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US/UK: super-gonorrhoea pass on via oral

(2017-07-23 12:15:57) 下一個

Headline news: Data from the UK and US

US/UK: super-gonorrhoea pass on via oral sex ((蔣介石有淋病 - 淋病是一種性傳播疾病(STD),且男性和女性均可能染上淋病。其可引發生殖器官、直腸、及喉嚨的感染。淋病淋病奈瑟菌(簡稱淋球菌)引起的以泌尿生殖係統化膿性感染為主要表現的性傳播疾病。其發病率居我國性傳播疾病第二位。淋病,又叫白濁,由奈瑟氏球菌,一般稱為淋病雙球菌所引起的傳染性性病,大部分病人在接觸病菌後兩三日發病。淋病已被作為可能很快無法醫治的感染之一。淋球菌是引起該類感染的細菌,正發展出對之有殺滅效果的抗生素越來越強的耐藥性。已經有36個國家報告了耐多藥 (世界衛生組織) ((

不帶保險套口交催生超級抗藥淋病病菌- BBC 中文網
Jul 7, 2017 - 世衛組織說,口腔性行為催生具有抗藥性的超級淋病病菌,越來越多的人性交時不用保險套,使這種病菌高速傳播。))


Mouth for eating not for that!?

已有 68 次閱讀 2017-7-23 10:34 |個人分類:Science Discovery|係統分類:科普集錦    推薦到群組

Headline news:

Oral route rounding death - sex organ is for sex; mouth is not that
purpose, not contact sport. That President (Bill Clinton) did that, but he got hold
of that sin. Human sin got punished for not following the nature:
That's a fact, plain and simple.
Lesson learned: Specific function only - Mouth for eating not for that sex thing. gocha!


If human runs against evolution, round up death.



More about
Antimicrobial resistance
World Health Organization
Drug resistance

Oral sex spreading unstoppable bacteria
BBC News 12h ago

Related Coverage
Multi-drug-resistant gonorrhea: a research ... - GARDP – Global
Antibiotic Research & Development Partnership
Most Referenced GARDP – Global Antibiotic Research & Development Partnership

Oral sex is producing dangerous gonorrhoea and a decline in condom use
is helping it to spread, the World Health Organization has said.

It warns that if someone contracts gonorrhoea, it is now much harder
to treat, and in some cases impossible.

The sexually transmitted infection is rapidly developing resistance to

Experts said the situation was "fairly grim" with few new drugs on the horizon.

About 78 million people pick up the STI each year and it can cause infertility.

The World Health Organization analysed data from 77 countries which
showed gonorrhoea's resistance to antibiotics was widespread.

Dr Teodora Wi, from the WHO, said there had even been three cases - in
Japan, France and Spain - where the infection was completely

She said: "Gonorrhoea is a very smart bug, every time you introduce a
new class of antibiotics to treat gonorrhoea, the bug becomes

Worryingly, the vast majority of gonorrhoea infections are in poor
countries where resistance is harder to detect.

"These cases may just be the tip of the iceberg," she added.

Throat infection

Gonorrhoea can infect the genitals, rectum and throat, but it is the
last that is most concerning health officials.

Dr Wi said antibiotics could lead to bacteria in the back of the
throat, including relatives of gonorrhoea, developing resistance.

She said: "When you use antibiotics to treat infections like a normal
sore throat, this mixes with the Neisseria species in your throat and
this results in resistance."

Thrusting gonorrhoea bacteria into this environment through oral sex
can lead to super-gonorrhoea.

"In the US, resistance [to an antibiotic] came from men having sex
with men because of pharyngeal infection," she added.

A decline in condom use, which had soared because of fears of
HIV/Aids, is thought to help the infection spread.


What is gonorrhoea?


The disease is caused by the bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoea.

The infection is spread by unprotected vaginal, oral and anal sex.

Symptoms can include a thick green or yellow discharge from sexual
organs, pain when urinating and bleeding between periods.

However, of those infected, about one in 10 heterosexual men and more
than three-quarters of women, and gay men, have no easily recognisable

Untreated infection can lead to infertility, pelvic inflammatory
disease and can be passed on to a child during pregnancy.


The World Health Organization is calling on countries to monitor the
spread of resistant gonorrhoea and to invest in new drugs.

BBC Radio 1 - Myth-busting STIs
Pubic hair grooming 'STI risk from cuts'

Dr Manica Balasegaram, from the Global Antibiotic Research and
Development Partnership, said: "The situation is fairly grim.

"There are only three drug candidates in the entire drug [development]
pipeline and no guarantee any will make it out."

But ultimately, the WHO said vaccines would be needed to stop gonorrhoea.

Prof Richard Stabler, from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical
Medicine, said: "Ever since the introduction of penicillin, hailed as
a reliable and quick cure, gonorrhoea has developed resistance to all
therapeutic antibiotics.

"In the past 15 years therapy has had to change three times following
increasing rates of resistance worldwide.

"We are now at a point where we are using the drugs of last resort,
but there are worrying signs as treatment failure due to resistant
strains has been documented."

Follow James on Twitter.


Is oral sex more common now? By BBC World online

It's hard to say if more people around the world are having more oral
sex than they used to, as there isn't much reliable global data

 Data from the UK and US show it's very common, and has been for years,
including among teenagers.

The UK's first National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles,
carried out in 1990-1991, found 69.7% of men and 65.6% of women had
given oral sex to, or received it from, a partner of the opposite sex
in the previous year.

By the time of the second survey during 1999-2001, this had increased
to 77.9% for men and 76.8% for women, but hasn't changed much since.

A national survey in the US, meanwhile, has found about two-thirds of
15-24 year olds have ever had oral sex.

Dr Mark Lawton from the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV
said people with gonorrhoea in the throat would be unlikely to realise
it and thus be more likely to pass it on via oral sex.

He recognises that while condoms would reduce the risk of
transmission, many people wouldn't want to use them.

"My message would be to get tested so at least if you've got it you
know about it," Dr Lawton said.


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