covenants, neither suzerain-vassal nor biblical, were not made (nor did they function) in a vacuum. Covenants presupposed a king, a domain, a way of life, people, and often mediating servants. The covenant was an important administrative means within a kingdom.

Did biblical writers borrow from pagan sources when they wrote about Yahweh God's covenantal activities on behalf of and his relationships with his people? There is no reference of any kind in the Bible that this was done. There are marked similarities between biblical and the nonbiblical covenants. The most satisfactory and acceptable position is that Yahweh God is the source and originator of the entire covenant concept and phenomenon. He included the covenant relationship in his creation activity and handiwork. Covenant is germane to human life; it is God-implanted and -unfolded. Pagan kings gave concrete expression, in their proud and self-sufficient attitudes, to what Yahweh God had implanted and maintained within his created cosmos. This explanation calls for an answer to three important questions. When did Yahweh God first establish his covenant? What was the nature of that initial covenant? According to biblical revelation, did Yahweh God, after the initial one, establish any more covenants?

The Old Testament. The Hebrew word for covenant does not appear in Genesis 1-5. Some scholars say that this is evidence that there was no covenant in humankind's earliest history. Some say that the idea of covenant arose initially in the minds of the Israelites after they had been at Mount Sinai. To account for references to the covenant in the Noahic and patriarchal accounts, scholars have incorrectly said that later editors of Genesis inserted the idea of covenant to give historical evidence and credence to what Israel later believed. Other scholars, who accept Genesis as a record of Yahweh's revelation, also have difficulty accepting that God established his covenant when he created the cosmos mainly because of the lack of direct verbal reference to it.

Biblical testimony points to the fact that God covenanted when he created. Hosea ( 6:7 ) refers to Adam breaking the covenant. Jeremiah spoke of the covenant of the day and the night that no one can alter ( 33:19-20 ); this covenant is understood to have been initiated in creation when God separated light from darkness and gave the sun and moon their appointed place and role ( Genesis 1:3-5 Genesis 1:14 ). When Yahweh God first spoke to Noah, he said he was going to wipe humankind from the face of the earth ( Gen 6:7 ). But he assured Noah he would uphold and cause his covenant to continue. Hence Noah did not have to fear that God's plan for and method of administering his cosmic kingdom would be different after the flood. But why, if God covenanted when he created, is the word "covenant" not in Genesis 1-2? Those who wish to speak of only the covenant of grace, referred to briefly and indirectly in the Noahic account (Gen. 6-9), believe that some of the basic elements of the covenant of grace were enunciated when Yahweh God promised victory through the woman's seed ( Gen 3:14-16 ). When Yahweh God covenanted with David, according to 2 Samuel 7, the term "covenant" does not appear but when David referred to what Yahweh had said and done, he said, "Has he not made with me an everlasting covenant?" ( 2 Sam 23:5 ; cf. Psalm 89:3 ). As the elements included in covenant were present in the account of the covenanting with David ( 2 Sam 7 ), so the elements constituting covenant are recorded in Genesis 1-2.

The basic elements of a covenant are imbedded in the Genesis account. God, in his revelation of creation, presented himself as the Creator. The historical record of what he has done was outlined. He created his image-bearers by means of which he placed and kept man and woman in a close relationship with himself and had them mirror (reflect) and represent him within the created cosmos. Humanity was given stipulations or mandates. As image-bearers they were to maintain an intimate and obedient fellowship with their Creator; the Sabbath was to enhance this. Humanity was to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth; this was to be done by establishing families; a man was to leave his parents and cleave to his wife ( Gen 2:24 ). Becoming one flesh, they would have children. As families increased, community would be formed. This social mandate thus was an integral aspect of covenant. So was the cultural mandate; man and woman were to cultivate (subdue NIV) and rule over the creation. When God saw all that he had done, he confirmed, not by expressing an oath or performing a ratifying ceremony, but by declaring all to be very good ( Gen 1:31 ). This he confirmed by ceasing from creating activity and establishing the seventh day as a day of rest, sanctity, and blessing ( Gen 2:1-3 ).



