
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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do stuff for elites (ZT)

(2017-07-20 11:54:39) 下一個

已有 86 次閱讀 2017-7-20 10:01 |個人分類:People history|係統分類:人物紀事    推薦到群組

I'm doing stuff for peer-review; a friend dropped by chatting about his resurrection upon reading his icon model - 什麽叫精致利己主義精英?


"Read what he wrote, but don't look at his life as you're disappointed - a bad role model.

Do hear just what they said, but see what they did. I's very disappointed, taken by surprise with this stuff. It got upside down for their images in my mind based on reading a few lines of his poems and anecdotes. If you don't know much about this guy, don't feel regret as he doesn't deserve, not

worth getting your attention.

Quite disappointing: Some guys are like  the more the you know ,  the more respect you got. For some, the opposite is true.""  


His sad face has vividly resurfaced - I wonder why. I vaguely remember what's been said.



"舊倫理中新思想的師表, 新文化中舊道德的楷模" - said all.


什麽叫精致利己主義精英? Definition? All for me, me for me; you can't do nothing about me.


But How?


Take home message?

William Deresiewicz, writer of New Republic article, "Don't Send Your Kid to the Ivy League," speaks about his new book, "Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite & The Way to a Meaningful Life," is a rangy and urgent diagnosis of the compromised higher-education system in the United States.

on parenting and teaching, I wonder if parents and teachers want more "精致的利己主義者和常青藤的綿羊" (exquisite egoist and ivy league sheep)."


My take was you're swamped in seas of and got lost in information, education can't help/guide. What can you have? it's your“intuition” and “hunches” as acceptable guides to life decisions.

Never misled by "elites" - so?

William Deresiewicz: "Probably people have always tried to plan their lives in some way to the extent that they can. I mean, who wouldn’t? But I do think the tendency has become hypertrophied among the contemporary

upper-middle-class: the idea that life can be rendered predictable, reduced to an orderly succession of

achievements that will guarantee security and comfort. Breaking students out of that


getting them to understand that a successful life necessarily involves a degree of uncertainty

and risk, as well as of serendipity and intuition, is one of the most important functions that

colleges and mentors can perform." (https://harpers.org/blog/2014/08/william-deresiewicz-on-excellent-sheep/ )



** Ref.**

"胡適之去世,蔣公送了一個挽聯。上書:【舊倫理中新思想的師表 新文化中舊道德的楷模】





     答:忙著逮波斯貓 (博士帽)。





          抗戰最艱苦的幾年,胡適之在美國一共弄了26個波斯貓 (博士帽)!





~~~ Ref. 2 ~~
Curiosity-driven: Those big boys [http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/thread-1581523-1-1.html  ]

胡適在他的《宣統與胡適》一文那句“他稱我先生,我稱他皇上”,也佐證了胡適之的興奮之情和驕傲之感。  老驕傲了!皇上叫我先生!我喊他皇上!皇上起身迎接我,我鞠躬謝皇上!





*** Ref. 3 ***


  胡適之去世,蔣公送了一個挽聯。上書:【舊倫理中新思想的師表 新文化中舊道德的楷模】



  所謂【新文化中舊道德的楷模】,就是胡適之找了小三,又糟糠之妻不下堂 (胡適在杭州,與曹誠英同居。原來胡適在同江冬秀婚禮的時候,就看中了比自己小11歲的伴娘曹誠英。曹懷孕了,為了所謂真正的愛情,離婚了,北上找胡適,逼婚。同現在小三逼婚一個節奏, 這就是蔣公挽聯【舊倫理中新思想的師表】的來源。[ok]) ((:【兔子不吃窩邊草】。胡博士可好,專啃窩邊草!曹誠英是胡適三嫂的妹妹,胡適江冬秀婚禮的伴娘。我們的胡博士在婚禮上就盯上了窩邊草!徐誌摩妻朋友妻,胡博士啃窩邊草!果然好基友,靠的!








~~~~ Ref. 5 ~~~~~~~`

精致利己主義,出人頭地之必備神器- - 十五言

Oct 29, 2015 - 曾在耶魯任教的威廉·德雷謝維奇的新書《精致利己主義者和常青藤的綿羊》,在書中將美國的精英大學生稱為“優秀的綿羊”,這個稱號,

William Deresiewicz is an American author, essayist, and literary critic. Born in 1964 in Englewood, New Jersey, Deresiewicz attended Columbia University before teaching English at Yale University from 1998-2008.Wikipedia

Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite - Amazon.com

Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life

Paperback – May 26, 2015. ... A groundbreaking manifesto about what our nation’s top schools should be—but aren’t—providing: “The ex-Yale professor effectively skewers elite colleges - higher education to the woodshed.   - the “entitled mediocrity” of the Ivy League.




上一篇:Can you teach curiosity? the good, the bad, NYT book shows.
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