
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客訪問:

羊群效應 從眾效應

(2015-10-30 14:39:32) 下一個

羊群效應理論(The Effect of Sheep Flock),也稱羊群行為(Herd Behavior)羊群心理 herd instinct: 從眾效應或樂隊花車效應(Bandwagon effect)是指人們受到多數人一致性思想或行動的影響,而跟從大眾的思想或行為,常被稱為「羊群效應」。 也稱“跟風效應”,英文中將其描述為:TheGreater-fool-Game,意為“下家都是比你更大的傻瓜”。


“羊群效應”也叫“從眾效應”:是個人的觀念或行為由於真實的或想像的群體的影響或壓力,而向與多數人相一致的方向變化的現象。表現為對特定的或臨時的情境中的優勢觀念和行為方式的采納(隨潮)表現為對長期性的占優勢地位的觀念和行為方式的接受(順應風俗習慣)。人們會追隨大眾所同意的,將自己的意見默認否定,且不會主觀上思考事件的意義. 羊




You're 納稅人 - I can see your point and your frustration - that's what I intended to say in the post -

That's true - Science was conducted by elites, who used their own money. Now, science is a job - some scientists don't think much about tax payers' benefit. My point was to hope the public start to 解讀屠呦呦施一公, like science - that's really 中國崛起. Scientists need to take the responsibility to explain to tax payers - Whatever taken will be getting back to tax payers in what way - let the public trust scientists.

In reality, a country like China size, the government should never try to mobilize all to get a Nobel Prize, to do basic research with massive money - it's impossible. Let the nature takes course: If you're Nobel material, you'll pan out regardless. Some leaders don't realize how much power they have - I'd pray for their wisdom to lead the public to a productive journey 中國崛起.

********************** Source of Inspiration ********************************************


已有 1126 次閱讀2015-10-19 15:55|個人分類:commentator|係統分類:博客資訊 推薦到群組

納稅人學會解讀科學家, 科學家學會解讀納稅人才是中國崛起






夠格由誰定義? 納稅人? 拿納稅人錢的人?


五個人的解讀施一公 -“牢騷太盛?”很多人承受不了啦!你是哪一個解讀?要民主的解讀? 還是要法治的解讀?




你得聽施一公對你的解讀的解讀 - 施一公的回答。


你拿納稅人的錢,陳楷翰:馬還是廣告甚至臭都是可以接受的,那是小科學家是解決問題和建立思想來的,不是摟錢來的,也不是嘴來的,不是那些迅速被世界淘汰掉的所研究,更不是比的,隻要拿出的西大於消耗的西,大家都會尊重你的存在,容忍你的毛病,才是大,不然就是職業混混,本來中國大傳統就是落井下石+上添花的,沒法指望世如何,實誠話說過別記在心上,見諒”(本文引用地址:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-561693-929419.html 此文來自科學網陳楷翰博客,轉載請注明出處)


謝力: “錢學森在1987年的10月,也就是在所謂清華大學對嚴新氣功的證實以後的3個月,在給後來與諾獎擦肩而過的餘亞綱回信中說的太對:科學要從事實出發,並且最終要接受事實的檢驗。嗯,將事實換成群眾,那就是從勝利走向勝利的不二法寶。對諾獎的討論,就是從群眾中來,到群眾中去,這叫理論自信。”(本文引用地址:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-669170-929423.html 此文來自科學網謝力博客,轉載請注明出處)


屠呦呦施一公解讀納稅人, 納稅人解讀屠呦呦施一公: 這種互動有利科學大環境。If you can't explain your science in plain language, so simple that laymen can understand - you don't know your science at all. You can't live in an ivory tower if you use the money from tax payers - it's your responsibility to get back to those tax payers. Vice versa - you can't complain if as tax payers you don't ask about science.

