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The General Sherman Tree in Sequoia - education (ZT)

(2017-09-11 14:09:15) 下一個
野性 = 天性 = 生命力: 教師之罪, 以教育為名, 抹殺學生天性?

已有 131 次閱讀 2017-9-11 09:41 |個人分類:Thought Leader|係統分類:教學心得    推薦到群組

野性 = 天性 = 生命力: 教師之罪, 以教育為名, 抹殺學生天性 !?


九月十日教師節, 一片"師道尊嚴"頗有點陶然 - 今晨讀朱曉剛此帖 (Reference 1, below)/邵征鋒 (Ref. 2), 忽從雲霄飛翔, 跌坐椅上, 腦中飛思:


教師之罪, 以教育為名, 抹殺學生天性! 你能擔保,學生聽你的會一生成功? 我對學生常懷罪過之憾, 誠恐我的所謂“傳道授業解惑" 改變學生天生的能力 -  "野性 = 天性 = 生命力" -  為自己謀生而誤人前程, 深感渺小, 低到塵埃中。


So true in Nature - you stand up against all winds, rain, storms, cold, hot for so many years -


Visiting The General Sherman Tree in Sequoia National Park made me realize that only growth in wildness could get up a tree that tall,

"The General Sherman Tree is the world's largest tree, measured by volume. It stands 275 feet (83 m) tall, and is over 36 feet (11 m) in diameter at the base. Sequoia trunks remain wide high up. Sixty feet above the base, the Sherman Tree is 17.5 feet (5.3 m) in diameter."


The General Sherman Tree
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General Sherman Tree, Sequoia National Park.General Sherman Tree at the north end of Giant Forest.

National Park Service/Rick Cain


Image result for Sequoia National Park, Shuman tree

Image result for Sequoia National Park, Shuman treeThe General Sherman Tree in Sequoia National Park ~ southern Sierra Nevada mountains in California • from: "The National Parks: ...


Image result for Sequoia National Park, Shuman treeSequoia tree with opening at base at night, Redwood Canyon. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA.

Image result for Sequoia National Park, Shuman tree

The General Sherman Tree is the world's largest tree, measured by volume. It stands 275 feet (83 m) tall, and is over 36 feet (11 m) in diameter at the base. Sequoia trunks remain wide high up. Sixty feet above the base, the Sherman Tree is 17.5 feet (5.3 m) in diameter.


Visiting the General Sherman Tree

Two trails lead to the Sherman Tree. Parking for the Main Trail is off the Wolverton Road (between the Sherman Tree and Lodgepole); just follow signs. The trail runs half a mile (0.8 km) down to the tree. It has a few stairs and is paved. As you walk, you'll enter the Giant Forest sequoia grove. Exhibits along the trail explain the natural history of giant sequoias. The walk back is uphill.

Those with disability parking placards can park in a small lot along the edge of the Generals Highway. From there, a wheelchair-accessible trail leads a short distance to the tree. If you don't have a placard but can't manage the Main Trail, during shuttle seasonyou can ride park shuttles (all are wheelchair accessible, and some kneel) to the accessible trail. Another option, if you can do the initial downhill walk, is to park at the Main Trail, walk down to the Sherman Tree, then continue down to the shuttle stop along the Generals Highway. A shuttle can return you to your parking area, eliminating the uphill walk.

A fence protects the shallow roots of the Sherman Tree. Please help us protect the tree by staying on the paved trail.

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The Sherman Tree in Winter

Once much snow falls, the main parking area off the Wolverton Road closes and the accessible parking area on the Generals Highway becomes available for all. The trail from there to the Sherman Tree is not steep but can be very snowy or icy. Please be careful, and if you choose to walk, avoid stepping in ski tracks.

The timing of winter snow varies tremendously between seasons and is very difficult to predict. Snow can fall anytime from October into June. Check current conditions for more information.

On some winter holiday weekends, a winter shuttle may provide transportation from Lodgepole and Wuksachi to the Sherman Tree Trail.

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Exploring Further

Hundreds of monarch sequoias grow in the Giant Forest sequoia grove. The Congress Trail, a paved two-mile loop that begins near the Sherman Tree, offers excellent opportunities to see notable trees. Big Trees Trail, a one-mile (1.6 km) loop around a lush meadow, has interpretive exhibits about the natural history of giant sequoias. For a longer walk, explore the many miles of trails in the area.

Beyond the Giant Forest, more sequoia groves await. Visit the world's second-largest tree, the General Grant Tree in the Grant Grove area of Kings Canyon National Park. Other groves such as Redwood Canyon and Muir Grove are destinations for longer hikes.

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Statistics about the General Sherman Tree

Feet Meters
Height above Base 274.9 83.8
Circumference at Ground 102.6 31.1
Maximum Diameter at Base 36.5 11.1
Diameter 60' (18.3 m) above base 17.5 5.3
Diameter 180' (54.9 m) above base 14.0 4.3
Diameter of Largest Branch 6.8 2.1
Height of First Large Branch above the Base 130.0 39.6
Average Crown Spread 106.5 32.5

See the list of all the 30 biggest giant sequoias.

Last updated: August 14, 2017



** Reference 1 **

信忠保  2017-9-11 00:25

憤怒的野草,肆無忌憚的生長。博主回複(2017-9-11 00:53)總算有這麽一片自由的天地舉報 [2]王從彥  2017-9-10 21:22肆無忌憚繁衍著種族香火的雜草 博主回複(2017-9-10 22:22)與生俱來的傳承基因的能力舉報 [1]寧利中  2017-9-10 19:23自然 博主回複(2017-9-10 20:00)無人照料,也極少有人關注

** Ref. 1 **


已有 482 次閱讀2017-9-10 18:22|個人分類:植物天地|係統分類:圖片百科|關鍵詞:野性 野草    推薦到群組





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發表評論                        評論 (3 個評論)

舉報 [3]信忠保  2017-9-11 00:25憤怒的野草,肆無忌憚的生長。博主回複(2017-9-11 00:53)總算有這麽一片自由的天地舉報 [2]王從彥  2017-9-10 21:22肆無忌憚繁衍著種族香火的雜草 博主回複(2017-9-10 22:22)與生俱來的傳承基因的能力舉報 [1]寧利中  2017-9-10 19:23自然 博主回複(2017-9-10 20:00)無人照料,也極少有人關注


Ref. 2 --


已有 427 次閱讀2017-9-10 04:48|係統分類:教學心得    推薦到群組

















Heritage landmarks of my horizons (我的視野的傳統地標 ) - - -


** Epilogue **

轉載授權說明 - Postscript(epilogue) - 閱讀我寫博文的視野角度 -

四位一體, 四願讀寫博文 Postscript(epilogue) for governing all my blog posts

獨立的時空, 自由的思寫。勞作 (Labor)、藝術 (art)、遊戲 (game)、學問 (knowledge), 四位一體; 四願讀寫博文: 正義(Justice)、良知 (conscience)、自由 (freedom)、獨立 (independence)- leading to integrity, compassion, and mutual respect 照鏡驗心,久而久之習慣自然, 我手寫我心,寫出心安而淡然、端然、坦然。

I can't ask or practice wisdom as I believe it's not by gain of your own effort but given by God like kindness, grace and mercy.


上一篇:老二困境,天命如此 ?- 唐納德·特朗普白宮首席戰略家

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