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您簽署這份請願書,現在幫它達到7500簽名 - 紀念郵票以紀念橫貫大陸的鐵路從中國勞務工移民

簽署這份請願書現在幫它達到7500簽名 - 紀念郵票以紀念橫貫大陸鐵路移民-

您簽署這份請願書,現在幫它達到7500簽名 - 紀念郵票以紀念橫貫大陸的鐵路從中國勞務工移民

簽署這份請願書現在幫它達到7500簽名 - 紀念郵票以紀念橫貫大陸鐵路移民-

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Petitioning US Postal Service Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee


Stamp to Commemorate 150th Anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad and Its Workers

The Transcontinental Railroad was without question one of the most monumental engineering feats of the 19th century. It reduced cross-country travel times from six months to a single week! This, in turn, facilitated domestic commerce, and was the backbone of economic prosperity enjoyed by the United States of America in the years after its completion.

The unsung heroes of this landmark moment of progress, 12,000 Chinese immigrants constructed the western section of the Transcontinental Railroad, comprising more than 80 percent of the workforce of the Central Pacific Railroad Company. Many of these workers risked their lives and perished during the harsh winters and dangerous working conditions. They faced prejudice, low wages, social isolation, and sometimes even death. Stanford University cites they earned one third less than than the other workers and were given the most difficult and dangerous jobs. Nearly 1,200 Chinese workers died from work accidents, avalanches, and explosions (1 out of every 10).

Despite the dangerous and challenging working conditions they were forced to endure, Chinese railroad workers courageously took a stand to organize for fairer wages and safer working conditions. Their efforts not only bridged our nation together, they advanced the cause of good, safe jobs for all workers, immigrant and native workers alike.

In February 2015, Congresswoman Grace Meng introduced a bill to the US House of Representatives about this very topic. Its resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, expressed that it was the sense of the House of Representatives that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the Chinese railroad workers from 1865 to 1869, and that the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.

May 10, 2019 marks the 150th anniversary of the day the final stake was driven into the ground, completing the Transcontinental Railroad. These unsung heroes who paved the way for modern America with their lives deserve to be memorialized on a U.S. postage stamp to commemorate this anniversary. Let's make it happen.

Click here read the actual text of the House of Representatives resolution, follow this link to the Bill Text from the Library of Congress.

Click here to learn more by reading Congresswoman Meng's press release about this issue.

Letter to
US Postal Service Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee
Stamp to Commemorate 150th Anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad and its Workers

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Date: Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 2:46 PM
Subject: You signed this petition, now help it reach 7,500 signatures - Memorial Postage Stamp to Honor the Transcontinental Railroad's Immigrant...


Memorial Postage Stamp to Honor the Transcontinental Railroad's Immmigrant Workers

Petition by US-Asia Institute · 6,838 supporters

Memorial Postage Stamp to Honor the Transcontinental Railroad's Immmigrant Workers

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From: <>
Date: Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 2:46 PM
Subject: You signed this petition, now help it reach 7,500 signatures - Memorial Postage Stamp to Honor the Transcontinental Railroad's Immigrant...


Memorial Postage Stamp to Honor the Transcontinental Railroad's Immmigrant Workers

Petition by US-Asia Institute · 6,838 supporters

Memorial Postage Stamp to Honor the Transcontinental Railroad's Immmigrant Workers

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