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(2017-10-03 14:44:57) 下一個

驚訝兩年內發生 - 引力波的發現獲得了2017年諾貝爾物理學獎

已有 93 次閱讀 2017-10-3 10:08 |個人分類:Science Discovery|係統分類:海外觀察    推薦到群組  

兩年內才發生 - 驚訝! The discovery of gravitational waves (below) earned 2017 Nobel Physics. 引力波的發現獲得了2017年諾貝爾物理學獎。How about its reproducibility?  Read these - ""如此微弱:比原子核運動還要小數千倍的細微變化。
"" No way can anyone else reproduce such results !


I posted this "Themes beyond human reach now...gravitational waves

2017-9-28 13:17
Something we can't detect now don't mean they don't exist. For example, cancer cells hide somewhere we can't detect and come back later on. I heard this lab of gravitational waves, championed by Yang Zhen Ning in 1980s, at Sun Yat-sen University - the lab was led by Li Hua-zhong, fo ...
個人分類: Observation|130 次閱讀

Thus, it's a welcomed news this morning to read this Nobel physics goes to Barry C. Barish, Kip S. Thorne, and Rainer Weiss who were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics on Oct. 3 for The discovery of gravitational waves (below). I expected that sufficient for Nobel honor, but I didn't expect it happened only within two years of this discovery. Surprised! ((引力波的發現(下)獲得了2017年諾貝爾物理學獎。引力波的發現(下)獲得了2017年諾貝爾物理學獎 - 不指望這個發現的兩年內才發生 - 驚訝!))


I guess I've been waiting its application: As biologist, I hope it helps define how human soul travels around - by something like gravitational waves - we human can't see it but it cut through all objects and travel around ! Invisible, invincible, incredible! Full of mystery! ((我想我一直在等待它的應用:作為生物學家,我希望它有助於定義人類的靈魂如何前進 - 通過像引力波 - 我們人類看不到它,但它切割所有的對象和旅行!隱形,無敵,不可思議!充滿神秘!!))


- 驚訝!(1) Crowned with Nobel within only 2 years post-discovery; (2) no confirmation by independent laboratories; (3) None of applications (impact?).


Who else? courageous to say something different from main stream! like this one - - -



已有 99 次閱讀2017-10-3 08:20|個人分類:物理|係統分類:觀點評述|關鍵詞:諾貝爾獎又鬧大笑話今年竟授予根本不存在的引力波  可見國際流行錯誤學術觀點無視客觀實際到了何等頑固的程度!







北京時間103日下午545分,2017年諾貝爾物理學獎揭曉,3位美國科學家RainerWeiss, Barry C. BarishKip S. Thorne獲獎。獲獎理由是“對LIGO探測器和引力波觀測的決定性貢獻”。其中,Rainer Weiss獨享一半獎金,Barry C.BarishKip S. Thorne分享另一半。獎金共900萬瑞典克朗。



How about its reproducibility?  Read these - ""如此微弱:比原子核運動還要小數千倍的細微變化。
"" No way can anyone else reproduce such results !


[6]蔣永華  2017-10-3 03:44
[5]馬紅孺  2017-10-3 03:42
這個獎的意思就是認可了LIGO的觀測了! 說實在的,我還是有點懷疑。
[4]晏成和  2017-10-3 03:25
[3]晏成和  2017-10-3 03:25
[2]溫海龍  2017-10-3 03:18




Background -

“Gravity, according to Einstein, is the warping of space and time,” Brian Greene wrote in his book “The Elegant Universe.” 愛因斯坦認為,重力是空間和時間的扭曲,“布賴恩·格林在他的書”優雅宇宙“中寫道。

The physicist John Wheeler had a famous saying: “Mass grips space by telling it how to curve, space grips mass by telling it how to move.” 物理學家約翰·惠勒(John Wheeler)有一句名言:“通過告訴它如何曲線,空間掌握空間,告訴它如何移動”

