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  • 博客訪問:

The Truth About Donald Drump

(2016-03-23 10:10:25) 下一個

Trump talks straight into problems, in simple words, with some issues concerned me; however, I don't see HOW he can handle - HOW, HOW, HOW -HOW - Oliver explains...


The Truth About Donald Drumpf: John Oliver on Donald Trump 

Published on Mar 7, 2016

MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3225/the...
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneu...

On February 28th, 2016, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver broadcast their "epic takedown" of Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump. Oliver criticized Trump's business history, licensing of his brand, possible insecurities, potential inconsistencies, self-funding of his campaign, telling it like it is, political correctness and created the Donald Drumpf meme.

Includes: Jon Stewart's name change, Trump University, Trump Steaks, Politifact, Trump Vodka, Trump Shuttle, Go Trump, Trump Magazines, Trump Mortgage Company, Disavowing David Duke, Ku Klux Klan and much more!

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Donald Trump (HBO)

Sources: http://www.fdrurl.com/john-oliver-on-...

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Comments • 3,969

Jack Forbes
"John Oliver is comparing the leading republican presidential nominee to cancer. To cancer, now maybe as a cancer survivor I find that a little offensive" Stefan being the master of hypocritical moralistic fulminations, castigates John Oliver for comparing Donald Trump to cancer. Well guess what Stefan you’ve called socialism cancer multiple times where was your outrage was then? Why weren't you bothered about the sensibilities of cancer survivors then? Secondly, he never compares trump to cancer he compares him to a back mole that seemed harmless and has got bigger. That is not the same thing. A back mole that seemed harmless and has got bigger is a possible symptom of cancer not cancer itself, so you've crafted a straw man in which to base your selective moral outrage on. Also you've called single mothers "leeches and parasites, terrible parents, self entitled” you then called them “a blight and plague upon society” all with one video in less than 3 and half minutes. Also, by what criterion is it wrong for people to make comparisons to cancer even if accurate? It is an accurate analogy because he has got bigger and more potentially deadly because it’s potentially deadly to give power to any of the candidates, let alone trump who says he would bring back water boarding in violation of international law. Even if lying or joking it should be disconcerting because there's always the possibility he’s not. If you had your way no one could make any comparison to cancer or possible symptoms of cancer even if accurate because it offends you, is that what you are saying? Why is it okay for you to make repeated cancer comparisons and call things cancerous yet utterly ethically disgraceful when John Oliver does it? Is it one standard for the great Stefan another for his lowly plebeian audience who he towers over with indestructible logic and reason? “You know lots of people have died from cancer, one of the biggest killers” Lots of people have died from parasites, lots have died from terrible parents, lots have died from plagues- all of which you see fit to compare single mothers to. It’s not about the object under comparison but relationships between the objects being compared; you’ve failed to comprehend that and just looked at the object, this is like me comparing my friend Jimmy to Hitler because he is virulently anti-Semitic, but you ignoring the tenor of my analogy, calling me despicable and saying my comparison is off because Jimmy hasn’t opened concentration camps and implemented a policy of genocide against his local synagogue. You’d think a philosopher would understand basic things like this.?
View all 217 replies
+Stefan Molyneux AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Whew! Lawdy, that was good. Oh wait, you were serious. Hang on, let me laugh harder.?
Kelbyn Stenchwater
+tcpgblizzard "There are 94 million atoms of water in my glass"; like, maybe a few drops??
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Jeroen Nouwens
So who watches John Oliver? Liberal-Arts college students? Young feminists? Feminized boys? Perhaps there is a liberal overlap with the viewership of the Young Turds.?
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CS-Mag Dein Computerspiele-Magazin
+Jeroen Nouwens Oh wait....who watches...He's a star here in Europe, because he's really smart. What are YOU laughing about? Racist jokes? Or would you even ban comedy from tv??
even feminized boys support trump?
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jesus christ you have no sense of humor?
View all 39 replies
+broccollin Trump is King, and you are a cuckfag.?