科學家學會解讀納稅人納稅人解讀科學家, 才是中國崛起, 才不是被牽著鼻子走。



****************** Source of Inspiration*************************


納稅人的錢解讀 5




解讀納稅人的錢 4



解讀納稅人的錢 3



解讀納稅人的錢 2




解讀納稅人的錢 1





http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-847277-929450.html 此文來自科學網李勝文博客,轉載請注明出處。
下一篇:英語寫作: 讀來總覺易,默寫方知難


發表評論 評論 (18 個評論)

刪除回複[18]高召順 2015-10-25 04:44
刪除回複[17]文克玲 2015-10-21 21:42
刪除回複[16]高召順 2015-10-21 17:55
刪除回複[15]文克玲 2015-10-21 04:39
刪除回複[14]文克玲 2015-10-21 04:37
博主回複(2015-10-30 12:55)Thanks for your comment. It's cited from 陳楷翰:”引用地址:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-561693-929419.html 此文來自科學網陳楷翰博客". If you asked about my opinion, you read about http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-847277-740998.html
本文引用地址:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-847277-740998.html 此文來自科學網
刪除回複[13]wangqinling 2015-10-21 03:11
博主回複(2015-10-30 13:07)Science was conducted by elites, who used their own money. Now, science is a job - some science elites don't think much about tax payers' benefit.
刪除回複[12]高召順 2015-10-21 02:30
博主回複(2015-10-30 13:15)That's true - Science was conducted by elites, who used their own money. Now, science is a job - some scientists don't think much about tax payers' benefit. My point was to hope the public start to 解讀屠呦呦施一公, like science - that's really 中國崛起. Scientists need to take the responsibility to explain to tax payers - Whatever taken will be getting back to tax payers in what way - let the public trust scientists.
刪除回複[11]侯成亞 2015-10-21 02:10
博主回複(2015-10-30 13:20)You're 納稅人 - I can see your point. That's true - Science was conducted by elites, who used their own money. Now, science is a job - some scientists don't think much about tax payers' benefit. My point was to hope the public start to 解讀屠呦呦施一公, like science - that's really 中國崛起. Scientists need to take the responsibility to explain to tax payers - Whatever taken will be getting back to tax payers in what way - let the public trust scientists.
刪除回複[10]biofans 2015-10-21 01:56
博主回複(2015-10-30 13:10)Sorry. Can you make it better? Here is my clarification: Science was conducted by elites, who used their own money. Now, science is a job - some scientists don't think much about tax payers' benefit. My point was to hope the public start to 解讀屠呦呦施一公, like science - that's really 中國崛起.
刪除回複[9]侯成亞 2015-10-21 01:45
49年建國,50年全國解放,到處是爛攤子,真正的一窮二白,兩手空空,到72年,隻有短短的22年,出了青蒿素,還有在那前後的胰島素、兩彈一星,等等。從“科學的春天”到現在已近漫漫的40年了,條件上可以說一個地下,一個天上。可前後兩相比較,情況究竟如何 呢? 再弄不出重大創新成果,天理不容!
博主回複(2015-10-30 13:21)You're 納稅人 - I can see your point and your frustration - that's what I intended to say in the post -

That's true - Science was conducted by elites, who used their own money. Now, science is a job - some scientists don't think much about tax payers' benefit. My point was to hope the public start to 解讀屠呦呦施一公, like science - that's really 中國崛起. Scientists need to take the responsibility to explain to tax payers - Whatever taken will be getting back to tax payers in what way - let the public trust scientists.
刪除回複[8]範丁丁 2015-10-21 01:40
博主回複(2015-10-30 13:18)"納稅人是什麽人?可不像投資人那麽好定義。在我看來不是普通百姓." That's quite bizzar - anyone who pays tax is 納稅人 (including sale tax) -

That's true - Science was conducted by elites, who used their own money. Now, science is a job - some scientists don't think much about tax payers' benefit. My point was to hope the public start to 解讀屠呦呦施一公, like science - that's really 中國崛起. Scientists need to take the responsibility to explain to tax payers - Whatever taken will be getting back to tax payers in what way - let the public trust scientists.
刪除回複[7]鄒謀炎 2015-10-20 23:50
博主回複(2015-10-30 13:24)科學家也是納稅人! That's true, but how much tax a scientist pay? How much a scientist use? That proportion takes the obligation! If a scientist use more than he pays - that carry the obligation!

