
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客訪問:

Hey, Russia, help out! treason

(2016-07-28 09:47:48) 下一個

I don't care what you say, but you gotta have decency as human being. Let say you're quarral with your family members or relatives. Do you get emotional, slap the door, storm out, and find some outsiders to intrude and invade your family? Not even someone you know well - "I know Putin well as he and I were on the 60-minute TV talking - yeah, crossing two continentals over the satellite - hello! (Refer to "Fact-checking column" ---below)

Yes, another Sarah Palin - "I can see Russians from my yard! so I know how to deal with Russia, so I know international affairs!" Bingo!

Never mind looking history, a leader openly beg an outsider invade one's own business.  Trump:  Trump Says He Was Being 'Sarcastic' In Asking Russia To Hack Clinton's Emails

A Harvard Law professor thinks Trump's "jokes" could be treason | AP


Politician is a job, a professional job required talent and training, getting a lot of tough call and decision-making - unpopular for sure (Read this: 為了希拉裏我一夜沒睡, below) .

Keep it simple: tell me what how you can do for America, specific plans including what's in it for me - Then, measurable matrix plus time-line/milestones. Make your promise and keep your promise - That's what voters vote for - if they're not misled by flamming emotion.

Show me the first 100-days tasks if you're in the White House - where is yours?

-- Don't think you know your vote - if any failure, democracy is a joke if solely relying on voters - they're not trained to be pro of governing a country.

I guess you think you know how to governing a country, better than pro - GPS out your road map, show it out to voters, and educate voters why.

but do tell me: "How do you know you can?"

