(2018-05-12 15:14:04)
Living in a basement room got me sleep all the time the first year when I's a student here. I longed to be showered up by sunshine, given my previous life that had never been in a basement room. It's like a prison windowless - so depressing. So lonely. I's skeptical what the heck I's doing coming here ...
Thank God, for letting me out of the prison.
“孤獨一點,在你缺少一切的時節,你就會發現原來還有個你自己。”我的住處已由幹燥的北京移到一個明朗華麗的海邊。海既那麽寬泛無涯無際,我對人生遠景凝眸的機會便較多了些。海邊既那麽寂寞,他培養了我的孤獨心情。海放大了我的感情與希望,且放大了我的人格。來源:嶽麓書社公眾號 摘自沈從文《新與舊》
My first job came with an office windowless. One hand, I's happy to have a private room. On the other hand, I got back to the nightmare, windowless prison.
I stare at sky through windows. The sky is simply blue, with some white clouds, static. So static, sky is lonely, and clouds are lonely, I thought. Just like me.
凝眸, you can see reaching out to your soul - loneliness. It's such loneliness that you discover the world of your own space - nobody can reach deep down to.