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Listening to Nobel Laureate Christian René De Duve

(2018-02-26 14:01:10) 下一個
聆聽諾貝爾獎得主 勒內·德迪夫                    

已有 3454 次閱讀 2013-1-11 05:43 |係統分類:海外觀察|關鍵詞:內 it 諾貝爾獎 discovery Christian

Listening to Nobel Laureate Christian René De Duve (中文翻譯見後)
聆聽諾貝爾獎得主 勒內·德迪夫
Christian René, viscount De Duve is a 1974 Nobel laureate, honored for his discovery of subcellular organelles. He came to give a talk at the school when I was a graduate student working on my thesis. I came on time and I thought it might have plenty of seats as it held in a large auditorium. I got off guard by surprise to see the auditorium was packed with audience! An usher led a group of us to seat on the floor in the front section. I was quite close to the podium.
My mentor, a cell biologist, told me that Dr. de Duve earned his Nobel Prize for his work on subcellular biochemistry and cell biology: He discovered peroxisomes and lysosomes, cell organelles.
I have seen his picture in the textbook “Molecular cell biology” edited by Harvey Lodish. We have to pay respect to the teacher-student team: Teacher (Albert Claude) and students (Christian René De Duve, George E. Palade) for describing the structure and function of organelles (lysosomes and peroxisomes), groundbreaking work in biological cells. All three of the teacher-student team was awarded the shared Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1974.
He created quite an impression with his no-slide, one-hour speech on evolution, the origins of consciousness, the development of language, the birth of science, and the origin of emotion, morality, altruism, and love. His comment on the necessity for change in terms of human behavior: Our generation has made a mess - it is up to all the people to make life better on earth. He conjectured on the future of humanity--for instance, we might evolve, perhaps via genetic engineering, into a new species, a science fiction sounded in my mind. He talked about his personal thoughts about God and immortality, which was quite a puzzle to me, an atheist at the time. He received a standing ovation in the end.
However, it was with a quite long period of silence afterwards.
Then, he asked the audience, “any questions?”

Nobody asked and it was quiet for all the audience.
 “Any questions?” He asked again with a slightly enthusiastic tone in his voice.
The moment of silence extended and it sounded the time stopped and the air was frozen. You could hear the sound of a golden ring dropped in a marble floor.
“In quietness and confidence is my strength. You ask, I got all the answers!” He said with a broader smile and raised his voice.
Finally, the Dean broke the ice of silence by asking the first question about the evolution of humans.
Our departmental chairperson followed up with asking about what policy we should have to avoid human genetic engineering into new species like evils.
On the way back to my lab, thinking about all missing experiment steps, I was quite disappointed for not hearing his insights into cell biology, which was what I came for his seminar.
Only years later did I realize he shed a new light on my everlasting question: Why do outstanding scientists turn out to be nonatheist on creation and evolution?
I have been surprised to see that, contrary to the claims of the new atheists, most scientists do not necessarily see religion and science as always being in conflict. I also realized that beneath the philosophizing, de Duve delineates biology excellently and authoritatively, introducing it with wonder and curiosity that are bound to inspire the next generation of scientists.
All photos and illustrations were credited to Christian de Duve.
聆聽諾貝爾獎得主 勒內·德迪夫
他創造了相當的印象,他無幻燈片,一小時的演講:進化,意識的起源,語言的發展,科學的誕生,情感,道德,利他主義和愛的起源。他改變人的行為的必要性的評論:我們這一代人已經把事情搞得一團糟 - 這是所有的人,讓生活更美好地球上的。他推測,人類的未來 - 例如,我們可能會進化,也許可以通過基因工程,到一個新的物種,科幻小說在我的腦海裏響起。他談到了他個人的想法,上帝和永生,這是相當長給我的一個謎的時候,一個無神論者。他獲得了全場起立鼓掌中結束。

Christian de Duve speaks

上一篇:[轉載]The importance of peers and the matrix of scholarship

1 楊華磊

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[5]???  2013-6-15 02:21
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[4]???  2013-5-8 00:05
Christian de Duve, 95, Dies; Nobel-Winning Biochemist SECTION A - PAGE 22
By DENISE GELLENE, May 07, 2013
[3]???  2013-5-8 00:05
Christian de Duve, 95, Dies; Nobel-Winning Biochemist SECTION A - PAGE 22
[2]???  2013-1-14 00:24
??????(2013-2-7 09:35)??You are right! Thanks for your good eyes! I changed it. You are welcomed to make any comments.
[1]???  2013-1-12 09:16
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