2011 (1)
2016 (1035)
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2019 (385)
2020 (175)
2021 (235)
2022 (101)
2023 (983)
2024 (800)
*** Reference: I'd credit the original source of my inspiration to write this post by citing the entire article above, only for academic/teaching purpose, but not for commercial purpose - making and promoting any products. I use both URL (URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator and is a reference (an address) to a resource on the Internet. A URL has two main components: Protocol identifier: For the URL http://example.com , the protocol identifier is http . Resource name: For the URL http://example.com , the resource name is example.com .) and the entire article for my electronic library as URL is drifted with time, so it's hard to find the original citation. Let me know if you're objected to my citation of your article - I'd act accordingly. Thanks so much for your attention.
*** all my blog posts align with 唐師曾 on this: "無計劃、無腹稿,每天拍攝,即興亂侃。短兵相接講人的故事,隨拍隨說客觀記錄,是為“語像”。無立場、無判決。漏洞百出,歡迎補漏。作為新聞記者,我獲取的信息簡單處理後,以新聞的特點、速度即刻傳播。不計時間成本地對某個問題深入研究,不是我的本職工作。"- 唐師曾
等等看看,日出日落 青春用來懷念。曾經擁有的,總是最好的,無論成敗,無論對錯。
(2016-06-03 08:14:37) 下一個
BTW,我母親是杭州人,我每次看到潺潺小溪,第一想到的也是九溪十八澗 :)