打印(被閱讀 13383次)

契約精神的基礎是自由,平等,也就是說契約存在一個前提和預設,彼此的權力是獨立的,權力的不可覆蓋,不可重疊,不可替代性。 契約精神的表現形式 就是  誠實,守信,權力,責任與義務的平衡。

契約精神的本質,並不是簽訂契約, 或者退出契約本身。 並不意味著簽訂契約就是契約精神,而退出契約精神違背契約精神。 也就是說,無論是簽訂契約, 或者退出契約 都是契約精神的體現。 契約精神真正的,最重要的表現形式是 如果簽訂契約,就必須不折不扣地誠實的履行契約所規範的權力和責任,也就是說契約精神是一種被契約規範特定的行為準則和生活方式。 所以,並不是簽訂和退出契約本身。 然而,如果在契約的約定中而不履行,和執行責任和義務才是背離契約精神的。 例如,無論結婚,還是離婚都是契約精神的體現,並不是說離婚就是背信棄義。背叛契約精神是指在婚姻的約定中彼此欺騙,不履行婚姻規範的行為準則和生活方式。

再例如,伊朗和西方簽訂核協議,並且承諾隻發展和平利用核能力,然而,他們並沒有停止發展運載火箭的研究和開發。 中國加入世貿組織時許下13項目的改革承諾和中國全方位的市場化。 他們都願意簽約,也不退出契約。但是,隻是在契約中選擇性的利用對於自己有利的條款,這就是沒有契約精神的體現。


首先, 我們必須認識西方現代文明,與伊斯蘭遊牧文明,大中華農耕文明,非裔原始部落文明在意識形態,文化習慣和人文精神的最核心,最本質區別。

前麵我已經講了, 西方現代文明基礎於三大基本精神:科學精神,工匠精神和契約精神,他們的價值觀主要體現在:獨立,自由,平等,博愛,民主,法治,公平,公正精神。

而大中華農耕文明相對應 也基礎於三大基本精神:博弈精神,作坊精神與團結精神。  係統陰陽博弈(對立,平衡,轉換,變化)之精神(整體性,不可分割精神) 對應於 西方的  科學精神(分門別類,實事求是,具體問題,具體分析,具體解決,邏輯理性,客觀公正精神)。 這種精神決定人們對於, 事物的理解,立場,觀點和方法。

東方作坊精神 對應於 西方工匠精神:東方的 家庭(家國)作坊精神,國之重器,祖傳秘方,打仗親兄弟,上陣父子兵, 任人唯親 與西方文明的工匠精神: 認真,精益求精,一絲不苟,專注與創新相對應。

東方文化認人(敵與我,親與疏,權威與勢力,關係決定一切,),西方文化認真(真假,事實與真理,服理,一視同仁), 東方強調傳承,保守,守舊。西方文化強調 創新和發展。東方文化定性(什麽人? 什麽立場,階級,利益,權勢分析),西方文化定量方麵一絲不苟(功能,概念,定義,定律,定理)。

西方契約精神,通過法律,契約建立社會人與人之間的平等,互利的合作關係。所以,西方社會組織的團體與團體,團體與個人,個人與個人屬於“權力(權利)有限” 關係,因此每一個個體,或者組織可以相對獨立。這些個體,群體和組織權力(權利)限度通過法律和契約來嚴格規範(定量)和約束。所以,在契約精神支配和約束下,個人與個人,個人與團體都存在相對範圍的自由度, 也稱之為 西方文明的 自由精神。

東方講團結通過權利(勢力)的利害關係(等級支配製度)組織(團結精神,捆綁精神, 忠,義,孝精神)的集體主義,例如:家庭,作坊,幫派,國家。在這種團夥精神(夥 在一起吃飯,吃誰的飯,砸誰的鍋問題)支配下,東方社會組織的團體與團體,團體與個人,個人與個人屬於“無限權力(權利)” 關係(直屬,隸屬屬關係)。君讓臣死,臣不得不死! 父叫子亡,子不得不亡。

因此,東方文化就演繹出來了:團結精神和捆綁精神支配下的無限權力和責任的 株連思維,連坐製度,保甲製度, 計劃經濟的國有企業製度。。。。等等。

在這種團結精神和捆綁精神支配的無限權力和責任製度下,就無所謂 公與私 的區別了。所以,公與私作為整體的不可分割性,東方文明的思維習慣是不可能構建真正的獨立精神的“私有製”。

所以,隻有在西方現代文明的科學精神,工匠精神和契約精神 的 支配和指導下 ,在“有限權力”思維和意識中,才可能構建  獨立,自由,平等,博愛,法治,規則,秩序, 公平和公正的現代文明社會和秩序。