Make a note of it - I don't want to hear either Hillary's fans or Donald's fans to self-represent either side glory/rose interpretation of your dream hero. No, knock off self-claimed savior - not a chance.

~~~~ Fact-checking column ---

TRUMP: “I never met Putin, I don’t know who Putin is. … I’ve never spoken to him.” — Miami news conference, during a discussion of whether Russia had hacked into emails of the Democratic National Committee.

THE FACTS: Not so long ago, Trump bragged about how well he knew Russian President Vladimir Putin. Now he says he doesn’t know him at all. That appears to be closer to the truth.

In November, when he was trying to burnish his foreign-policy credentials during a GOP primary debate, he said of Putin, “I got to know him very well because we were both on ‘60 Minutes,’ we were stablemates, and we did very well that night. ”

That claim was debunked at the time because Trump’s only connection to the Russian leader was that they both appeared on the same show. He was interviewed in New York, Putin in Moscow and they weren’t even in the same segment on the program.




"I've been saying the Russian hacking into DNC is Watergate on e-steroids," Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe said. | AP Photo

Former Obama mentor: Trump's Russian hack 'jokes' could 'constitute treason'

For Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe, not only do Donald “Trump's "jokes" about Russia amount to "inviting an adversary to wage cyberwar against the U.S.," but they also "appear to violate the Logan Act and might even constitute treason,” he tweeted Thursday.


The latest tweet from the liberal legal giant whose name has been floated as a Supreme Court pick comes after Trump and his campaign brushed aside the backlash over his remark. The Republican nominee himself telling Fox News that he was "being sarcastic."

“Imagine what our 1st president would've said about a candidate inviting a foreign power to intrude into a US election for the 45th president,” Tribe previously tweeted Wednesday, adding that he “must have been hallucinating” at hearing Trump’s calls for Russian hackers to infiltrate Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s emails.

He also wrote, "I've been saying the Russian hacking into DNC is Watergate on e-steroids."

Though a former Obama mentor, Tribe also buttressed Trump’s charge against former Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, one of his other former law students, over his citizenship and eligibility to serve as president.

He told The Guardian in January that according to the “originalist” judges Cruz so adored, “Cruz wouldn’t be eligible because the legal principles that prevailed in the 1780s and 90s required that someone be born on US soil to be a ‘natural born’ citizen.” Tribe subsequently penned an op-ed titled “Under Ted Cruz’s own logic, he’s ineligible for the White House” in the Boston Globe.

  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
    "they were convicted of treason"
    synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
    • the action of betraying someone or something.
      plural noun: treasons
      "doubt is the ultimate treason against faith"
      synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
    • historical
      the crime of murdering someone to whom the murderer owed allegiance, such as a master or husband.
      noun: petty treason; plural noun: petty treasons




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前段時間英國公投,兩派政治家都紛紛寫信給我希望我投他們一票,信裏也說了,脫不脫由我說的算,說真的看到這些心裏是暖和的,原來除了自己的褲子脫不脫由我說的算以外,這脫歐的事我也是能夠決定的。於是我陷入了前所未有的思考中,思前想後中間還發了點牢騷,因為這可不是脫條褲子那麽簡單,一個沒有任何政治傾向隻知道吃喝玩樂的圈外的chinese怎麽懂大英帝國的走向呢? 這不是應該那些政治家決定的嗎,他們可是幹這行的,平時呲牙咧嘴挺牛逼,一到關鍵決定時刻,把脫歐這事推給我了?政客就是人民的股票經紀人負責為我賺錢,可到了買哪支股票時你卻跑來問我什麽走勢,這像話嗎,要是什麽都由人民決定要你們這些政治家還有卵用,這幫家夥肯定就是一群虛偽的酒鬼。車工會修車,醫生會治病,廚子會炒菜,也許行行出狀元,但對世界格局什麽的多數都是道聽途說吧,比如一個領取救濟金的人去投票他很可能是為了領取更多的救濟金,而很可能就決定了許多人的命運,這不成了賭場開紅黑了嗎。越想越覺得這事我根本沒法去管,幹脆不管了愛saysay。


別看我這裏嘚吧嘚吧的說了很多,可在同學群裏我是很謹慎的。同學群朋友圈裏最近也是很亂,隨著國內國際形勢的變化分成了兩派激烈爭論,而我時刻告誡自己:記住你屁都不要多放一個。我特別清楚這時候不表明態度是對我最有利的,果然大家都征詢我的意見,可我依舊含糊其辭。但是,不是說不放屁就表明我三腳踹不出來一個屁。有時候我仍然是有股氣的。比如最近吧,一個在美國定居的老同學,我們從小一個院子長大,高中時成了非常好的朋友。 她的觀點我總是殷切的點讚,她時刻聲稱自己的美國人身份,這我也能理解,嫁了個美國人入了美國籍了以做美國人自豪,無可爭議,但怎麽說呢,這裏是高中群,咱們回憶的那段時光裏你還是個中國人吧。她這方麵很敏感,誰要是說美國不好,她真的會生氣。她還在美國養成了特別喜歡辯論,而且必須是她贏才行的習慣。有一天我也是喝多了,現在還很後悔,隨口說了一句,一隻羊混在牛群裏真的不應該覺得自己也很牛。這可把她惹毛了。盡管我一再聲稱這不是針對她,可是晚了,以後隻要我發言基本被她駁斥的啞口無言,最近美國大選,我一直對克林頓夫婦的人品有疑問,尤其狡詐的希拉裏女士,我覺得一個女人為了權力而不顧一切有點過了。理所當然我說了一些對郵件泄露的看法,而我這位同學是支持希拉裏的,可想而知反駁比以往都激動,我說我不關心誰能當選,但我隻是說對個人看法。她竟然甩下一句,你要是這麽固執和愚昧,我以後不想和你打交道了。  這讓我很震驚,一夜都沒睡好,於是在第二天黎明的曙光中給她發了一個信息,我解釋了所有問題,並且堅定的認為她很牛,比牛還牛。最後我問了嚴肅的一個問題: 在你心目中我和希拉裏誰更重要?  



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Hey, Russia, help out! treason againt USA


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noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons

the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
"they were convicted of treason"

synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;

high treason, lèse-majesté;



"the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"

antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

?the action of betraying someone or something.
plural noun: treasons

"doubt is the ultimate treason against faith"

synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;

high treason, lèse-majesté;



"the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"

antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

the crime of murdering someone to whom the murderer owed allegiance, such as a master or husband.
noun: petty treason; plural noun: petty treasons