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Emmerson Bigguns
I like Trump, but that John Oliver piece was funny as fuck.?
View all 25 replies
+Emmerson Bigguns even if i disagree on your political view, we agree on the sense of humor.?
Troy Jamieson
+Tudor Naconecinii It was funny. But not enough to warrant the attention its gotten. Most of the attention its gotten has been a direct result of the dishonest political assault and media's hope that it'll inspire the lazy drug-addled idiots to get off their asses on voting days.?
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If your political views are conceived by comedians, don't be surprised if they're a joke?
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Danny Puran
+AbbathImmortal Stef already said you can't pull the "I'm just a comedian" card every time someone points out your point of view is wrong.?
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Gah Aaa
the finger free anus joke was referencing when Amber Rose (ex stripper who was in a relationship with Kanye and married rapper Wiz Khalifa) said that she performed anal sex on Kanye in response to his feud with Khalifa and he denied it?
William Sticker
John who??
View all 35 replies
+Random Patriot well said?
SwagMeister General
You people must be from England then.?
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Rich Jerozal
Wow dude I'm a sometimes viewer of you channel n usually agree with you on most of the stuff you talk about, but I gotta say Donald Trump's political opinions is not something that deserves as much defense as you offer, I get you were more upset about John. Oliver being so bias but I get the feeling you find trumps opinions tolerable and that's were you lost me?
Tammy E
John Oliver is a narcissistic monster. End of.?
Joe Collier
@Stefan Molyneux As a subscriber I generally enjoy your well researched and well presented essays. Your brutal honest and directness about your conservative right-wing political views make very clear your position on the myriad topics you choose. I like that. I don't always agree with you but I appreciate that you, at least, take the time to get your facts straight before attempting to persuade me to your point of view, a trait sorely lacking in many media outlets. The fact that this is an important election is not lost on me. However, I believe that, this time, the fact that John Oliver is a comedian may have been lost on you. I mean, an hour and a half spent rebutting a 20 minute comedic segment, really? Lighten up for a moment. Laugh, don't laugh, or whatever then move on. Get back to the useful info. Just sayin'.?
View all 3 replies
Joe Collier
+Stefan Molyneux Thank you for your response. I suppose I could be naive in regard to this issue. I don't think so but perhaps you are right. Wait! Isn't that the definition of naive? Oh, well, maybe we could just both have a good laugh and move on. I eagerly await your next monologue. Next question, is any individual that could be nominated for the Supreme Court, by our current president, that would cause our esteemed senator from the fair state of Kentucky, and his colleagues, reconsider their decision to obstruct the nomination to replace the recently deceased Justice Scalia? Your liberal counterpart, @Cenk Uygur, has suggested Harvard Law professor and former clerk for Justice Scalia, Larry Lessig. I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter.?
+Stefan Molyneux It's not only comedy and it's not meant to be just comedy. Everyone seems to let trump say too much bullshit. Your video is even funnier though! I think you could have your own comedy show.?
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namgyal phuntsok
Hi John. Hope you are well. I'm a Tibetan. Would you be kind enough to make a programme on why Tibetans in Tibet are struggling under Chinese rule inside Tibet. I have subscribed and eagerly waiting to hear what you have to say. Thanks?
Evan Walsh
Have you ever considered a Truth About Napoleon??
Brandon Hewitt
Something about John Oliver just completely repulses me. I can't even listen or look at him. Not many people do that to me. Hahaha.?
+Brandon Hewitt me2 hes such a annoying dooshe?
Studley Muffin
I'm pretty sure John Oliver was forced by HBO to talk about Trump.?
Jason Leonardo
Rename your videos to Political ASMR and youll make millions?
Creative Rage Music
Get Pumped! listen to this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gvu-JFfW7c & Vote Trump!?
Fark Googol
If Trump is a back mole then Oliver is a very tiny haemorrhoid.?
I seriously will never be able to wrap around my mind on what is wrong with people's brains like this guy here. Seriously. They are dead serious when "discussing" this stuff, right? I mean, they think they are correct in some way or form??
Kari G
Cancer: noun a practice or phenomenon perceived to be evil or destructive and hard to contain or eradicate. eg: "racism is a cancer sweeping across America" Donald Trump qualifies.