然而,今天西方文明遭遇到了前所未有的挑戰和破壞。 這種挑戰和破壞性力量正是來源於西方文明內部的自由派力量。 這些自由派思想的律師,法官,新聞媒體人,中小學教師,大學教授,和一些政治人物。他們大幅度的增加個體的自由,人權,女權主義,同性戀,而無限度地擴大政府,團體,集體的權力和責任。

把西方現代文明的 有限權力 和有限責任的公司,有限權力與責任政府 構建成為 東方意識形態下, 無限權力和無限責任的政府。 而極大程度的縮小個人權力,可選擇性與之相應的責任和義務。甚至於在這種左傾意識形態主導下,權力自由與責任義務分離(這就是東方威權主義精神,而背離西方文明的契約精神),所以,他們認為的人權,就是 權力和自由屬於個人,責任與義務則屬於社會,責任與義務屬於集體和政府(也就是 個人主義)。


在西方現代文明的契約文化精神中,權力與自由是通過契約被約束和緊密聯係在一起的。 因為契約條款的規範和定義,所有在契約中的權力和責任都是在契約特定規範的範疇存在效力,所以,凡是通過契約所規範的權力,都是有限權力。 幾乎西方現代文明所有的社會團體,集體,公司,國家和政府都是通過契約規範的組織和機構。 國家也是通過“憲法”所規範的組織,而每一個國家領導人都是通過“國家憲法”賦予他們權力。他們所有的權力與責任都全部是“有限權力”和“有限責任”。根本不存在“無限權力”和“絕對權力”,所以,他們不能夠為所欲為,無法無天,而且,他們的權力與責任必須受到約束和監督。

在這種西方文明的權力構架中,各個權力疆域不重疊,不幹預,不衝突。 因此,就是“國王,總統,或者其他行政人員”都不可以 直接幹預 “私權”,企業或者公司的商業經營權。最著名的話語就是“我的破房子,風可以進來,雨也可以進來,但是國王不可以進來!”

而與之相反,在東方的威權主義的無限權力(絕對權力)的權力構架中,權力是重疊的,可直接幹預的。其重疊和可幹預程度完全取決於 權力的大小,和掌權者的自由意誌和意願。 就是說“官大一級壓死人”, 個人服從組織,全黨服從中央!普天之下,莫非王土;率土之濱,莫非王臣。 在這種權力構架的社會中,就注定人們必須要學習討好,迎奉權勢。 從而獲得瞬息萬變的自由和生存空間,小孩從童年和幼年就要學習做乖乖女,察言觀色,討好和迎合父母的喜好和口味,以滿足父母的期待值,不辜負他們的“愛”和重望。最近,網上流傳三個美國小女孩的故事. 認為三個小女孩讓中國教育界集體沉默。事實上,不僅僅是教育界的事情,而是整個東方文化,社會和家庭環境的結果。這就是我前麵闡述的東方文化的係統精神,不可分割的捆綁精神,集體主義,團結(團夥)精神。在這種集體主義精神的社會文化中集體主義理念把社會各個組成成員不可分割的捆綁在一起,成為一個整體 的家庭,組織,黨派,公司或者國家。所謂的“一榮俱榮一損俱損”!他們不可能分別實現 各自獨立和自由,他們隻能夠實現一個所謂共同的自由。 這個所謂“一個共同體”的共同自由,往往是不可能存在的。因為,即使一個在家庭的父母自己的年齡,性別,飲食,愛好,思想和觀點,都不可能與不同時代的孩子相一致。 大多數情況都是 父母犧牲自己,成全子女,或者子女犧牲自我,而成全父母的願望。而且,即使是父母兩個人各自的自由都很困難形成一個完全的共同體,相愛容易,相處困難, 否則為什麽有那麽鬧離婚的,家庭衝突和矛盾的。如果是一個大家庭就更加困難了。所以,在東方文明中,人們所表達的“愛”與西方文化中“博愛”是存在差別的。 東方的所謂“愛”源頭來源於人性的“愛”。這些愛隻能夠基礎於從部分人對於自由的犧牲,奉獻和付出。這種愛不能夠使得每一個人都能夠獲得獨立的自由。