You're 納稅人 - I can see your point and your frustration - that's what I intended to say in the post -

That's true - Science was conducted by elites, who used their own money. Now, science is a job - some scientists don't think much about tax payers' benefit. My point was to hope the public start to 解讀屠呦呦施一公, like science - that's really 中國崛起. Scientists need to take the responsibility to explain to tax payers - Whatever taken will be getting back to tax payers in what way - let the public trust scientists.
刪除回複[6]loyalSciencefan 2015-10-20 18:45
博主回複(2015-10-30 13:26)That's true, but how much tax does a scientist pay? How much does a scientist use? That proportion takes the obligation! If a scientist uses more than he pays - carrying the obligation!

You're 納稅人 - I can see your point and your frustration - that's what I intended to say in the post -

That's true - Science was conducted by elites, who used their own money. Now, science is a job - some scientists don't think much about tax payers' benefit. My point was to hope the public start to 解讀屠呦呦施一公, like science - that's really 中國崛起. Scientists need to take the responsibility to explain to tax payers - Whatever taken will be getting back to tax payers in what way - let the public trust scientists.
刪除回複[5]lichunjie08 2015-10-20 15:30
博主回複(2015-10-30 13:12)That's true - Science was conducted by elites, who used their own money. Now, science is a job - some scientists don't think much about tax payers' benefit. My point was to hope the public start to 解讀屠呦呦施一公, like science - that's really 中國崛起.
刪除回複[4]謝強 2015-10-20 14:53
博主回複(2015-10-30 13:12)That's true - Science was conducted by elites, who used their own money. Now, science is a job - some scientists don't think much about tax payers' benefit. My point was to hope the public start to 解讀屠呦呦施一公, like science - that's really 中國崛起.
刪除回複[3]wangqinling 2015-10-20 07:20
博主回複(2015-10-30 13:26)You're 納稅人 - I can see your point and your frustration - that's what I intended to say in the post -

That's true - Science was conducted by elites, who used their own money. Now, science is a job - some scientists don't think much about tax payers' benefit. My point was to hope the public start to 解讀屠呦呦施一公, like science - that's really 中國崛起. Scientists need to take the responsibility to explain to tax payers - Whatever taken will be getting back to tax payers in what way - let the public trust scientists.
刪除回複[2]張驥 2015-10-20 00:59
博主回複(2015-10-30 13:33)You're sharp! Well said! You got my point! 羊群效應理論(The Effect of Sheep Flock),也稱羊群行為(Herd Behavior)羊群心理 herd instinct: 從眾效應或樂隊花車效應(Bandwagon effect)是指人們受到多數人一致性思想或行動的影響,而跟從大眾的思想或行為,常被稱為「羊群效應」。 也稱“跟風效應”,英文中將其描述為:TheGreater-fool-Game,意為“下家都是比你更大的傻瓜”。“羊群效應”也叫“從眾效應”:是個人的觀念或行為由於真實的或想像的群體的影響或壓力,而向與多數人相一致的方向變化的現象。表現為對特定的或臨時的情境中的優勢觀念和行為方式的采納(隨潮)表現為對長期性的占優勢地位的觀念和行為方式的接受(順應風俗習慣)。人們會追隨大眾所同意的,將自己的意見默認否定,且不會主觀上思考事件的意義. 羊群是一種很散亂的組織,平時在一起也是盲目地左衝右撞,但一旦有一隻頭羊動起來,其他的羊也會不假思索地一哄而上,全然不顧前麵可能有狼或者不遠處有更好的草。因此,“羊群效應”就是比喻人都有一種從眾心理,從眾心理很容易導致盲從,而盲從往往會陷入騙局或遭到失敗。

You're 納稅人 - I can see your point and your frustration - that's what I intended to say in the post -

That's true - Science was conducted by elites, who used their own money. Now, science is a job - some scientists don't think much about tax payers' benefit. My point was to hope the public start to 解讀屠呦呦施一公, like science - that's really 中國崛起. Scientists need to take the responsibility to explain to tax payers - Whatever taken will be getting back to tax payers in what way - let the public trust scientists.
刪除回複[1]吳飛鵬 2015-10-19 16:46
博主回複(2015-10-30 13:11)That's true - Science was conducted by elites, who used their own money. Now, science is a job - some scientists don't think much about tax payers' benefit. My point was to hope the public start to 解讀屠呦呦施一公, like science - that's really 中國崛起.
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