Einstein's great theory has been tested and retested and has always come out on top. Most famously, the British astronomer Arthur Eddington observed a solar eclipse in May 1919 and concluded that starlight passing close to the sun was, indeed, bent in a manner consistent with Einstein's theory. Eddington's endorsement triggered global publicity for Einstein that made him a celebrity and the personification of scientific genius.愛因斯坦的偉大理論已被測試和重新測試,並一直出現在頂端。 最著名的是,英國天文學家亞瑟·愛丁頓(Arthur Eddington)在1919年5月觀察到日食,並得出結論,靠近太陽的星光確實以與愛因斯坦理論一致的方式彎曲。 愛丁頓的讚同引發了愛因斯坦的全球宣傳,使他成為名人和科學天才的化身。


https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/10/03/nobel-winning-research-on-gravitational-waves-ligo-and-gravity-explained/?utm_term=.9499a19766ed )


The discovery of gravitational waves won the 2017 Nobel Prize in physics Tuesday. The three award winners, Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne, are members of the LIGO scientific collaboration, which stands for Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory. They detected gravitational waves for the first time just two years ago, the echoes of a massive collision of two supermassive black holes.

When that detection was announced, The Washington Post explained why gravity is such a mysterious force and why it was so difficult to detect gravitational waves, even though they were predicted by Einstein. The explanation is republished below:

Gravity is invisible, as you may have noticed, and a little bit spooky, because it seems to reach across space to cause actions at a distance without any obvious underlying mechanism. What goes up must come down, but why that is so has never been obvious.

Physicists tell us there are four fundamental forces in the universe: Gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force. Of these, gravity is the most anemic, and yet over cosmic expanses it has shaped the universe. In our solar system, it governs the planets and moons in their orbits. On Earth, it motivates the apple to fall from the tree. You can feel it in your bones.

Aristotle believed that an object fell to Earth because it sought its natural place. Heavier objects, Aristotle believed, fell faster; weight was an inherent property of the object.

In the late 16th and early 17th centuries, Galileo brought scientific experiments into the conversation, and he discovered that a heavy object and a light object actually fall at the same speed. One biographer claimed that he proved this by dropping two spheres from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but the story may be apocryphal. (In 1971, Apollo 15 moonwalker David Scott did his own version of the experiment, dropping a geologist's hammer and a feather and showing that they hit the lunar surface simultaneously.)

Galileo also discovered that objects always fall with constant acceleration and along a parabolic curve. “Galileo’s observation that all falling objects trace a parabola is one of the most wonderful discoveries in all of science,” physicist Lee Smolin writes in his book “Time Reborn.”

Then came Isaac Newton. In the second half of the 17th century, he developed a universal law of gravity. He calculated that the attraction between two bodies was equal to the product of their masses divided by the square of the distance between them. This is true on Earth as well as in space. It explains the tides. It explains the motions of the planets around the sun. This is a basic law of nature, true anywhere in the universe.

But even Newton admitted that he didn’t understand the fundamental nature of this force. Newton could describe gravity mathematically, but he didn’t know how it achieved its effects.

In the early 20th century, Albert Einstein finally came up with an explanation, and it's rather astonishing. First he grasped that gravity and acceleration are the same thing. His General Theory of Relativity, formulated in 1915, describes gravity as a consequence of the way mass curves “space-time,” the fabric of the universe. It's all geometry. Objects in motion will move through space and time on the path of least resistance. A planet will orbit a star not because it is connected to the star by some kind of invisible tether, but because the space is warped around the star.

From Aristotle to Einstein, the world's greatest minds have long theorized about gravity. Here are the highlights, and where the study of gravity is headed next. (Gillian Brockell,Joel Achenbach/TWP)

“Gravity, according to Einstein, is the warping of space and time,” Brian Greene wrote in his book “The Elegant Universe.”

The physicist John Wheeler had a famous saying: “Mass grips space by telling it how to curve, space grips mass by telling it how to move.”

Einstein's great theory has been tested and retested and has always come out on top. Most famously, the British astronomer Arthur Eddington observed a solar eclipse in May 1919 and concluded that starlight passing close to the sun was, indeed, bent in a manner consistent with Einstein's theory. Eddington's endorsement triggered global publicity for Einstein that made him a celebrity and the personification of scientific genius.