西方現代文明的權力構架和契約精神起源於 《聖經》。 也就是起源於造物主,上帝。上帝創造了人並且賦予人們 自由意誌,自由選擇和責任 。從伊甸園開始 上帝就賦予人們選擇犯罪,叛逆造物主的自由和權力。諾亞方舟上帝就與諾亞立約,以後在亞伯拉罕時代,再到摩西的《舊約》,到耶穌的《新約》。 所有這些契約精神都賦予人們神聖不可侵犯的自由意誌,平等選擇的權力,以及與之相對應的責任。造物主在賦予人類這些權力和自由中,規範了這種權力的不重疊,不幹預性(除非來自於人的禱告,而且提出具體要求),並且與之責與權完整相對應。 這種神與人,平等,雙向自由選擇的權力,樹立了西方現代契約精神的榜樣和基礎。

無論是西方自由派的個人主義,還是東方集體主義的威權思想 都是根本是背離 契約精神主導下的 權力與責任,自由與義務相結合的精神,違背這種被契約約定的有限權力與有限責任相一致完整對應的關係。 這兩者都是破壞和顛覆西方現代文明價值觀體係,契約精神的極端思想。 都應該值得我們批判和警惕。

在東方的價值體係裏麵,政府和個體的權力構架 是建立 威信, 權威,也就是“麵子”,
而在現代人類文明體係,權力是構架在 誠信基礎上的,誠信也就是 真信,實信,確信。 
契約精神 的基礎 是 平等,也就是 權力的 不可覆蓋,不可重疊,不可替代性,也就是個體的獨立性基礎。根據威權思維,樹立威信構架的權力 是一種超穩定權力結構。 這種權力體係本質上是一種泡沫化的金字塔。在這一座金字塔的每一個個體,都沒有真正的安全感。因為,他們的權力隨時隨地都可以被覆蓋,被重疊,被替換。而基礎於誠信,平等公正,客觀,理性和契約精神的權力體係是一個平麵結構,在權力不可重複,不可替換,不可覆蓋,所有權力均有限,並且受到約束,管理和監督。 所有權力都存在 邊界, 和獨立的範疇。所以,在契約精神支配下,的權力是平等的。 這種權力構架 才是真實可信,經得起時間和曆史的考驗。而基礎於契約精神,在權力不可重複,不可替換,不可覆蓋,所有權力均有限,並且受到公開,公平,公正的約束,管理和監督。這種權力支配下的社會結構中,權力和資源分配和社會結構 是穩定的。其中的每一個個體,團體和集體也都是安全的,有保障的。


最近很多年在西方普遍流行一些冠冕堂皇的口號,主義和極端思想,這些思想普遍背離西方現代文明起源的科學精神,既實事求是,邏輯理性,客觀公正, 懷疑的基本思考和精神。例如,目前流行一種多元文化主義,這種極端多元文化主義 價值觀,不分辨,不區別地縱容,包庇一些特殊文化,認為與人人平等一樣,文化沒有優劣和比較之分,應該一視同仁,一律平等,所有宗教一律自由,甚至賦予一些特殊宗教,絕對自由到高於所在地國家律法的地位。


我們說所謂多元文化,應該必須是經過 徹底的政教分離以後的開放,彼此包容或者寬容,能夠自由思想,自由交流,公開市場的一種共享關係的文化。而單方麵的包容,寬容,而包庇,縱容那些封閉,暴力,政教合一中世紀文化,本身就是對於西方現代文明傳統的多元文化的破壞,和釜底抽薪。因為,這種單方麵的寬容與包容 一定是不可持續的,而且必然最終導致西方現代文明的多元文化的終結。這些高唱的多元文化主義者,事實上是破壞和終結人類現代文明的罪魁禍首,他們對於今天歐洲,美國和加拿大日益增長的恐怖主義,有不可推卸的責任。

這些極端多元文化主義者,事實上叛逆了西方現代文明的實事求是,邏輯理性,客觀公正質疑的科學精神。 他們往往掩蓋事實真相,回避社會矛盾和問題,不理性客觀分析 各種宗教主義和文化的起源,差別和曆史淵源與局限性。他們完全不接受一切對他們思想和口號的質疑。他們禁止實事求是的公開討論,與爭辯。 一旦提出反對意見,他們就是大帽子:種族主義,歧視。。等等。根本不經過邏輯,理性思考和推理地大唱包容, 博愛之歌。一廂情願的想象一種各種文化的大一統的和諧社會,而枉顧發生在倫敦,巴黎,布魯塞爾,阿姆斯特丹,斯德哥爾摩,紐約,的各式各樣恐怖襲擊。

