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He knifed me in the back in 1985 - Jobs memoir

(2018-01-24 11:03:58) 下一個

Never forget those who stab you in the back, neither those who stab you in the front. Even since, Jobs didn't speak neither Gassee nor Sculley - for entire life.

魯迅:一個也不饒恕!也許這就是人生,他人第一次背後捅你一刀子 - 這是他的錯。你再與"背後捅你刀子"的他來往 - 就是你的錯。


How did Steve Jobs regard Jean-Louis Gassée? - Quora

According to Isaacson's biography, Jobs described Gassée as "one of the few people who I'd say is truly horrible" and says "he knifed me in the back."

Steve Jobs - Page 299 - Google Books Result

Walter Isaacson - 2011 - ‎Biography & Autobiography
Gassée is one of the few people in my life I would say is truly horrible,” Jobs later insisted, unfairly. “He knifed me in the back in 1985.” Sculley, to his credit, had at least been gentlemanly enough to knife Jobs in the front. on December 2, 1996, Steve Jobs set foot on Apple's Cupertino campus for the first time since his ...

Walter Isaacson Great Innovators e-book boxed set: Steve Jobs, ...

Walter Isaacson - 2011 - ‎Biography & Autobiography
In addition, Jobs held grudges, sometimes passionately, and Gassée was near the top of his list, despite the fact that they had seemed to reconcile when Jobs was at NeXT. “Gassée is one of the few people in my life I would say is truly horrible,” Jobs later insisted, unfairly. “He knifed me in the back in 1985.” Sculley, to his ...

Symantec 250-530 Latest Real Exam Study Questions and Answers ...

In addition, Jobs held grudges, sometimes passionately, and Gassée was near the top of his list, despite the fact that they had seemed to reconcile when Jobs was at NeXT. “Gassée is one of the few people in my life I would say is truly horrible,” Jobs later insisted, unfairly. “He knifed me in the back in 1985.” Sculley, to his ...

Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a ...

Brent Schlender, ‎Rick Tetzeli - 2015 - ‎Biography & Autobiography
“He said I stabbed him in the back, and whatnot.” One evening, as Steve was leaving the Palo Alto restaurant Il Fornaio, he passed a table of software execs that included Gassée. “So I hear you're ... As Susan Barnes once told me, “If you weren't good at your job, he owed it to the rest of the team to get rid of you. But if you ...

Read Steve Jobs(92) online free by Walter Isaacson

In addition, Jobs held grudges, sometimes passionately, and Gassée was near the top of his list, despite the fact that they had seemed to reconcile when Jobs was at NeXT. “Gassée is one of the few people in my life I would say is truly horrible,” Jobs later insisted, unfairly. “He knifed me in the back in 1985.” Sculley, to his ...

Geek Cheek | WIRED

May 1, 1996 - He's doing 85 mph in his wife's white Mercedes SEL and he drifts back to the early 1960s: His father's financial misfortunes had forced him to drop out of graduate school at Paris's Faculté d'Orsay, so Gassée took a series of temporary jobs. He was a maître d' at a Montparnasse strip joint, now a pizza place.
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