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TJKCB 回複 悄悄話 為什麽床鋪所說的“禁止穆斯林進入美國”的言論是信口開河的胡扯 - 板凳球迷 - ♂ 給 板凳球迷 發送悄悄話 板凳球迷 的個人群組 (3372 bytes) (2069 reads) 03/23/2016 07:44:55 (4)

? 其他幾個候選人打算怎麽解決這個問題的? - TZX999 - ♂ 給 TZX999 發送悄悄話 TZX999 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (7 reads) 03/23/2016 07:54:14

? 好像都沒什麽特驚豔的。這事吧,還真沒什麽特好的辦法 - 板凳球迷 - ♂ 給 板凳球迷 發送悄悄話 板凳球迷 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 03/23/2016 08:25:29

? 給跨界體壇網友加油! - smart518 - ♂ 給 smart518 發送悄悄話 smart518 的博客首頁 smart518 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 03/23/2016 08:17:32

? 板凳不是一個人在戰鬥。哈哈 - 板凳球迷 - ♂ 給 板凳球迷 發送悄悄話 板凳球迷 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 03/23/2016 08:24:08

? 你邏輯混亂。蚊帳裏進了一隻蚊子就應該把蚊帳扯掉嗎? - kabab - ♂ 給 kabab 發送悄悄話 kabab 的個人群組 (508 bytes) (54 reads) 03/23/2016 08:47:42

? 我給你十分鍾,你鎮定一下,把你這帖子仔細看看修改修改,然後我再回。我發現你經常說話說不到點上。嗬嗬 - 板凳球迷 - ♂ 給 板凳球迷 發送悄悄話 板凳球迷 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 03/23/2016 08:59:03

? 有成就的Jobs是美國人,普通人就是恐怖分子! - 630706 - ♂ 給 630706 發送悄悄話 630706 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 03/23/2016 09:23:47

? 很像中醫思維,虛,標和本都要治,治標短期,治本長期。短期治標會不舒服,但正常反應也要治,長期治本也得方向對,有個開始... - Narnar - ♀ 給 Narnar 發送悄悄話 Narnar 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (10 reads) 03/23/2016 09:30:38

? insightful ! 明顯的事實 - well listed - HOW to solve is the main issu - TJKCB - ♀ 給 TJKCB 發送悄悄話 TJKCB 的博客首頁 TJKCB 的個人群組 (1290 bytes) (23 reads) 03/23/2016 10:22:46 (1)

? Well said - 時間呢 - ♀ 給 時間呢 發送悄悄話 時間呢 的博客首頁 時間呢 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 03/23/2016 11:36:53

? 很多世世代代生活在美國的黑人是信仰穆斯林的,是否要禁止他們出入美國? - 企鵝肥肥 - ♂ 給 企鵝肥肥 發送悄悄話 企鵝肥肥 的博客首頁 企鵝肥肥 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 03/23/2016 15:10:40

? 有道理。 - 窗外細雨 - ♀ 給 窗外細雨 發送悄悄話 窗外細雨 的博客首頁 窗外細雨 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 03/23/2016 17:36:32

? 整這麽大一篇出來,你可真有空。下次弄篇短點的,好接茬鬥一把。 - 萬綠叢中 - ♀ 給 萬綠叢中 發送悄悄話 萬綠叢中 的博客首頁 萬綠叢中 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 03/23/2016 18:20:04

? 首先,我同意你的第一個觀點:穆斯林不是當前恐怖主義的根源。 - happycow222 - ♂ 給 happycow222 發送悄悄話 happycow222 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 03/23/2016 19:42:59

? 第二,我同意Trump停止穆斯林進入美國,奧巴馬已經這樣做了,Trump會繼續這樣做,緩和伊斯蘭國對美國安全的威脅。 - happycow222 - ♂ 給 happycow222 發送悄悄話 happycow222 的個人群組 (209 bytes) (2 reads) 03/23/2016 19:48:00