(五)對契約精神的叛逆 導致泡沫經濟與次貸危機

小布什主持美國政府期間,提出了建設一個“所有者社會”的口號和行動,更有通過向沒有償還債務能力的人提供銀行貸款,鼓勵人人擁有住房。一時間美國的房地產業和房價就像坐上火箭一衝飛天, 這種行為本來就是違背價值規律和市場規律的。銀行為了獲得更多的人貸款,弄虛作假誘使大量不具備還款能力的消費者紛紛通過按揭手段,借錢湧入住房市場。利用這個機會華爾街投機者鑽製度的空子,弄虛作假,欺騙大眾,違背誠實守信的契約精神,把盈利裝入自己口袋,把風險和危機轉嫁禍社會大眾。


本來股票市場的初衷是根據契約精神,籌集社會資金,分擔風險和責任,為市場和實體經濟服務。但是,現在華爾街和銀行大佬利用流動性在商業鏈的最頂部特點,成為了他們投機取巧,強取豪奪,欺騙大眾的最有效工具。華爾街已經成為破壞和瓦解西方現代文明契約精神的大本營! 好萊塢成為攻擊和毀滅西方現代文明最基礎的意識形態價值觀的基礎---科學精神精英們的集散地!而很多美國媒體就成為他們的幫凶和吹鼓手。

Wiserman 發表評論於 
無法弄 發表評論於 
nanax 發表評論於 
陳和春 發表評論於 
回複 'nalayii' 的評論 : 對科學精神的叛逆,導致政治正確與恐怖主義意識形態 
這些極端多元文化主義者,事實上叛逆了西方現代文明的實事求是,邏輯理性,客觀公正的科學精神。 他們往往掩蓋事實真相,回避社會矛盾和問題,不理性客觀分析 各種宗教主義和文化的起源,差別和曆史淵源與局限性。根本不經過邏輯,理性思考和推理地大唱包容, 博愛之歌。一廂情願的想象一種各種文化的大一統的和諧社會,而枉顧發生在倫敦,巴黎,布魯塞爾,阿姆斯特丹,斯德哥爾摩,紐約,的各式各樣恐怖襲擊。
nalayii 發表評論於 
寫的好,非常同意西方的契約精神和科學精神 VS 東方的無節製權利社會構架和家庭作坊下的狹隘精神。 
陳和春 發表評論於 
回複 'davidhu1999' 的評論 : 是啊,這是在上帝麵前的誓言。 所以,婚姻嚴格來講是十分嚴肅的。 但是,事實上人性的軟弱,而且對於彼此的認知有限。 是允許犯錯誤的,如果墮落和犯錯誤,是可以存在自由意誌重新選擇的機會。 
但是,在婚約,至少在上帝麵前誓言的時候。 必須是誠實的,雙方存在誓言宣誓的想法和願望。但是,如果時過境遷,情況發生變化,是應該允許改變婚約。 

但是,不負責任的婚姻,和離婚 雖然是人的自由,但是,也必須受到最後的審判。 自己必須擔負起自己犯罪的後果。 除非通過耶穌基督得到上帝的饒恕。
davidhu1999 發表評論於 
回複 '陳和春' 的評論 : 我真不覺得婚姻契約在訂立的時候,有這麽“根據自由和平等精神, 可以單方麵退出契約”的含義。實際上,常見的婚姻誓詞,比如“ 從今時直到永遠,無論是順境或逆境、富裕或貧窮、健康或疾病、快樂或憂愁,我將愛著你、珍惜你,對你忠實,直到永遠”,明顯是與此相反的意思。
陳和春 發表評論於 
回複 'davidhu1999' 的評論 : 雖然沒有明顯的出軌,但是,如果雙方感情基礎發生變化, 
尊重契約中 自由和平等精神, 也是可以退出契約的。 隻要存在合理理由
davidhu1999 發表評論於 
回複 '陳和春' 的評論 : 那麽那些沒有出軌這類明顯超越邊界的行為,而要求離婚的,是否違反契約?
陳和春 發表評論於 
回複 'davidhu1999' 的評論 : 是,在結婚以前, 雙方應該完全理解彼此對於婚約的要求, 和權力邊界。 如果某一方麵 沒有履行權力和義務, 或者超越邊界。 
davidhu1999 發表評論於 
婚姻這個問題 - 說什麽行為是違反契約精神之前,是否要先確認一下這個契約的內容包括什麽呢?比如,對彼此忠誠,顯然應該屬於契約的部分。不離不棄,是否也應屬於這契約的部分呢?應該沒有幾個婚姻,大家事先就說好了,“咱如果想離就離”吧? 
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