I's shocked reading this post of alarming, by Harvard Professon Larry Ho, member of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. Chinese American parents: Your thought?
博主回複(2016-6-25 19:38):I don't agree with everything you say. Chinese culture has her good as well as bad aspects. The US and China may be heading for conflict. But that does not mean Chinese Americans will be prosecuted in the future. Chinese-American needs to learn to assimilate and to practice "give" beyond just "take" if they are going to prosper.
(My view: At least, 奧地利人有口口聲聲指出施瓦辛格是美籍奧裔 ! Read their newspapers and talk with 奧裔 - ). Nothing new under the Sun - Chinese Americans just do the same stuff, too human!)
For new readers and those whorequest to be “好友good friends” please read my 公告欄 first.
I wrote the article below primarily for Chinese American parents concerned about college admission question for their children. I post it here for information purpose only for my Chinese blog readers.
Yesterday the US Supreme court (SOTUS) re-affirmed the U.of Texas affirmative action decision which allows race and ethnicity as afactor in determining US college admissions. This means Asian-American applicants to US colleges (particularly Ivy League colleges) may at the discretion of the universities required to climb a higher threshold for admission than other applicants – an issue of great concern to AA parents. This is because many colleges already have a large (compared with population averages) Asian-American student population reaching 20-40%. In the name of diversity, they want to limit the AA student ratio (see the latest from thecollege point of view http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2016/06/affirming-whole-person-admissions/?utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=06.24.2016%20%281%29). In other colleges where financial issue comes into play, rich mainland Chinese students that can pay full tuition have an advantage over local Chinese-American applicants who may need scholarship help for admissionhttp://www.economist.com/news/china/21644222-yearning-american-higher-education-has-driven-surge-overseas-study-georgia-their .All these reasons, now supported by the SOTUS decision, cause undue anxiety/stress for parents and students. I’d like to say something about this issue from the viewpoint of someone who has served on the Harvard Admission Committee and has experience with educating students for 50+ years. 1.The US is the land of opportunity. Admission to prestige undergraduate colleges is only one of many factors for future success in life. How many President of the US went to Ivy league colleges for undergraduate studies? 2.If you know you are going onto graduate school, then where you did your undergraduate matters far less. Do you know the UG school Clinton, Bush, andObama went to? Of course you know they went to Yale Law School, Harvard Business School, and Harvard Law School respectively for graduate studies. In fact , for Harvard graduate school admission, being a Harvard undergraduate is actually a disadvantage. because in the name of diversity, Harvard graduate schools bentover backwards to admit students from other colleges and limit the Harvard UG applicants. 3.For college admission, the saying is “The Chinese are the Jews of yesteryears” In early 20th century, Jews were discriminated in Ivy League college admission (in fact, geographical diversity in admission was originally invented to limit admission of Jewish applicants who were mostly concentrated in NYC).However, through integration and organizing for political power, discrimination against Jews in admission disappeared in mid 20th century. Harvard even had a Jew-American President coupleof decades ago. As the saying goes “you don’t necessarily get what you deserve, you get what you can negotiate”.Asians must learn the same lesson to gain equality in treatment. 4.Decades ago, Asians were the beneficiaries of Affirmative Action hard fought and won by African-Americans. Now it seems to work in reverse against Asians in college admission. If you did not do much in enjoying the benefit, you have less of an argument when it is applied against you and when African and Hispanic Americans feel AA students are taking places of applicants of their race. This is a give-and-take issue. 5.I have also written about college admission from an insider viewpoint. Seehttp://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-621163.html ,http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-951994.html, and more generally about life, career,and success based on my 66 years of experience living in the US. http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=1565&do=blog&id=274536.This may be of help to recent immigrants young and old alike.
The truth is China is first and Chinese people will be the first issue. Chinese people can neglect the things they don't like, but the truth is still there.
博主回複(2016-6-28 10:34):I have no desire to debate with you. You are entitled to you opinion but not to your own facts.
博主回複(2016-6-26 04:33):Thanks for the added information. Chinese parents influenced by the Chinese examination system tend to think that "grades" account for everything. America is a multidimensional society, scholarship is only one of many factors for success in life. There are many other differences between Chinese culture and US culture. There in lie the problem and source of misunderstanding.
博主回複(2016-6-25 19:38):I don't agree with everything you say. Chinese culture has her good as well as bad aspects. The US and China may be heading for conflict. But that does not mean Chinese Americans will be prosecuted in the future. Chinese-American needs to learn to assimilate and to practice "give" beyond just "take" if they are going to prosper.