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Snipers of all time

(2015-12-13 20:36:20) 下一個

Top 10 Deadliest Snipers Of All Time







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Published on Oct 12, 2015

Welcome to Top10Archive! Silent, hidden, and maybe even a little romantic; Welcome to the world of snipers, among the most feared soldiers in modern war. In this installment, we count down the deadliest snipers in history--and, boy, are these snipers deadly, some counting hundreds of kills in less than a year. That's impressive...and possibly a little disturbing.

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10. Zhang Taofang
9. Chris Kyle
8. William Sing
7. Josef 'Sepp' Allerberger
6. Craig Harrison
5. Matthäus Hetzenauer
4. Lyudmila Pavlichenko
3. Francis Pegahmagabow
2. Ivan Sidorenko
1. Simo Häyhä


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All Comments (5,687)
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ATTENTION!!!! Since we've received literally 1,000 comments of people asking why Carlos Hathcock isn't on the list.. This list is of snipers with the most confirmed kills. Carlos only had 93 confirmed kills, which would make him somewhere in the top 20, but not the top 10 list of most "deadly" snipers.?
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+Easily Annoyed Which is the equivalent of saying the best fighter in WWII was the fastest. STUPID?
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+USMCBoomTube _ SSgt, not GySgt?
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suomi mainittu??! Torilla tavataan.?
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kerrankin ollaan hyviä jossain :3?
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Could you ever be a sniper??
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+jedijoe1976 oh that's a very good point. Ty?
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+Dave inFla I can follow orders if I feel its necessary. I'm just to independent to be military. I just can't justify running 20 miles getting yelled at by some guy because he said to. thanks but no thanks.?
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holy shit that click bait thumbnail. Only came here to shame this channel for that?
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+Reaping Ctrl+U Ctrl+F type in -->OG:IMAGE?
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It's not even a long range rifle it's a medium to short range assault weapon XD?
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The way you say Häyhä makes me laugh hard :,D?
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he says it like haylaha, like wut???
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+Cave Guy if you just knew finnish it would make you laugh I promise.?
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This entire comment section: "(insert name of well known sniper)???????????????????" "American sniper sucked Chris Kyle was racist, my feelings are hurt." "yeah well what would you do if terrorists were outside your house, he fought for your freedom" "Snipers are evil and killing is wrong, I know how the world works" "Shut up you hippies, its war I would know, I know how the world works" "Hey where is (insert well known sniper here)" "Jewmerica and Isrhell suck, DURKA DURKA ALLAH AKBAR" "I miss nazi germany!!!!!!" "Dur hur I play cod black ops"?
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+AZ budski Dude, Just because I live in a hockey state doesn't mean I have to play it, or even watch it. Hell, you kept rambling on about we have freedom this we have freedom that, well, Come freedom, mean I don't have to be that much of a hockey person just because I live in Minnesota. 1st Amendment, Right to free speech, well, As a man who lives in Minnesota, I don't have to play hockey. So, Shut the fuck up you hypocrite. Also My you may call me "Jebroni" I call you 2 things. Mr.steryotype and Mr.Hypocrite. Thank you.?
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+caller347 "Shut up you hippies, its war" and "yeah well what would you do if terrorists were outside your house, he fought for your freedom" do make sense tho...?
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could they do 360 no scopes???
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+Burger stein lol no need to apologize to these fools. i thought your comment was hilarious?
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vasily zaitsev ????????????
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+reg83ny lucky2lucker or paradox should be best snipers above 100k kills easy in CoD all confirmes on servers?
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+Eric Rentuza They didn't forget his Girlfriend Ludmylla :D?
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Simo Häyhä -A humble and a cool guy -Fought for his country -505-542 confirmed sniper kills -Over 200 confirmed SMG kills -Many more unconfirmed kills. 1000 kills is possible. -Fought in extreme cold (-20c - -40c) -Used a regular rifle mainly for hunting -Didn't use a scope/kinda noscoped everyone -Once killed 8 soviets with one bullet (don't know if this is true just found it on the internet lol) -USSR sent counter snipers and air strikes just to kill him, they failed. -Survived an explosive bullet which hit his left cheek/survived a headshot -Peace was declared when Simo woke up after being in a coma for a week. -The enemy itself named Simo The White Death -Some say that after the war ended and the soviet soldiers who fought in the winter war went to Moscow, they still were afraid that Simo would shoot them all the way from Finland. -Didn't brag or lie about his achievements. -Was used to living in extreme colds thus he was able to wait for Soviets to come for hours. -had a white/snow camouflage making him almost invisible -Soviets were wearing brown jackets and pants making them an easy target. -Didn't use a scope because 1# Due to the extreme colds of the winter, the scope would continue to get filled up by smoke and #2 If the scope would catch the suns light it would reveal his position. -He also used other tricks. -Even though his injury was a very serious one, he continued his life until he would die in 2002 in the age of 96. All the reasons above make Simo a badass for me. Imagine if he would have not been injured and he would have fought in the Continuation War which lasted from 1941 to 1944. Holy moly that would have given him so many more kills.?
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He is a massive badass.?
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These snipers are a bunch of hacks. Damn auto aim.?
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Auto aim? More like aim bot?
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I love sniping playing Battlefield 4.?
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+KZ2killer " has playstation profile picture " k?
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+KZ2killer 110% roasted?
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I have 54000 kills on cod XD fucking campers?
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+Nasty Snipes A lot can happen... in your grandma's basement.?
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Yap Simo had 505 CONFIRMED Kills. When he went to war and came they asked from Häyhä : "How did you do?" and Simo said that he killed hundreds and THEN someone came count the kills and thats the start of the 505 kills.?
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they killed 500 people? how do these people stay sane all their lives know they have killed so many??
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+HUYI1 They aren't pussies and did what they had to do. Not much to it.?
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he shoud have had Vasily Zaytssev who was the hearo sniper from the Battle of Stalingrad and got over 400 kills under the second world war.?
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I was a sniper in 2009, i scored only 2 kills, and after those two kills in Afghan, i came back into my country for holiday of 2 weeks, and all 14 days i dreamed nightmares about those talibans that i killed, and i retired from military because of this, i have those nightmares till today, so think before being a sniper, maybe not all of you will have those nightmares.?
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Holy shit Canada kicks ass...?
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Yeah Canadians Have Pamaj if you don't know who he is don't ask.?
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Where is Vasily Zaitsev?!?!? he killed over 350 german officers at stalingrad?
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where's Joba he is the best sniper Baghdad sniper ?????
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+Viewer _9891 I said obviously Joba is not the best sniper since he is not on this list.?
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Who has seen the movie American Sniper?
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