One of the predictions of Einstein’s equations (though Einstein himself wasn’t ready to buy in fully) was the existence of gravitational waves — ripples in the space-time fabric. Scientists in subsequent decades looked for such waves to no avail.

In the 1960s, University of Maryland physicist Joseph Weber built devices for detecting gravitational waves, and he claimed to have evidence of success, but his findings did not hold up to close scrutiny and the quest for Einstein's waves fell into disrepute.

But on Thursday, when one of Weber’s students, Kip Thorne, a legendary physicist at the California Institute of Technology, joined several colleagues in announcing the LIGO breakthrough, he made sure to mention Weber, who died in 2000. After the news briefing, he told reporters that Weber was the true founder of the field, and was just ahead of his time.

“We had to wait another 40 years,” Thorne said. “It does validate Weber in a way that’s significant. He was the only person in that era who thought that this could be possible.”

Thorne and other physicists ultimately persuaded the National Science Foundation to fund the creation of LIGO, which has two facilities, one in Livingston, La., and the other in Hanford, Wash.

The LIGO Laboratory operates two detector sites, one near Hanford in eastern Washington, and another near Livingston, La. This photo shows the Hanford detector site. (Caltech/MIT/LIGO Lab)

LIGO had its detractors from the very start because it was going to be expensive and might detect nothing at all. These waves, if they existed, would be extremely subtle. It’s not like picking up the vibration from a passing truck. The gravitational waves, in theory, should contract or expand space by an almost infinitesimal amount. A detector a couple of miles long might become longer or shorter by less than the width of a subatomic particle.

Gravitational waves pass through everything and can't be directly captured. So the two LIGO facilities use a laser beam to try to deduce the passing of a gravitational wave. The beam is split in two, with each part bouncing off mirrors perched at the end of perpendicular, airless tubes about 2.5 miles long. When those cleaved beams again converge, they should align perfectly — unless some invisible gravitational waves have come trundling through the building, stretching one tube or compressing another and thereby changing the distances traveled by the beams.

One of the controversies over LIGO was simply about the name. Was it really an “observatory”? Some astronomers weren’t ready to go there. Astronomy has always been a science built around light. When astronomers talk about observing in the optical, the infrared, or with radio waves or gamma rays or X-rays, they are talking about different wavelengths of light, each creating its own visual picture of the universe.

But gravitational waves represent a new form of cosmic information. As the scientists told us today, it's a new way of seeing the universe — or, to use a better metaphor, of hearing the universe. Physicists say this is like adding sound to what we can already see.

The movie of the universe has always been spectacular, but it will be even better with sound.



Read more:

Nobel in physiology, medicine awarded to three Americans for discovery of ‘clock genes’

A year later, scientists keep listening to gravitational waves, the sound track of the cosmos

Gravitational wave from black hole collision 1.8 billion light-years away detected in the U.S. and Italy

2016 Nobel Prize in physics awarded for revealing ‘the secrets of exotic matter’

Gravitational wave from black hole collision 1.8 billion light-years away sensed in U.S. and Italy



Heritage landmarks of my horizons (我的視野的傳統地標 ) - - -


** Epilogue **

轉載授權說明 - Postscript(epilogue) - 閱讀我寫博文的視野角度 -

四位一體, 四願讀寫博文 Postscript(epilogue) for governing all my blog posts

獨立的時空, 自由的思寫。勞作 (Labor)、藝術 (art)、遊戲 (game)、學問 (knowledge), 四位一體; 四願讀寫博文: 正義(Justice)、良知 (conscience)、自由 (freedom)、獨立 (independence)- leading to integrity, compassion, and mutual respect 照鏡驗心,久而久之習慣自然, 我手寫我心,寫出心安而淡然、端然、坦然。

I can't ask or practice wisdom as I believe it's not by gain of your own effort but given by God like kindness, grace and mercy.


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