
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客訪問:

if you have daughters: courtesy and decency:

(2017-12-13 09:34:21) 下一個

63 - 70 D-R courtesy and decency

(2017-12-12 14:43:49) 下一個
If you're parents, you realized how hard to bring up your daughters. Then, you know what to do -

“At the end of the day, this entire race has been about dignity and respect,” Jones said at his victory rally, a raucous celebration in Birmingham. “This campaign has been about the rule of law. This campaign has been about common courtesy and decency and making sure that everyone in this state, regardless of which Zip code you live in, is going to get a fair shake.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/as-democrats-add-senate-seat-gop-left-to-bicker-over-what-happened-in-alabama/2017/12/13/61bf59f2-dff6-11e7-8679-a9728984779c_story.html?utm_term=.02782b4a0053

Doug Jones: "As Dr. King liked to quote, 'the moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice.'"

That guy didn't show any remorse toward those teenage girls he hurt !

"Democrats were aided by senior congressional Republicans who dropped their endorsements of Moore after the allegations of misconduct surfaced, including hard-line conservatives such as Sen. Mike Lee (Utah) and Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.). McConnell had promised to open an ethics investigation if Moore won, and Alabama’s senior senator, Richard C. Shelby, a Republican, announced that he could not support Moore. " https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/as-democrats-add-senate-seat-gop-left-to-bicker-over-what-happened-in-alabama/2017/12/13/61bf59f2-dff6-11e7-8679-a9728984779c_story.html?utm_term=.02782b4a0053


愛春 這樣的人當上參議員才是美國的悲哀。不理解支持他的人。有女兒的人該支持一個騷擾女孩的下作的人?參議員難道不該是一個正派的人?

» 2017-12-12 20:42:51 http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/currentevent/1289557.html

俺看了幾遍這個女人怎樣回答問題,不覺得她撒謊。隻覺得她可憐,很簡單。 -愛春-

if just one girl, you wonder. If two, you listen. if eight, you recognize the pattern - habit.

Winston Churchill — 'You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all the other possibilities.'

*** 時事述評 » 美國老百姓還是有正義感的           



來源: 2017-12-12 20:10:35     
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J.K. Rowling
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4 hours


Narrator's voice: Roy was right. God was in control. What he didn't realise was, She's black.

American attorney. Gordon Douglas Jones is an American attorney, prosecutor, and politician. Jones served as the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama, and is known for prosecuting the remaining two ... Wikipedia

Roy Moore
Former Chief Justice
Roy Stewart Moore is an American politician and former Alabama state judge who is the Republican nominee in the December 12, 2017 United States Senate special election in Alabama against Democratic nominee Doug Jones. Wikipedia
Born: February 11, 1947 (age 70), Gadsden, AL
Nationality: American
Spouse: Kayla Moore (m. 1985)

博主聲明 PS12:

(2017-08-28 13:40:36) 下一個

Heritage landmarks of my horizons (我的視野的傳統地標 ) - - -


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